ITT: VIdya that should be adapted into pure KINO
ITT: VIdya that should be adapted into pure KINO
lovecraftian kino
literally nothing lovecraftian about the game, dumbfuck
KOTOR is just a reskin of the OT. The only good thing about it was that you could be an evil prick.
Its almost Kafkaesque... even Lynchian at times.
i think its the lovecraftian horror game we've all been waiting for. it really has some good lovecraftian elements.
stop making this thread
more like PhilipKDickian
There is a giant squid in the game. Just like chutulu
Almost Dickensian in its exploration of the themes
whatcha gonna do about it, fuccboi
Sound good, doesn't work
a video game is the perfect medium for that story
>playing video games
Love BioShock, but I don't think it can be turned into a movie. A lot of what makes the Shock games so great is that they tell their story through audiologs, and it's hard to replicate that in film. They'd need to make a completely different story with the same themes and vocal points for it to work properly imo.
Damn I wanted to pretend that I wouldn't fuck her because of some stupid reason like her elbows are too pointy or some other bullshit reason but she is literally perfect.