Is Orville canon? edition
Is sexy manly Icheb?
>Trip is giving orders to a future captain
bark bark
Orville is just so bland, I don't know what you see in it.
>CBS forced to incorporate The Orville into their twee astroturfthreads
>twee astroturfthreads
Have no clue what this means.
It's the guy who hates this general on principle, he's now found a new avenue of attack.
>It's the guy who hates this general on principle
incredibly grim dead end in a life
Well someone used to spam MLP stuff all day before captchas were put into place
>ay ese, you come to the wrong neighborhood and shit holmes
what exactly was the point of this?
countdown to ST Diversity?
Patrick Stewart directed that episode
Data and Worf's actors kept making mistakes on purpose to fuck with him because he was an angry autistic when people couldn't deliver his vision
>muh wimmin
>boldly go where no woman has gone before
Well first it was threshold now it's the whole show fuck.
They're just fucking with fans now. They can't be this ignorant of Star Trek.
Main woman said she's the first black lead of an ST series
they literally don't give a fuck
There is exactly ONE interview where she is quoted as saying that, and it's the least fact-checked interview in this entire marketing blitz.
>the author lists her character as the Captain when she's only the First Officer
>the author thinks that Picard and Riker come from the movies
>the author thinks that the franchise is named "Starfleet" and not "Star Trek"
I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she was misquoted.
Link to that interview?
Is it the same one from the other night?
I think the author's name was Gillespie, a British news outlet.
It was one of the worst fact-checked articles I'd ever read in my life. Fucking embarrassingly bad.
They fixed the quotation but kept every other mistake.
Yes, this is what I'm talking about.
We really are entering the "facts are relative" age. The way they've completely disregarded a FICTIONAL show, as though it were important to make it's diversity points as powerful as possible by forgetting it's past is actually proof that it's being used as leftist propaganda.
Bare with me on this, you see how multiple media make statements like "first black captain", "first female", "woman going boldy where no woman has gone before", etc. etc.
I think they just want the headline to somehow get into the mainstream conscious, which doesn't care about the show, just what it's about/what are it's main subject matter and how "groundbreaking" the characters are.
why was he so based?
a man goes to great lengths to get a decent dinner
Ahhhhh, Kirk... my old friend... are you familiar with the Glorious Nippon proverb which tells us that sore ga ore mo nindo da? It's been a long time, Aaadmiral... and that anime library which you loaned me was very small, Aaaaadmiral... yesss... very small indeeeeed...
Orville sucks dick. Not watching any more of it.
You think Wildman gapes his asshole with her horns?
>grown up Naomi Wildman
Who did it better?
>Doc and Kess not beside each other.
Damn this picture is kinda sad besides Tuvock and Harry's super fag smiles.
What an odd, odd photo this is.
>Picardo and Phillips look normal enough
>Scarlett dressed like the goth girl she is
>some odd ball w/ hands over crotch and a DUDE WEED shirt
>Tim Russ lookin' like the "YOU GON' GET RAPED" guy
>Garrett in full fake smile mode
>Jennifer Lien: (only the dead can no peace from this horror)
Makes me want to Trek through the Stars.
T-Minus 40 Hours I think
Can't wait for the shit storm
lol in this scene from season 2, Quark is literally dead and Bashir's doing the chest defibrillation in the background..
..while sisko, odo, and kira have a casual conversation about the possible suspects
What would you prefer they be doing instead?
They're a cop, a retired terrorist and a military officer, if they tried to help they'd just get in the doctor's way.
It's more canon than STD
>What would you prefer they be doing instead?
Are you okay? Why are you on the defensive? I just thought the way the scene was shot that it was rather funny; the juxtaposition of those two aspects of the scene.
>Why are you on the defensive?
Why are you, I just asked a question
Am I allowed to like both Star Trek and Orville?
>What would you prefer they be doing instead?
What about my original post suggested I thought they shouldn't be doing what they were doing?
Just pointing out that the scene was unintentionally pretty funny.
Now go calm down please.
No. We /cola wars/ now, it's one or the other
He's called eejit, dumbass
>how dare you respond to me on my private Sup Forums blog
Star Trek was always leftist propaganda.
Gene went out of his way to include minorities in the casting of TOS, and the general trend for ethnically diverse casts continued throughout the later series. Voyager was especially guilty of this, where the writers were often afraid to write Janeway with flaws since they felt it would undermine a female captain, or the borderline racist caricature Chakotay got. The same shit if happening with STD, except they're just patting themselves on the back more over it.
And people are concerned that STD is going to fuck with canon? That ship sailed with Enterprise. I'll be surprised if we could have worse writing than Brannon and Braga. If anything I'm worried they're going to turn Star Trek into some generic action show to appeal to the JJ Abrams fans rather than the preachy psudeo-commie moralist messages that Trek should be about.
>unintentionally pretty funny
It's been awhile since I saw the episodes, but I don't think it's unintentionally funny. Quite the opposite.
There's no real reason for them to be invested in Quark's fate, especially when none of them even like him that much, and they don't professionally need to either.
>It's been awhile since I saw the episodes, but I don't think it's unintentionally funny. Quite the opposite.
I'm not talking about in-character relationships or what they feel towards Quark, you fucking dope, I literally just watched the scene. I'm talking about the absurd nature of coolly talking to one another in a casual manner about potential suspects for the guy they are mere feet from chest defibrillation and Bashir yelling "I need 20ccs..!"
Seriously, seek some fucking help.
Sounds like you are the one in need of help, user...
seth...easy on the whateveryoueat
>point out a funny scene, describe why it's funny
>"You think they should be doing something else? Dude, lemme guess, they should be doing the Heimlich on him?"
You exist to grief where there is no need for it. You create problems instead of conversating like a normal person.
I think I gotta go with Orville. I already like the characters, and I know what I'm getting. Plus, I'm happy Seth tuned down his crappy humor and is trying to pay more homage to TNG.
People are trying to point out why the scene ISN'T unintentinally funny or absurd, but you are too autistic to understand it? I don't know what else to say, honestly.
>this very subtle allegory for the AIDS epidemic
Damn, ENT is handling this extremely sensitive subject in a dignified and classy way, I barely even noticed the subject matter as they beat me over the head with it like a sledgehammer
no it isn't
>we take great pride in our ability to control our emotions
But pride is an emotion you fucking faggot Vulcan
You aren't people, quit pretending that you've got some little army. I LITERALLY just watched the scene, old man. I explained a very funny and absurd scenario that was unintended. You are low IQ guppy who doesn't understand it so maybe you should leave the thread, old man.
You are a senile old man who doesn't understand basic humor.
>absurd nature of coolly talking to one another in a casual manner about potential suspects for the guy they are mere feet from chest defibrillation and Bashir yelling "I need 20ccs..!"
Shots cost money people so just stand right there for your next lines. Siddig just go do doctor shit in the background........perfection.
Yeah its fucking silly.
My source is /trek/, I think it may have been Bashirfaggot after the vegas convention
isn't she a female to male? vulcan to human? I'm still so very confused about that one aspect.
She's a woman, but is called Michael because Spock's dad is an asshole who gave her a human boy's name
At least two people have responded to you. And really, what's YOUR problem? Young boy.
All of the characters are professionals, and don't even like Quark. Why should they care? What else should they be doing?
Either you really are autistic, or you don't even undestand what "unintentional" means.
sure but don't confuse the latter for the former
I want off this ride, it was still a bit fun to laugh at the new klingz but the comedy overstayed its welcome and now it's becoming tragic
>At least two people have responded to you. And really, what's YOUR problem? Young boy.
No, this is all on you. Be a big boy and stand up on your own two feet. There never was a problem, but you did a good job in finding one, because it's in your nature to parse some negative context out of the most innocuous posts (or probably to create grief where none exists) so you created a new context that was never inferred from my original post.
>All of the characters are professionals, and don't even like Quark. Why should they care? What else should they be doing?
None of this was material to my first post and, since you have trouble with reading comprehension, you gormless old toad, I'll state it again. The situation was funny and I'm not the only one who thinks so. It's straight out of Naked Gun, but a drooling old fuck like you seems to have missed the basic concepts of humor.
>Either you really are autistic, or you don't even undestand what "unintentional" means.
I think you've proven that and context and reading comprehension are elements of language that have evaded you.
Are you happy? I pointed out a pretty funny scene, and since you misinterpreted and weren't even watching it, you embarrassed yourself acted like the drunk dumbass at the wedding.
Michael was occasionally used as a female name in the recent past, so this isn't being as gender progressive as they think.
>its a janeway commits genocide for a cup of coffee episode
>It's straight out of Naked Gun
So now you are saying it WASN'T unintentionally funny?
You are not making any sense... but your butthurt replies ARE funny, at least to me.
>So now you are saying it WASN'T unintentionally funny?
Oh come now, you know exactly what I mean, that's why you appended a laughing girls jpg and shifted tactics. The writers didn't intend it to be funny but the end product was like that of a scene out of Naked Gun. So yes it was very unintentionally funny.
>You are not making any sense... but your butthurt replies ARE funny, at least to me.
Well now you've shifted into disingenuous and obvious mode. You lack the temerity to stand with your original post and, in doing so, leave me less upset. But I do know your first post was intended (just so you know that's the opposite of unintended). And I do know you are lonely old man with nothing to looking forward to in your life, not even Trek or games. A bleak, hollow life you lead, relegated to being an imp on an imageboard in your middle age.
>meet Klingons in the delta quadrant, because why not lmao
>they decide B'Ellana's baby is Klingon jesus
Man they must have known they were cancelled at this point and had stopped giving a fuck
I've never heard of a woman named Michael.
Are you sure you're not thinking Michelle?
she's just called michael because bryan fuller is a mental case
Jason Isaacs and the malaysian lady look the part
the guy on the right though looks like a gormless retard
>not just primary colors anymore
>Ops, Science and Command are now ranked Bronze, silver and Gold
I bet engineers feel like shit in this Trek
>Oh come now, you know exactly what I mean
No, I don't. The Naked gun movies are comedies, thus they are intentinally funny.
>The writers didn't intend it to be funny
My memory of the scene is a bit hazy, but I believe you are just plain wrong. The scene plays out exactly like it was intented. The situation is absurd, but they characters are all acting in a logical manner.
>ad hominem after ad hominem
No idea what you are trying to accomplish here. Not to mention referring to "my first post" is a bit dubious, because several people have responded to you.
But do continue to sperg out, if you want. It IS mildly funny.
>20 years later
>still abusing push up bras to hide her pathetic tits
hey if I had small crappy tits I'd do my best to make them look better
>No, I don't.
So now you're pretending like you can't even understand me, getting lost in your own web of lies. They are intentionally funny, but the scene in Quark's bar was not, hence the word unintended.
>My memory of the scene is a bit hazy, but I believe you are just plain wrong.
You can't even remember the scene and now you misinterpret it and act holier than thou whilst also bellowing disingenuously. You've lost yet another forced argument that you yourself got into out of your own lack of understanding when it comes to language.
>The scene plays out exactly like it was intented. The situation is absurd, but they characters are all acting in a logical manner.
Exactly why it was funny. But if you truly don't know this then you don't remember the scene or are using selectively biased interpretation thereof to skew the reality of it. I'll use your tactic of appealing to numbers, this poster agrees with me () just in case you decide to pull the "humor is subjective" card.
>No idea what you are trying to accomplish here. Not to mention referring to "my first post" is a bit dubious, because several people have responded to you.
I don't know that it's no one but yourself replying to me. And since you've already lied twice once I pointed it out, you can't be trusted anymore. Not that I ever trusted your intentions by your second post but I knew you'd eventually coax yourself into a snafu as always.
This is just embarrassing because at least I've used context and literally just watched the scene, you, on the other hand, went off the rails here when I explicated it perfectly () and now are digging yourself further into faulty logic.
And I do like sticking it in because you of all people deserve it here. You've outed yourself now as someone he just seeks discord () but only when they get called out for their stupidity.
Leave the general for good, others have repeatedly enjoyed when I make a mockery of you. I do quite enjoy it.
Were they trying to spark a tranny/feminist war with that last episode?
>Neelix bagged a Klingon in Tuvok's bed
holy fuck.
guess ill just wait for the next general. try not to ruin that one too
T. Fox shill
This user had an opinion, and he called a shill
fuck Sup Forums is a fucking shitshow
>you misinterpret it and act holier than thou whilst
>And since you've already lied twice once I pointed it out, you can't be trusted anymore.
>You've outed yourself now as someone he just seeks discord
>others have repeatedly enjoyed when I make a mockery of you. I do quite enjoy it.
Children of Bajor, Kira at Bashi.
Kira's mother, Gul Dukat. Darmok and Jalad on the ocean. Kira's mother, her legs wide open.
Mirab, with sails unfurled.
>hundreds of years into the future
>people still use those plastic spray things
It's so fucking ridiculous but I still kinda love it.
and that user talk shit. fuck that was annoying stuff.
I'm going ot wait a few more weeks to get a couple of episodes so i can watch to make an opinion of this show. I just dont like Seth mcfarlane. he's like the sleazy manager of a dairy queen that somehow got a job in hollywood making shows.
that was a stupid premise.
Garak and bashir in the bedroom
I can't believe Naomi Wildman is doing porn now, fucking amazing videos.
Michelle yeoh is gonna be fucking wasted in this isn't she?
is the indian guy an alien? if not where is his chin?
I haven't kept up with Discovery news.
Which role does the token black guy have this time?
why do they all have lazy eyes
Do you think the Orville will have a sister ship named the Wilbur?