what would happen if Pennywise met a Cenobite Sup Forums, who would get scared first?
What would happen if Pennywise met a Cenobite Sup Forums, who would get scared first?
Pennywise is a physical being. Pinhead is effectively a demon or spirit. Pinhead is limited by the rules of the Lament Configuration, but within that structure, Pennywise is his bitch.
What do Cenobites fear?
Pennywise is an alien you absolute retard
that still means he's a physical being you absolute retard
Pennywise would probably conquer the entire cenobite dimension because he's a demigod that feasts on f
he takes multiple physical forms for fun you absolute retard
literally cannot die
except he totally dies if you "believe" you can kill him
just because he has multiple physical forms that doesn't mean he doesn't have a physical form
he will still come back 27 years later
he will never die for good
i think david lynch could make a great hellraiser reboot.
pennywise is a multiversal entity. Pincuck gets slaughtered
Well if a group of kids can beat that faggot clown then I guess cenobites can too
>tfw too much of a pussy to watch hellraiser
except he will just die to the adult version of the kids who killed him
Do some fucking reading before you shit up the board with lies
>But he and Richie successfully defeat It before the deadlights can impact Bill
oh look it died
Just do it, man. It's not a scary movie, it's just got a bunch of gross stuff and some ideas about some fucked up torture dimension or hell or something. It's also a pretty damn good movie.
>It's also a pretty damn good movie.
It said defeat idiot. No mention of death Not even them but you're a fool.
>Human can actually kill and vanquish Cenobite if they possess holy and magical weapon or artifact like in the case of Dr Paul Merchant who permanently kills Pinhead and all his cenobite cohorts using the Elysium Configuration.
Looks like your shitty cenobites are just as big of pussies and pennywise
shitty cinematic universes
None of them would be scared. But Pennywise would find an adversary he couldn't expect. And of course, the Cenobite would win.
i haven't seen hellraiser i just wanted to annoy these itspammers
defeat = death considering the book never got a sequel
but Dr Paul Merchant was the pinnacle of human achievement, the ones who killed the clown were a bunch of loser kids and later wagecucks
Is the message of Hellraiser that pursuing pleasure is dangerous? Pleasure as in short-term, hedonistic, carnal pleasure.
Also are the Cenobites in hell? Because they are humans, but they seem to have a lot of power even though they're in hell.
Are they suffering in their pain-pleasure dimension? Or are they having a great time?
Go watch it now, faggot. The first 4 Hellraiser only.
Why do people still think cenobites are malevolent beings? The box only opens through desire.
it's not really that scary or disturbing. the good news is that it's also quite shit so you're not really missing anything
my grandad did try to scar me for life when i was 5 by showing me scenes from horror movies and hellraiser was one of them and i feel like i've seen enough from just that
what's your point? that's the root of all evil in christianity as well, doesn't mean the devil is actually good
No, Hellraiser takes pleasure in pain. Hellraiser and Cenobites take their energy from the pain in the world. I don't know that they're actually in Hell or not though.
>Opinions differ about whether or not It could be killed merely with heavy firepower and weapons in It's physical form.
Looks like theres no real answer to this thread
me desu
Does Pennywise have a cock and balls? Nobody's tried kicking him in the nuts.
You can't hurt that which is already floating
I always see shit like this posted. How can you be scared of images on a screen? Youre a grown man.
Cenobites aren't actually from hell, you know.
WHo you callin pinhead?
Probably trying to toughen up his future faggot grandson.
not saying they are, just that the logic is equivalent
well it kinda worked im not scared easily but im still a huge faggot
Still, how is desire good? They desire pain, torture and sexual violence. And aren't they responsible for a bunch of deaths?
> t. Facebook discussion.
Your poor grandpa probably saw it before everyone. Queers were a mistake.
What the fuck is that!?!?!
They aren't?
I was lied to.
Frank and Julia were moral degenerates, yes.
Watch Hellraiser 2...and then don't watch any after that.
my dad was watching horror movies all day long on holidays and it scared me for life. I barely made it through IT
>except he totally dies if you "believe" you can kill him
So we just need some WH40K orcs.
>watch porn
get arroused
>watch horror movie
get scared
you know movies convey emotions pretty well
>Does Pennywise have a cock and balls?
Probably has a giant spider leg where its peepee shoud be.
he's a herm
Ok famalama-ding-dong
people who actively hate faggots are clearly bicurious
Its not the same thing. What are some scary movies user?
That's poor logic
Not being aroused by extreme perversity?
Except for the fact that pinhead got killed in hell and other cenobites got squashed by a little bit of debris
Who yuo calling pinhead?
Why dont faggots seem to accept that some people arent gay and actually just hate faggots
>the ring (US)
>pet cemetary (stopped watching when zelda showed up)
>the grudge (stopped watching immediatly)
Your parents failed you user.
and arachnophobes clearly want to fuck spiders
Ill check it out.
Being gay is a birth defect.
reboots made without Clive Barker's vision.
>pennywise/it can never be killed
that means pennywise/it will spend eternity in torment as cenobite's bitch plaything
i disagree. he'd have dozens of minor characters with odd, quirky personalities talking about nothing in particular for three hours, and none of them would even be able to find the puzzlebox much less open it. the cenobites might not even make an appearance.
try reading the novella it was made from, "The Hellbound Heart."
Are you one of those retarded youngfags that jumped on the twin peaks bandwagon?
according to Clive Barker, the message of Hellraiser is, obsession will change you, and not necessarily for the better.
no, i'm one of those retarded oldfags who endured Eraserhead, Dune, Inland Empire and a bunch of others i can't even be bothered remembering the names of, and who was invited to marathon all of the first run of Twin Peaks but left when he discovered there weren't going to be any pee breaks.
the best thing about David Lynch is that he isn't Allesandro Jodorowsky.
>later wagecucks
You obviously never read the book or seen the miniseries
The message is that Clive Barker is a homo into S&M
Clearly has a dick in all the fanfics I've read so far.
The dimension they dwell in is called Hell, m8.
I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a Christian Hell in a literal sense, tho. But it is "hell" of sorts.
>But Pennywise would find an adversary he couldn't expect.
I would unironically love to see that scene.
its great, do it
Watch it. At least first two.
That being said, to really convey the atmosphere you need to watch it on shitty TV with a VHS and with Russian translator that has a voice of an almost dead person with the severe bronchitis.
Without that, this shit isn't even half as scary.
I also tried to watch pic related and pussied out after 2 minutes. I accenditaly skipped forward and ended up watching a few seconds of a scene with a nurse and it still scares me just thinking about it.
> Six Books of Blood full of gay sex
> Several novels full of gay sex
hell is a place in Norway.
What went wrong when you were growing up?
please explain?
My shopping trolley murdered, my groceries just gone.
Is the Hellraiser book any good? The one that started the movies.
Why don't you give it a shot and find out? Fucking faggot.
Stop trying so hard.
>discussion?! on MY board?! I don't think so!
>it's not really that scary or disturbing
actually it's the definition of disturbing...
>You obviously never read the book or seen the miniseries
>implying i didn't read the book
i did, i just don't remember or care
Every fucking day retarded youngfags want to be spoonfed opinions. Try stuff and form your own fucking opinions. Why is this such a foreign concept theses days?