why dont they make movies like this anymore?
Why dont they make movies like this anymore?
Too much PC. This movie can never be made in the political environment we live in today.
What is a "movie like this" to you OP? A crimelord movie? Because they make those all the fucking time.
Narcos for instance, the TV show about drug lord Pablo Escobar, just finished its 3rd season and is likely to be renewed for a 4th.
Name 5 (five) movies or shows that equal Scarface. I'll wait.
Are you kidding? They make dozens of overlong remakes about nothing with excessive violence and shitty acting every year.
Equal in terms of what? Content? Like I already expressed, it's very unclear what a "movie like this" is meant to mean in the first place.
i mean an absolute masterpiece of modern filmaking that is praised by critics but does not involve diversity hires and anti-white narratives
scarface isnt that good
iconic yes
but not good
>does not involve diversity hires and anti-white narratives
Have you even seen Scarface? Just kys.
Narcos is extremely tame compared to Scarface though.
>absolute masterpiece
Well, I guess quality is subjetive...
It's from 1983 how the fuck is it modern...
>praised by critics
Are you kidding? Critical opinion on this film is incredibly divided. Many big name critics hate this movie. At the time of its release it was essentially panned across the board.
What the fuck are you talking about lmfao
Whatever happened to Brian de Palma anyway?
I loved his coming up story, but after Tony reached the top the movie wasn't as fun. I know they were showing his full arc from rise to fall, still the rise part was the best. Are there any movies that focus mostly on the rise of a criminal instead of their inevitable end?
>A film about an ethnic immigrant with questionable morals who immediately becomes embroiled in organised crime.
Good luck making that today hahahahaha
I don't know how come recently there are so many Scarface threads so I find myself repeating over and over what I say.
>What is a "movie like this" to you OP?
Obviously not OP, but Scarface is nothing like Narcos(or better Narcos is nothing like Scarface). Hawks' Scarface was made in 32 about what was the problem back then, capone-like gangsters. De Palma's Scarface was made in 83 about what would be the problem then, druglords. I don't know what would be today's problem, but that's what makes Scarface so unique IMO, it has deep roots to its own era, the aesthetic and story are strongly related to the time of its creation.
Spring Breakers is the modern day Scarface.
I think it's because of the lack of talent in Hollywood.
He's got a movie coming out next year starring best boy. Other than that idk, he has kept relatively busy, just low key.
>Well, I guess quality is subjetive...
It is, but can you explain why you didn't like it? High quality acting, great characters, amazing story, great depth. The only reason some people think it's not that 'Oscar worthy' is because the movie has as much humor as there is drama in it. Not like the Godfather 1,2 who are entirely drama driven.
>Are you kidding? Critical opinion on this film is incredibly divided. Many big name critics hate this movie.
Absolute bullshit. Who are these "big name critics" that hate teh movie today? Are they made up or are they named 'Shekelstein'?
>At the time of its release it was essentially panned across the board.
It was a box office hit and the reason it was panned by critics was because of the high violence and gory scenes in it (well, duh, it's about Hispanic drug dealers).
> masterpiece
its a seriously dumb movie
It survives on the strength of its impact on popular culture, and its undying quotability, not its quality as a film.
related: youtube.com
You're 14 years old.
It's fine user, but an "absolute masterpiece"? Why? What to you, makes this movie stand out so much?
Please try to explain in detail rather than just cinema-related nouns coupled with positive adjectives.
Cubans aren't white.
he's probably a GTA Vice City kiddo, and has an ugodly association/reverence for the two
I searched it up and found out this (which is more than one year old).
It's sad tbqh
You do realize that 1983 scarface is just a shitty remake of a 30s gangster flick, right?
100% autism.
Guy can't even say ''fuck''.
Fuck off, faggot. It's a great film, stop trying to act all contrarian and like. Give me your examples of some 'great ganster movies' or movies in general.
Plenty of things - the dialogue, the characters, the realism in it (it depicts the violent drug trade perfectly), the music, the humor, the drama, etc. Basically everything you can think off the film did well. I can't sit and give you a detailed analysis on Tony Montana's character or on Sosa because that will take me way too fucking long and I don't have the time nor the desire to write that shit.
Nice try, my first GTA game was San Andreas and even though I like GTA, they are definitely not games I would call amazing.
Training Day.
Meme day. A good movie, but really nothing special. Amazing performance by Denzel and that's really the only thing anyone can say about the movie. What did you like it in? (aside from Denzel and his character, I guess)
>does not involve diversity hires and anti-white narratives
>Guy can't even say ''fuck''.
thats because it was on a radio show, moron.
>A crimelord movie?
A good crimelord movie
But what makes the "dialogue, characters... humor and music and drama etc." good? How is it realistic? How does it depict the drug trade perfectly? How do you know what the drug trade in the 80s was even like?
Like I said, not just cinema-related nouns coupled with positive adjectives. We get that you like the movie. This kind of argument is pointless. I can literally take this post, replace two positive adjectives with negative adjectives, and it changes entirely. That's how vague it is. Watch:
>Plenty of things - the dialogue, the characters, the realism in it (it depicts the violent drug trade poorly), the music, the humor, the drama, etc. Basically everything you can think off the film did badly.
Why would you drink alcohol if you had unlimited cocaine?
American Gangster.
Hell it's basically Scarface if Scarface (1983) was actually well made and well acted. May as well be a re-imagining of the original story.
So what? The guy is pure autism even without the 'f-word'.
>But what makes the "dialogue, characters... humor and music and drama etc." good? How is it realistic? How does it depict the drug trade perfectly? How do you know what the drug trade in the 80s was even like?
Because I've read on it plenty.
>Like I said, not just cinema-related nouns coupled with positive adjectives. We get that you like the movie. This kind of argument is pointless. I can literally take this post, replace two positive adjectives with negative adjectives, and it changes entirely. That's how vague it is. Watch:
Sigh... I guess everyone has the right to an opinion, no matter how shit it is. I said I don't have the desire to go into detail why I like each one of the things I listed. Why don't you go into detail instead and explain to me why you didn't like the movie?
Shit movie. Goddamn... Sup Forums's taste. You probably liked Godfather III and didn't enjoy the first two.
Never seen The Godfather. Any of them. They good?
Scarface is a great movie. Its 3 hours long but feels like a 90 minute flick. Excess is best. Its a movie that takes its own advice. You just dont like it because of the rapper culture that clings to it.
I didn't not like the movie, user. It was a decent movie. An entertaining movie. I like Al Pacino as an actor, even though he has the tendency to overact big-time. I just asked you why you thought it was an absolute masterpiece. You don't really seem able to do that. I'm not sure you have a clue what you're talking about to be honest.
fantastic movies
Oh really? Here's what you said:
>Plenty of things - the dialogue, the characters, the realism in it (it depicts the violent drug trade poorly), the music, the humor, the drama, etc. Basically everything you can think off the film did badly.
So explain why (in detail) you didn't like those things? How is Al Pacino prone to overreacting, also? Explain, that too, in detail. And I know you won't and I really can't blame you for it because as I already explained - I have no intention of writing an essay into why I think Scarface is an amazaing movie because there is really no point in that. Even if I make valid arguments about everything I liked about it, it wouldn't change your opinion and it would only waste my time.
Third one is complete shit. The first two are one of the best movies ever made and the only ones that he should watch
Because they don't make filmmakers like De Palma or Stone anymore. It was written by a coke-addicted vietnam vet with PTSD and directed by a highly cinematically literate pervert who came up in Hollywood at the time when you could be experimental and still make it. They were people with personalities! Not unlike others who were around them at the time, like Milius, Coppola, Friedkin, Peckinpah, Cimino, even Carpenter, etc. film nerds with a European sensibility/influence yet self-aware of their own place in American film history as the transgressive children of the classic studio era, pissed off at social conformism and all the lies of the American dream yet still carrying a poetic vision of human nature. For a short while, the endless battle between art and commerce was won by the artists. Nowadays Hollywood is ran by suits who make sure they only hire people with no character, no life experiences, no vision of the world, no wit, nothing to say about anything, and who are easy to control or replace, anything that doesn't fit this mold gets filtered out.
Gofather 2
even Godfather fucking 3
scarface is really not that great desu
Shitty movies? They stil make them
One good thing I can say about Scarface: it inspired a lot of dumbass niggers to do stupid shit and get themselves killed.
>Shit movie. Goddamn
I'll fight you
lol how? pls explain
>Fucking Godfather 3
>better then Scarface
Not sure if srs.
Tell the truth, are you a nigger?
Scarface is the ultimate in manchild entertainment, only niggers and babbies worship it
What did OP mean by this?
casino and goodfellas are easily better. godfather 3 is a bit more controversial.
Because although it's a pretty good film about the rise of a criminal empire, it's second half becomes kinda redundant in a lot of parts and really not that interesting until he goes to NYC and everything after. I really think that the shit before that could have been changed and it would've been a better movie. Additionally, the true reason they don't make anything like Scarface is that a lot of the film is simply visual. The story, the acting, etc. pale in comparison to set design, costumes, and cinematography. This movie couldn't be made today because most people would be bored to tears watching it, especially being three hours.
Our problem are homicidal whores in bikinis?
Because Brian dePalma is dead.
I never understood why he needed that much sugar.
Are you an actual fucking moron, dude?
He always wore the same coat.
What is Pain & Gain
Who cares, his best films are barely decent.
>born in le wrong generation Xd
Scarface was a pretty shit movie aside from
OP's fresh off the boat from imdb
Remake inc