Heard you guys were talking shit about Hillary's health

Heard you guys were talking shit about Hillary's health.

Maybe people wouldn't make such a big deal out of it if the Clinton camp stopped denying fucking EVERYTHING? Like, the whole "pollen allergy" excuse sounded ridiculous as fuck because a pollen allergy doesn't make you cough like that. Why not just say she has a cold and be done with it? The fact that they're trying so hard to deny even minor health issues like that just makes people more suspicious about it.

I'm skurred man.

"""cough drop"""

>The media is alright with making fun of Donald Trump eating a piece of fried chicken with a fork
>The media hates when people question Hillarys health and censor anyone who asks even popular television doctor shows

Hmmmm.... really got my neurons firing

That kind of cough comes from congestive heart failure... Her heart is too weak to remove the water from her lungs.

Sounds like a threat.

Are they such sycophants in the media that they will allow the indignity of being threatened without comment?

Yes, the DNC directs CNN.


>warns the media
>"Watch your fucking mouth or you'll suicide."

an inside source said she contracted throat herpes from a wiener infected mudpussy

If Tru p said that, media would be throwing a fit about freedom of the press.

My cat died of that

>Better be careful fuccbois, it'd be a shame if you shot yourself in the back of the head 3 times or something

she was laying her egss and needed a moist environment for them

Is that a Pepe of the kid who climbed Trump Tower?


Yes, they are.

Is the headline of that article threatening to suicide people?

Any of you guys talking about Hillarys health Christians that own firearms aka Public Enemy #1 on the Alinsky hit list.

Poor Greta...