Holy shit this cutie is 51 years old

Holy shit this cutie is 51 years old

Black don't crack.

Catwoman effectively killed her career.

black smoke crack

she takes pictures of herself on the toilet at 51

Her making guacamole with her tits was the best part of Movie 43

>merlin didn't get to bone this goddess

imagine being so ashamed of your 2 inch dick and your disgusting inbreeding race that you have to say stupid shit like this

Her makeup don't crack.

>2 inch
it's 8.2 actually
try again negro

There is only so much makeup you can put on a person to hide their age

Just look at any 50+ year old white actress... or hell even Maggie Gyllenhaal

Why? That's pretty absurd it's not like Catwoman was a controversial movie. Nobody gives a fuck about the character.

>lying on the internet

Catwoman flopped at a time where star power was the single most powerful force in Hollywood. If your name was attached to something and it flopped, you flopped with it. Nowadays, stuff like Fan4stic doesn't even remotely affect actors like Michael B Jordan or Miles Teller

>being this jealous

looks like a planet of the ape

she has a more European face shape than a lot of white hollywood actresses

Why she have to have such a goddamn awful haircut in DAD. Truly a tragedy.



>this thread

and people actually say it's the Sup Forums posters crying lmfao

Daily reminder that the president did
A few highly functioning white people would be a small price for getting rid of almost all the niggers, spics and other degenerates

>Halle Berry had to make child support payments to her white model husband who is the father of their child