are there any movies about this?
Are there any movies about this?
American Beauty?
Malcolm in The Middle
Grandma's Boy
The big Lebowsky
Brad Pitt sleeping on the guy's couch from True Romance
Uncle Buck
You people don't believe this, do you?
It's not exactly up for debate.
This fucking image is hilarious ... god damn, did you made it?
If yes great job!
t. divorced wagecuck
It looks pretty believeable to me, your spite towards it makes me believe you are a lonely roastie.
get a cat, if you already do get another one.
that fucking cognitive dissonance
it's a joke, calm down
but the point of the meme is that the system is rigged and fubar so there's no point playing along anymore
not that hard to understand, it's just mgtow shit
recommend me some good revenge kino against roasties/jews
The Believer
That pocket pussy with the cum coming out of it is the best part
> just get a church girl like me
Its funny because that's exactly what I did except she's pretty much madly in love with me and flat out said she would let me be a stay at home dad if I learned how to cook and take care of kids
>the system is rigged and fubar so there's no point playing along anymore
or you could focus on being the kind of person who could actually sustain a healthy relationship... but that would take work and self-improvement, unlike calling the whole thing a sham
I like how the top 10% of memes from Sup Forums get siphoned off and get posted here. Keeps me redpilled Dankeshoen OP
>no, really! pizza and mountain dew and videogames and hentai are all i WANT out of life! you're really just bluepilled for getting a (((job))) and a girlfriend! relying on the pittance of a welfare check is true freedom!
People who are well-off and successful never get divorced by their wives. Fact.
>she would let me be a stay at home dad
Sounds ALPHA as FUCK bro
>People who are well-off and successful with an ironclad prenup are less likely to get divorced by their wives.
i'm not the guy you responded to, essentially i agree with you but i think you're being willfully ignorant of the fact that you could do everything right in a marriage and still get eternally fucked over if it comes to an end. it bothers me that the only divorcees who blame themselves for its failure are individuals who don't actually deserve any blame at all.
That's because insightful and reflective people always get fucked over by sociopaths abusing their good faith. That's not unique to marriage, that's life in general.
do you people not know about prenups or something? it kind of deflates your whole "MARRIAGE IS TEH ULTIMATE SCAM AND TRAP NEVER DO IT" schtick
well yeah, i mean obviously relationships go south, but that doesn't mean that marriage is some sort of elaborate scam being pushed by TEH JOOZ
for many of us this is reality
maybe you should move to a country with better divorce laws than the USA
so marry an insightful reflective woman
do you also consider yourself a liberated man for being on the dole, essentially living the live of a parasite?
im not on the dole. i subsist soly on the charity of my mom and the odd jobs I do. No I dont consider myself liberate but marginalized
that's what I was going to say.
The system isn't rigged because you found a shitty woman
just man up for no reward at all guys t. roasties
i give west 20 years and this whole thing's gonna blow up in your face
oh my god lol you people are hilarious
my baseless projection warns me that insightful reflective women are aware of their poorer lot in life and avoid dating altogether. so what do i do? invade their privacy and stalk them until opportunity strikes? feels like a zero-sum game and despite my edginess i don't like subjugating women, not unless they're vile.
fair enough. Do you consider your marginalization to be your own fault, or the fault of some rigged system?
well we are. your typical response is part of it.
>I expect a woman to remain a virgin until she meets ME because I'm just that important
laughable. this is why you're a virgin fatbeard.
is this another instance of retards feigning laughter when they don't know how to reply with words? if not, explain your mirth and don't hide behind passive aggression
a mix but mostly different value system then mainstream society
Well I can't speak to your projections, but a good idea for picking up a woman is to have a stable job, an interesting life and not reducing every conversation to calling people whores, kikes and niggers.
>so what do i do?
realize that your baseless projection is baseless projection? i dunno
you're not marginalized because people laugh at your unwillingness to try in life
Could you please not be so Islamophobic?
Why are you guys worried about women taking your money when you don't even earn any?
Listen roastie, nobody expects you to be a virgin. Just don't have sex with muds. It's not that difficult.
>muh prenups
You might as well print your prenup on toilet paper
when people laugh at any qualms and issues you have you learn to not work with those people
remember when it was all satire? now delusional emotionally-stunted milennial manchildren actually believe that marriage and having children and getting a house is a jewish conspiracy
the internet was a mistake
>realize that your baseless projection is baseless projection? i dunno
I'll "realize" once I rationalize why. if you can't be bothered to spoonfeed that's fine, but nothing has been accomplished in your responses besides annoying me
Just find a woman who has a good job, and is a hard worker. Those motivated, hard working types don't even have to think about baseless divorces. Only issue is, like attracts like, so if you're not a motivated, hard working person it's unlikely a female equivalent will be interested.
Is it too late to convert to Catholicism at 30 just so i can find a church waifu?
do your different values prevent you from acquiring a job or an education, and how so?
and what is your opinion of others, I'm thinking particularly of minorities here, who also claim marginalization and lash out because of it?
I went to private schools my entire life and white women are sociopathic monsters. literally every last one of them at their core are malicious and I honestly believe they lack souls, like a Hippopotamus or a Demon they simply exist to cause pain and give themselves pleasure. It's also why women are incapable of redeemable qualities such as honor, temperance and generosity. These are ludicrous concepts to a woman as we all know and further supports my theory that women lack a soul
yes, i'm "feigning laughter" at you people calling yourselves marginalized. there's certainly nothing genuinely funny about that.
yes, this one case surely means that prenups are good for nothing and you shouldn't even bother
lol and that's why you are where you are in life, anything but self-improvement, right?
no, satire was a mistake. being shitty on purpose is not a substitute for wit. intellectuals don't understand most people don't get the meaning of satire (including me, and don't you blame autism), and just see it as welcome pandering
Lol, this.
>there's certainly nothing genuinely funny about that
There isn't, not if you have conviction in your assumption that they have no grounds for feeling like they are. This isn't an example of laziness, Satan. Apply yourself in your fuckery
why shouldn't I have sex with whoever I want? because it will upset YOU? i am supposed to live my life according to YOUR wishes because otherwise you'll call me a mudshark roastie? even women are less narcissistic than you, Sup Forums.
women and jews are alike, read otto weininger
you're not a roastie, my instincts tell me so
i dont see how that assumption makes it any less funny
You can live your life however you want. Just don't be surprised when no self respecting white man wants to date a coalburner.
>this one case
Do you know what LEGAL PRECEDENT means?
>got a cat
>popped my 300 dollar air matress
>got a new bed
>popped it again
fuck cats.
Ive had jobs. Ive had girlfriends.
> he's still worried about legacy in a world that is gunna be destroyed by trannies transhumanists and AI in 150 years
Whew lad
I know you don't. Did you bother to properly read what I wrote or are you stuck in this propulsion of obnoxiousness?
there are legions of white men for me to select from; i just miss out on the Sup Forums user subset. :( whatever will i do without a racist NEET manchild for a husband?
It's got elements of truth, but it exaggerates of them. It's like a fun house mirror, where the person you're looking at is still you, but extremely distorted. Still good for a laugh though.
the only other things you wrote were calling me satan and something about laziness and saying "apply yourself". not sure why you're under the impression that you made some kind of point just then
I didn't ask about girls, nor did I ask what situation you used to be in.
I am, however, genuinely curious about what sort of mental gymnastics one has to go through to believe that just because they have different sets of values than others, they can't contribute to society.
On top of that, I also find it somewhat amusing that many of your likeminded individuals are always chastizing blacks and immigrants for doing the exact same thing.
shitpost on Sup Forums, I assume
So is this the final form of man before his destruction? To be some overgrown child that has lost all control of his destiny and bound to find happiness in whatever escapism that will entertain him for the day? Is this the fate of the grandsons of those who created nations, who created industries and who challenged Mother Nature itself? To become slaves of our surroundings, never change anything, always being the tools of others?
I weep.
you tell em girl, my boyfriend actually loves that I dated black men in the past. Plus race is a social construct so who even cares except for angry man children on Sup Forums. My name is Lauren btw, always nice to meet a fellow progressive woman :)
>I weep
and then you resume masturbating to tranny porn, playing videogames, and watching propaganda dressed up as television.
Don't forget blaming the reddit/shillary/eu/fed/jooz/israel/roasties/niggers/muslims/liberals for it.
I'm biracial myself and from Sup Forums I don't chastise blacks or minorities. I do contribute to society just not in the conventional sense. People who have different values are ridiculed and ostracized.
You should stop constructing strawmen in your own head while you talk to people.
About mentally deranged people? Bundles.
there's not really any point to contribute to society.
I do those things (except the tranny shit fuck off with that crap) but I don't take pride in it. We have been made slaves of our escapism and we've given up on the shit that matters. Where is the glory and smug in that? We are getting older and older but still clinging on to the shit that entertained us as kids hoping for the slight sensation of that pure bliss we experienced as innocent and naive kids. It's never coming back. Sheltering us from the course of the world will only strengthen those that fucked us to begin with.
prepare for McKinoughey
>the only other things you wrote were calling me satan
A joke based on your post number ending. Why did you even bring this up? Are you wasting both our times with your ignorance?
The rest of your post just repeats what I said without actually making any point. Is this how you fill your social quota for the day?
damn dude that actually made me a bit depressed reading that
>Why did you even bring this up?
because you said that i didnt read your post, so i brought up the other things that were in it. not exactly rocket science
>made slaves
It hurt to read what you posted, but mostly I just felt annoyed at your self-victimization. Leave that to womenfolk, it's unattractive on men. Depression is one thing, but your misery is your own design.
Not unless you yourself find meaning in it, but by that logic there's no point to anything, so why should anyone care about your lot in life and how you feel about women?
How am I strawman to point out the discrepancy between complaining about marginalization and then go on to contribute to the marginalization of women, blacks and jews?
You glanced at the words but you didn't bother with anything beyond that. Again, it's fine, but there's no reason why you should bother to parrot my words back at me for any other reason than to keep this back-and-forth going. I don't really like circular """conversations""" so I'll disengage unless your reply makes me reconsider
no but they're all fucking crazy
This. Only way is to join become extremist and bash some feminist heads in.
Are you a real person?
Stop watching porn
Clean up your room
Read the Greeks
Go to church
Lift heavy weights
Eat vegetables
discounting someone based on their ethnicity/religion is an act of marginalization, regardless of whether other members of that ethnicity/religion are succesful in other areas of life.
>I don't really like circular """conversations"""
lol you're the one who started going in circles here, not me. run along now, i'm sure you have some much more euphoric threads to post in
because those things directly affect me whereas "contributing to society" yields no tangible benefits. i feel no obligation to contribute to something that benefits a populace where the majority doesn't like me or even reviles me for whatever reason.
interesting point
>Go to church
Yes goy learn about egalitarianism and make sure to donate so they can help the kids in Africa
>tch, how amusing
You can't lie to me user, I know you've paid attention. There is nothing intellectual about what I said, it's all fundamental knowledge. You're just that slow on the uptake, I'm as middle-ground as they come
Not a Vatican 2 Church, one of the secret ones only neo-nazis can go to.