So after we spent 6 billion on Turkey for a flawed deal that isn't doing much and is mainly used against us to demand EU entrance and visa-less travel. We decided to spend 350 million to give over 1 million refugees in Turkey a monthly payment on a nice little debit card.
Clearly this will be monthly and the spending will grow and continue past this 350 million
The Eu is a fucking money drain. Meanwhile 1 family our of 3 in Italy cannot afford to provide their kids with a protein based meal per week. Fuck Europe
Adrian Walker
Fuck Italy.
Juan Brown
Nuke every Western European capital. That should lessen all those problems to the point where it gets easy to deal with the rest.
Gavin Hughes
I fail to comprehend what is keeping us Turkey's bitch? Why would we give them 6 billion because they need to be "compensated for all they do for refugees" and then give them even more on top of that?
nuke Brussels during office hours. 10,000 Eurocrats less.
David Hernandez
Turns out the EU was intended all along to fund and maintain a mass invasion of muslim refugees into the major European countries to breed out the local populations and spread Islam throughout the continent
Josiah Turner
No way!
Gavin Green
lol enjoy you caliphate, shitskin Because Germany is Turkey's bitch thanks to mass migration of turks and they fear an uprising
Ryan Diaz
>I fail to comprehend what is keeping us Turkey's bitch? They have strategic value because of their geographical location. Nothing else.
If we ever manage to get rid of our dependence on oil and can thus stop giving a shit about the middle east they will immediately turn into another literally who country
Jason Gutierrez
But technically speaking there aren't even 'that' many Turks in Germany, and compared to other ethnicities they are some of the 'more' integrated and 'peaceful' ones?
Chill. Why infight with other Europeans who suffer from the same invasion the rest of us is. There's one common goal.