Whose hype for the upcoming BBC drama set in the 1600s starring Kit Harrington and Liv Tyler?
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Damn forgot trailer
People watch things in spite of Kit Harrington, not because of.
Liv can wash my car though :ok_hand (medium-dark skin tone):
>Whose hype for the upcoming BBC drama set in the 1600
>starring Kit Harrington and Liv Tyler?
-oooohhhhhhh for fuck's sake
This looks to be the Lovecraftian series Ive been yearning for
Fun fact
Kit is actually a direct descendant of the character he is playing
Probably a major reason why he agreed to this
>I will blow the king and all his men
genealogy isnt recorded that far back unless youre royalty
how many blacks will be in it?
not enough minorities in the trailer
only the king
>genealogy isnt recorded that far back unless youre royalty
Kit is literally related to King Charles 2nd
Nah it'll be garbage.
embarrassing post
my mistake
>Sup Forums are the real crybabies
>now let me dump my folder of walls of text explaining why
Its true though. They complain almost every TELEVISION AND FILM thread. Find me a thread where dont complain.
Who /catholic/ here
>The irony
Literally describing the left
>a company that does racial hiring in 100% of their productions for historical characters
>Sup Forums redditors are butthurt when someone jokes about it
If you have a tax funded company that openly does pic related and even makes a virtue of it is fully expected for them to deliver utter shit.
the true irony is how alike the left and right are in the way they behave and argue albeit from oposite sides
i love racist jokes. Sup Forums """humor""" is just tired and repetitive
>Facts and logic
>Feelings and emotions
Yes, they sure do argue alike
Find me a single show or movie that wasn't politicized by screeching champagne socialist in past two years and we can talk about it. Especially when it's shittiness can be directly tied to those choices.
>pic related
If they are firing him to replace him with a woman or a minority, wouldn't that be sexist and racist?
Do those rules not apply to tv or something?
Those rules don't apply to straight white males
my favorite part about Guy Fawkes is that he basically was just some radical catholic terrorist that tried to make the Pope the supreme ruler of England. And now reddit atheists worship him
on Sup Forums user. on fucking Sup Forums.
do you even realize you are literally embodying my point
don´t you mean Kang?
>Sup Forums shits up another thread
I am bored of these episodes
you don't have a point because themes present in so many modern tv shows and films are political. BBC forcing nignogs into historical shows being one
the point is you are complaining about it here. instead of Sup Forums
Kit is cool, but I ain't watching anything from (((BBC))).
This post is pure cancer, really. Should delete that image from your computer and never show it again.
my point is that guy can sue for wrongful termination, unless the entertainment business is somehow exempt from abiding by discrimination laws.
>Kit is actually a direct descendant of the character he is playing
>Kit is literally related to King Charles 2nd
then how come he is playing a guy that tried to blow up the king?
themes of shows are Sup Forums related, deal with it you daft cunt
Best part about it is he said he supported racial quotas for new entry jobs at the BBC.
He was fine with discriminating against the next generation of whites. He just didn't anticipate becoming a victim of said policy himself.
So fuck him.
not him but why shouldn't he be allowed to complain about tv shows full of sjw crap on Sup Forums?
you just seem triggered that people dare to complain about the ever increasing negative effects of identity politics in movies and tv shows
Charles II was a secret Catholic
>i love racist jokes
>Sup Forums """humor"""
It's not meant to be taken as 'humor', you newfag. Why don't you try lurking before posting?
just tired user. just fucking tired of complaining whining faggots on both sides. its all so fucking tiresome. if they were funny it would be different. but the level of humor is just "lol gb2 da kitchen XD" and "lol WE WUZ..."
Oh, so he wouldn't so for wrongful termination even if he could.
>"Guys I'm totally not offended by racism"
Yeah, totally not bothered at all...
so a relative of a person that tried to kill the king also become a king?
I didn´t know that royal family drama actually was that brutal, I thought that shows just liked to hype it up for ratings
And this is what happens when a tumblrina discovers that Sup Forums is not to his liking...
Pointing out hat the show made by company who makes a showcase of politicizing even the most benign of their shows is not pol.
That would be like complaining that someone points out that Paul W Anderson makes shitty cashgrabs for naive dunces with his wife as main star, when he announces new movie.
Be fair, do you honestly believe they will make enjoyable show about British history without cringiest tropes in it?
And if you think this is bad, then wait for Rick and Morty fans to have their first '72 genders' episode.
So how many POC did they cast?
so people aren´t allowed to complain about historical revisionism? We should just accept that liberals try to push the propaganda that medieval and ancient Europe was full of strong black wyman knights that need no man?
you really just sound like sjw that is trying to hide it
>Starring Idris Elba as the heroic Guy Fawkes
>crying about racism on a website that's used "nigger" as an all-purpose word since like the 5th ever post
You're literally in the wrong place you fucking babies
Boring, formulaic plots with wooden actors? They should defund all of the BBC, apart from the natural history part.
It's more like feelings and emotions for both. And disortion of facts and logic as well.
>getting hype for anything BBC
I'm just waiting for the WE WUZ MPs IN SHIEEETT
>you really just sound like sjw that is trying to hide it
sjws told me i was just a closet racist trying to silence their progressive voices.
really makes me think
mhmmm powder
at least this is set before the FUCKING AMERICANS
I don't care about racism. I am annoyed at Sup Forums being given implicit permission to turn any and all discussions into shitflinging about MUH SJWs MUH WHITE GENOCIDE MUH JEWS MUH LIBTURDS etc etc. It has fuck all to do with this board and yet we have the same exact shit being posted every single day.
They sure did... Who are you trying to fool, kid? Your obvious attempts at shilling using the same old tactic of 'Yeah, I'm not an SJW and I hate SJWs, but I gotta say... Sup Forums is racist, doesn't respect women and are not progressive enough.' This tactic has been beaten to death, try something for a change.
This is not reddit, everyone can say whatever the hell they like. The fact that you get so triggered by these posts says a lot about you. If you don't like them, ignore them, but the fact that you get so worked up about it tells me you're one of those people that you just mentioned in your post.
Sounds to like you're a fence sitting dumbass contrarian who has no idea what he's talking about and has to choose between right and wrong.
>If you don't like them, ignore them
if only Sup Forumsshitters followed this wise advise.
>I should be allowed to make off-topic shitposts and if you don't like it's because you're a triggered redditor!
why don't we just make every board Sup Forums then? no reason to put up this facade of discussion topics when clearly they should be ignored so you can whine about DA JOOZ wherever you please.
ignoring the genecide of your race is not the same as ignoring political discussions you dont like
>from the guys that watched Taboo
>obvious attempt at getting out from being typecast at Jon Snow
>normies flood the comments with "OMGG JON?!!""
Poor lad
doesnt help the show creators changed literally nothing about his look
Everything here is on topic except random neckbeards sperging about Sup Forums. And this shit happens in every fucking thread the word 'nigger' is mentioned, someone goes ''WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sup Forums SAID THE N-WORD MOMMY! DAMN RACISTS RUINING MY REDDIT''
Because you're the retards that normally derail these threads
>Because you're the retards that normally derail these threads
It's on topic and valid questions. You sperging about Sup Forums is not about the TV show though, is it?
>actually discussing the show
Isnt there a subreddit for you fags?
would you perhaps say it looks a little ... Machiavellian?
>It's on topic and valid questions
if you cant even admit its shitposting then this is pointless
Is it on topic or is it not, faggot? Do you disagree that they will probably be blacks in it even though in that time period there were no blacks in England? But I don't know about Sup Forums being on the show or having any relevance to the show or topic, do you? And as I said, i'm not even talking about this thread in particular, but in every thread something racist is said, regardless of whether it is on topic or not. The problem here is that you people forget that you're not on reddit and here there different rules. So stop trying to make this place the one you've 'escaped' from.
Couldn't have got someone who can act?
The trailer had 2 white guys in it
Very on topic indeed.
>there were no blacks in England in that time period
oh come on you faggot. don't tell me you're this stupid.
It's BBC. Wanna bet that there willbe plenty of blacks in it and the only reasons they aren't shown in the trailer is because of the outrage that it will cause.
Were they, faggot? Any proof?
How come 16th century london is full of niggers?
>There is evidence of the presence of people fromRomanised North AfricainRoman Britain.
>This clade is today almost exclusively found among males inWest Africa, where it is also rare. The haplogroup is thus thought to have been brought to Britain either through enlisted soldiers during Roman Britain, or via theslave trade. Some of the individuals who arrived through the slave route, such as Ignatius Sancho and Olaudah Equiano, attained a very high social rank and many married into the general population
>Historical records indicate the presence of a very small African population in Britain dating at least as far as the 11th[26]century.
because that's how it was in real life. why are Sup Forumsedditors so historically illiterate?
>meme TV actor
>washed up actress who made career because of nepotism
sounds like a terrible premise
>w-w-wanna b-b-bet?
nice goal-post moving, tardlips.
now try aiming for this goal-post: do you "bet" youre gonna enjoy this upcoming piece of entertainment staring game of thrones star kit harrington or not?
Did you know before the 18th century they were kept in cages to oggle at like they were at the zoo?
Horrific stuff
Why didnt they at least give him different facial hair from Jon Snow
>There is evidence of the presence of people fromRomanised North AfricainRoman Britain.
There is no such evidence.
>>This clade is today almost exclusively found among males inWest Africa, where it is also rare. The haplogroup is thus thought to have been brought to Britain either through enlisted soldiers during Roman Britain, or via theslave trade.
What African slave trade during Roman times? Also, there's absolutely zero evidence of black Roman soldiers (NUMIDIANS AND LIBYANS ARE NOT BLACK!)
>Ignatius sancho and Olaudah Equiano
Good thing mentioning guys that came by the slave trade more than 100 YEARS later after the show is set in.
>Historical records indicate the presence of a very small African population in Britain dating at least as far as the 11th[26]century.
Post these 'historical records', please.
Your historical revisionism won't work here, kiddo. Try harder.
Wikipedia has the sources right there, stormweenie. Hurry up and tell me they don't count because (((the Jews))) so I can laugh at you.
Are you trying to convince yourself or us?
Give me the sources... Also (((wikipedia)))... kek. Wanna also cite the (((HolocaustMemorial))) site as your source?
Dumb cunt, you really have no idea what you're talking about. Everything you said in your previous psot was so fucking far from the truth, I'm amazed how you retards even function with your ignorance... African slave trade during Roman times, it would be funny if it wasn't so goddamn moronic.
Not an argument.
I win; you lose.
You still haven't given me your sources, even those from (((wikipedia))). How much longer should I wait?
>I'm too stupid to click on a link posted a few minutes earlier
t. (You)
I win; you lose.
let me guess 1600s London is going to be absolutely filled with niggers. They do this with every "historical" drama they make
Not in one of your posts but whatever. You've basically copied the whole information from there. My post still stands.
If you're too stupid to click things that's your own problem.
Stop being triggered you fag.
> BBC drama set in the 1600s
What % of the cast is black?