2hr 43m

>2hr 43m

kino incoming

>Denis ‘one good movie’ villeneuve
>Ryan ‘wanna fight’ gosling
>Harrison ‘pay me up front’ Ford
>Jared ‘damaged’ Leto
>riding an already dead meme wave of retrofuturism and notstalgia
>$185 million budget
>2hrs 43 mins

What were they thinking?

>Shit remake for an overrated movie

>riding an already dead meme wave of retrofuturism and notstalgia
vaporwave will never die


Fucking love how butthurt it has already made Sup Forums's miserable fucks. I have day 1 tickets. Had a dream last night where I was getting ready for the film to start.

How is he walking on mars without a suit? wtf

God damn, that's a long time, I would have to buy 2 buckets of popcorn

so why is the main theme color that orange hue instead of the cool dark foggy blue we so loved?


>paying to watch garbage
>shitposting on Sup Forums
get an actual life or something kiddo

I'm not a child. I like long movies.

Looks like a dumb action film, not noir.

>implying length = kino

I bet you typed that one out without realizing the irony.

I like how subtle the colour-grading is, very tasteful

I want to make her butt hurt

What's his one good movie?

The one with the girl who is married to that guy in the office

Is it me or does that dude and his car look terrible for anybody? They pop way too much making them look pasted into the scene.

>your dreams are as mediocre as your life

>Tfw no giant gf
Why bother living bros?

CGI does nothing for me. Oh, to be 19 again and get turned on by anime sex scenes:/

I just want to paint a girl with pink glowstick juice in a dark room

more like
>Harrison "Hanes" Ford

>Sicario is the best Denis movie

Oh, to be a faggot on an anonymous imageboard again.

Oh wait, I've never been there.

>normies don't know the feel of having literally your greatest fantasy unattainable completely

Villeneuve never made a single bad movie.
Mediocre maybe, but never outright bad.

Smear campaign disinformation. Pretend Villeneuve was never good when his track record is fucking impressive. The state of this fucking board.

Kek fuck off shill.
That post said 1 good movie not all bad movies moron. I'm putting you on shill alert.

>muh shills
get a real argument loser. Prisoners, Enemy, and Sicario are all good

My suspicion validated. Thanks for replying. Now I know.

don't worry bro, we'll get there one day

it's impressive if you're a capeshitter pleb

T. Shill

>capital t
spotted the outsider

He hasn't even made capeshit you deluded moron. Why are you still here?

>the state of this board
I wish talking about movies was banned on Sup Forums.

he is a robot

I'm crashing this board with no survivor

This board has become a joke. This is "It" threads all over again with every thread going on about what a failure it's going to be. And then they will be nowhere in sight when the film is out. I don't know who the fuck these people are who plague this board with this neverending shit.

It's the same fucking greentext every thread too. Who the fuck does this? Same shitposts every thread every day.

trying to cash in to that sweet mad max bandwagon

Fuck off shill. Nobody cares about your blockbuster shit.

>Harrison ‘pay me up front’ Ford
But he's right. The new Blade Runner is gonna sucks and I hope it flops hard

rew ffwd

You apparently do since you're posting the same pastas in every thread made. What makes you so obsessed with this film?

t. seething that It didn't flop

Yeah yeah it will flop the same way you predicted It would flop. Now fuck off and don't come back to this board you Reddit-browsing fuckface.

IT is normie garbage

Blade Runner deserves more

You mistaken me with someone else fag. I haven't been on here for weeks. I'm just doing my part outing all the shill threads.

Why so butthurt?

t. phoneposter

I'm sure you haven't you coward fuck. Can't even stand for your shitposting, which is even worse than just shitposting. Choke on your own shit.

>can't understand simple english
>calls others morons
Not surprising that you find Villeneuve's films impressive.

Your English consisting of retarded meme words that has no bearing whatsoever on the conversation at all but you hope will gain you an upper hand due to the sheer absurdity of the shit you post.

I'm going to have to take my backup piss jug to the cinema. Will be too busy to piss on the seats.

Disgusting. This is Sup Forums. A bunch of children hating on everything to feel important. Were are the old, great discussions?

>Is anyone else sick of sequels? Hollywood has no originally anymore
>Kino incoming boys!

Hypocrite fucks.

>all of Sup Forums is just one person
Actually it's true, all of this board is me talking to myself.

It died like two years ago

You mean the normies tired of it

It's Las Vegas

>Ryan Gosling

all interest gone. this is just a cookie cutter cash grab

>Being this mad

this looks like bladerunner x macross

Why don't you just eat your own shit beforehand?

How can it be a sequel? He's a replicant, he should've been dead
Or is it a prequel and that's the original cop that got copied after?

wow a naked hologram woman so brave and sexy bravo

How is this movie a good idea? Anything with Harrison Ford in the last 10 years was horrible. Not having him is the first prerequisite for this not being shit.

>normies tired of it