There is nothing more overrated than so-called "classic" Simpsons.
There is nothing more overrated than so-called "classic" Simpsons
Other urls found in this thread:
season 5 is the best thing ever shown on tv
reminder, sneed poster is an underage indian spammer from /asp/
Look at this. He actually believes this.
For you.
And he literally rules your lives.
was it autism?
There's nothing more cancerous to humanity than the underagers of this generation
I'm replying to one right now and man it's fucking ugly
This. Leave me and my middle age friends alone to share our simpsons facebook memes here
Your opinion of yourself is
Haha burned!
There are so many different types of hostile shit posting threads on Sup Forums. One of the most popular is the "hey that thing you like is crap" bait thread.
The intention is to insult the opinions of others to draw them into a conflict based discussion. This will eventually degrade into open name calling with both sides of the discussion becoming angry.
At the root of this phenomenon is a desperate need for the OP to be recognized, to experience human interaction, even if it's only negative. This is much like a child who throws a tantrum just to get attention.
Name a sitcom better than Simpsons seasons 3-8.
said every generation ever
>no real proof
anti-sneed get out
None of them were wrong.
the finest of reddit comebacks
There's nothing I love more than smug armchair psychology about Sup Forums posts.
Nah I can literally recall the episode that made me think "wtf happened to the simpsons" it was an episode where Homer suddenly started doing drugs. I mean wtf.
I usually agree that people exaggerate when it comes to shows. Declaring that the first seasons were glorious and everything after utter dog shit, while it stayed relatively the same. But the Simpsons deffinately changed drastically.
>Lisa S. needs braces!
Why did Homer remember it wrong?
now we just wait for some witty sneedposter to rebut you
the sheer fucking effort
Is she really that bad?
More like sneedsons
Prove him wrong buddy.
Does season 11 belong in the classic period?
Pic related, a great joke from one of the season 11 episodes
wait till you see season 3 of Rick and Morty
they peaked 2 seasons in
The classic period ends at season 6.
In terms of quality, Rick and Morty is way more overrated.
I used to be with it,
I just hope Sneed and Chuck are benevolent.
Formerly Chuck's
the best Simpsons jokes are the best jokes to be ever aired on television. The characters were relatable and lovable.
What did sneed mean by this?
Did he fuck and suck her?
he fed her with seed
>formerly chucks
okay you got me
>Formerly Chuck's (town)
i used to include up to 8 but by then they were already making jokes about how long the show had been running.