Why does Hollywood hate him bros
Why does Hollywood hate him bros
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He tells the truth and Hollywood is a city of lies.
He tore up TPP and is robbing them of cheap foreign labor.
hes a mean guy
J_ _ _
He probably developed his yuge ego by spending time around idiot elites. Anybody would seem like a genius around people like fucking Dicaprio.
He fat lole
they spread exaggerated half-truths about him painting him as the next hitler, and then i think they fell for their own hype and started believing it. i fell for it too desu. i voted for him thinking he was a white supremacist.
I honestly believe that they want to die and are testing societies boundaries until they react and mass murder them
Did you even stop to remember the holocaust before posting that antisemitic filth?
Jews are semitic. Not antisemitic.
I don't know. He's not any more of a lout than Casey Affleck, who they gave an Oscar too, or more of a pervert than Roman Polanski, who they gave an Oscar too, and when it comes to policy, he's really more of a moderate democrat, but there's a narrative, and they're sticking to it.
why not both?
if only he was alive today
Hollywood would rather support North-Korea than say something nice about this guy.
Jews love him though
What went so wrong?
what happened to colbert that sent him off the deep end? is he just cynically pandering?
who doesn't hate him aside from magapede redditors?
he's broken pretty much every promise he made in the campaign
catholics are retarded
its like being a good goy who takes orders from a randomly generated globalist and makes you goto church where the priest is some guy from vietnam or africa
i wish my parents raised me anglican at least, catholicism is such a joke
Yes. I don't like him. I wish we had Cruz, or Rand Paul. I still prefer him to Hillary, but he's not a whole lot better.
It's all an illusion too, these actors and hollywood bigwigs think time and time again that they still have influence over people. this isn't the 60s or 70s, institutional trust is at an all time low across the board, nobody trusts the elites,
Most people hate rapists.
I was so disappointed. I actually believed mexicans would start getting dumped out of the country by the hundreds of thousands.
Wrong, kiddo. At least keep your facts straight.
But Hollywood doesn't.
Hollywood is a tool of the globalist elites to brainwash and enslave the population
You can't do much with either Democrats, neo-cons or some Californian judge blocking all your decisions. Jews are so heavily nested in America that it's almost impossible to get anything done.
So? It was unlike he was going to fulfill every single one of his promises. But outright he didn't keep any of his promises is just false.
*drops mic*cim spord*
*drops mic*
Fuck off, Sup Forums
avant-garde memeing
any time i spot check a name on these it actually comes up jewish. amazing.
In Trump's defense, she deserved it.