What's that page that has the essential cosmic Marvel?

What's that page that has the essential cosmic Marvel?

Can't wait till the MCU fucks up Thanos


why would you post that, it's 10:00AM and I now need a drink

certainly not a page with black cuck


This one?

it's called "fuck you I'm not spoon feeding any more casuals so they can act like their shitty ill-informed opinion is worth a damn"

I used to hand that guide out like candy thinking it would get people interested in cosmic as a whole but instead it just spawned a bunch of ignorant characterfags that lack perspective so I don't anymore

If you can manage to stumble your way through some of the classic stuff like F4, Captain Marvel, Warlock, Surfer, Star-Lord, Quasar, etc. come back and then we'll talk about the modern shit

>classic Star-Lord
For a whiny faggot who cares too much about opinions you have terrible taste.


Classic Star-Lord is if nothing else a case study in how an orphaned character can survive on the fringes long enough for somebody to give a shit about him and do something really awesome

If there was nothing of worth in those stories the character wouldn't have clung to life, wouldn't have been brought into the MU proper, and wouldn't have spawned a movie that draws inspiration from them

That said there's plenty of better Bronze Age stuff that's actually canon

Also fuck you it's not even about opinions, that's not why I'm mad. It's about people reading a few stories from the 2000s and thinking they know everything about the characters. It's about their heads being up their asses despite their tiny frame of reference

I mean can you imagine if every X-Men fan on Sup Forums only gave a shit about Whedon's run and thought it was the gospel from which everything since is derived?

That's a bunch of bullshit. Classic Star-Lord was an uninspired Flash Gordon rip off.

Everything you need to know to appreciate the reimagination of the character is spelled to you in the Conquest mini. Hell, even the "event" that spawned Cyborg-Lord was a made up one that didn't happen in the classic comics.

Everything else from the Master of the Sun shit, the powered suit, ship and the second Star-Lord become completely irrelevant and are never brought back, so listing it along with stuff like Mar-Vell and Warlock is misleading and above all stupid.

>it's not about opinions
>it's about people having an opinion and liking something
Then don't join DnA circlejerks if it affects you so much, nigger.

>essential cosmic Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy

>That's a bunch of bullshit. Classic Star-Lord was an uninspired Flash Gordon rip off.

A, that's not true, and B, it doesn't invalidate my point.

>Everything else from the Master of the Sun shit, the powered suit, ship and the second Star-Lord become completely irrelevant and are never brought back

That can be said of almost all the classic stuff. A faggot like you need only read the Death of Captain Marvel. I mean everything else is irrelevant, so why not? Who the fuck calls back to Warlock anymore besides Starlin? When was the last time anything from Quasar was relevant?

Treating these comics like they're just a way to validate the newer stuff makes you the stupid one. Not only is it unfair since most of Giffen/DnA's material is largely irrelevant (and overrated), but it also means newer readers should only need to read Original Sin because it's the only relevant material to Bendis' GotG!

In short, your perspective is lacking and you are part of the problem.

>so listing it along with stuff like Mar-Vell and Warlock is misleading and above all stupid

I threw Star-Lord in there because he's the only major player in Giffen/DnA besides Warlock and Surfer (and he's barely relevant post-Annihilation) that actually has classic cosmic stories of his own. Drax and Gamora are always guest stars. Rider was earthbound for 99% of his existence before Annihilation.

Also, I just fucking said there are better bronze age comics that are actually canon.

>Then don't join DnA circlejerks if it affects you so much, nigger

I love DnA but I will fight these circlejerks where ever I find them, faggot.

is this the new loss?


Won't even pretend I was a lifelong Cosmicfag, I got in on Annihilation and dropped off after DnA wrapped up, but this is it for me.

>hate is a man and love is a woman
When will this blatant SJW pandering stop?

as long as they can at least be as good as Silver Surfer TAS version of Thanos it will be fine.

>Can't wait till the MCU fucks up Thanos
What does that have to do with anything?

It's shit.

Ohhhhhhh you done it now.