I've always wanted to do that sort of thing
his videos speak to me in a primal way
Is there a more shilled channel than this?
>heu heu, i'll bet they'll love this twist on the brown bricks meme over at Sup Forums!
How do you get a body like this guy??
upvoted and subbed ;)
>yfw this guy hasn't been silent, you just have to turn on the subtitles and he provides explanations to the activities he's performing
why is he hiding in the woods
is he wanted by the police
>it's real
>is he wanted by the police
not if the wood has an internet connection and power supply
How much does one get paid for shilling youtube channels?
thats 2$ per person, and he doesn't spam 10 videos a day
>I am such an hedonist, that I crave comfort in the middle of the woods and build shit to feel good about myself and stop being bored
the state of numales
more like screwed kike of the week
but what is his tax policy
>the state of numales
Are you a shemale?
seriously. how did this goy blow up so much? i remember when he was a nobody being shilled on Sup Forums
Sup Forumsfags are braindead morons that's how
joe rogan
>con artist scamming inbred flyover cucks
Just like muh elections!
he's slowly getting more built
How much is taxed on Patreon?
Went through a playlist of his stuff last night after watching that
So comfy
I've heard this before but i just can't keep existing thinking this is the only explanation, is Joe Rogan that powerful?
I know he used his influence to give a comedy carreer to his cult of unfunny losers but can he do it for people outside of his scene?
Lots of Sup Forumsack minded people are sadly easily shilled towards
probably fuck all since he's canadian
this. #Bernie2012
He's an academic saying exactly what Sup Forums want's to hear.
Paying some autist to eat food.
This guy is the Youtube K I N O
>fucking libtard cucks acquiring skills to improve their lives
Glad our friends over at Sup Forums found another way to feel superior to people without achieving anything
What are some kino YouTube channels?
>Primitive Technology
What else?
Sup Forums loves the guy. White man doing primitive stuff for fun, and being better at it than niggers,who have to do it for literal survival
Nothing but old educational/documentary videos. Comfy as fuck
This Old Tony
It's true. Peterson didn't even have a Patreon before the JRE podcast.
He warns about right wing ideology too, brainlet
Sup Forums has selective hearing smartass.
Right, but you were wrong when you said he says what Sup Forums wants to hear.
It's okay to admit you fucked up
don't work out and sporadically do light physical labor
>Right, but you were wrong when you said he says what Sup Forums wants to hear.
If he didn't say what Sup Forums wants to hear, why is he so popular among that crowd?
>hickock45 here. just got the new smith & wesson courtesy of bud's auto shop...
So Sup Forums likes to hear how he has plenty jewish friends and hear him praise the jewish intellect?
Just because Sup Forums likes his views on religion and marxism doesn't mean he just says what Sup Forums wants to hear.
You're trying to paint him as fitting right in with Sup Forums which is far from the truth
let's see his primitive technology cure for typhoid
He doesn't say many Sup Forums related things (why hitler was more evil then you thing) and mist of his fans aren't Sup Forums either.
The reason ou see a lot of people on /pil/ enjoy the shit he says is simply because he says a lot of interesting thing for everyone. Not to mention the self improvement aspect, which Sup Forums is always a fan of
I love this shit, its the ultimate ASMR with actual good content
I wish it was possible for him to create weekly content that is still good
Averaging 1 video every 2 months sucks
I am phoneposting btw
Explain one thing he said that's wrong, ideologically.
Per video? Holy shit he could easily be making that per month with how many people he has
Because he shills pepe to remain relevant
Like how Dr Phil talks about fat teens
Its both quack level shit to get a desired market audience
Clickspring//Primitive Tech are my only Youtube channels that I check. It appeases my autist engineering brain
>people actually follow this guy
Sam blew him the fuck out
because there is a massive amount of people who are still attached to religion and spirituality but are simultaneously disenchanted with the church or cannot articulate a cogent argument to support their feelings that has any power in this age of materialist atheism. that's the real answer. sjw shit and politics is just how he got his foot in the door and he freely admits that.
there's a general self-help aspect to it as well. and his version of it seems to resonate especially well with a certain set of young men with no direction who spend all day on the internet.
I knew you were going to post that image. That's literally the only thing you have. That's also why I said IDEOLOGICALLY. Belief != ideology. Try again, cookie cutter level 1 contrarian.
Ah yes, Sam the intellectual
>He thinks Sup Forums hates Primitive Technology
This, PT is literally more advanced than most of Africa and has done more technologically than the average sub-Saharan
He's already started metallurgy
>So Sup Forums likes to hear how he has plenty jewish friends and hear him praise the jewish intellect?
Trump has jewish grand-children. That never stopped Sup Forums from worshiping him.
The entire point was that he says what Sup Forums wants to hear.
Sup Forums does not take kindly to jews
>I knew you were going to post that image. That's literally the only thing you have.
>"h-he was only wrong once guys "
He says NOTHING new and is just there to explain basic self help lessons that your father should have taught you
If you needs someone to tell you to clean up after yourself and to take care of yourself before assisting others you are low IQ as fuck
Again, you completely failed to answer the challenge. Congrats, you keep proving to me with each new post how you have nothing worth saying.
this is actually correct though. all decent philosopher's accept this, from the ancients to spinoza to deleuze.
I want him to go primitive on me, if you catch my drift.
>Sup Forums hates PT.
Fucking keked, the guy is universaly loved over there. It's a good reminder how superior the white man is to the negro.
>This, PT is literally more advanced than most of Africa and has done more technologically than the average sub-Saharan
most of africa did
Funny enough it's the more wealthy people that seek psychologists, and they're glorified ''self help'' artists by your standard, right?
yeah bro i'm sure your dad taught you all about archetypes of the collective unconscious. JP is making mad buckos, cope.
>getting this buttblasted that someone is mocking your internet dad
Pretty funni man
>The entire point was that he says what Sup Forums wants to hear.
He doesn't?
He's not individually helping any of you through any specific issues his giving you BASIC life advice
Like Tony Robbins
1. that's not all he's doing
2. so?
Psychologists tend to do the same really, mostly they're just there to listen and let you talk yourself out of your problems.
He does it via self authoring and seeing from how popular he is, it works.
>have literally no argument
>get soundly called on it
>y-y-you're mad.....
Did you just find Sup Forums this week? Do you think we haven't seen this kind of lame flailing before? Who do you honestly thing you're fooling? Still waiting for one rational argument.
Conned a bunch people into thinking watching a videos of someone smart would make them smarter and/or improve their life
>yeah bro i'm sure your dad taught you all about archetypes of the collective unconscious. JP is making mad buckos, cope.
You can learn all his entry level philosophy lessons from any 101 class.
Again he is getting 60,000 + a month to say nothing new. A glorified youtube tutorial
Then how the fuck do you explain that he is popular on Sup Forums?
>seeing from how popular he is, it works.
>Seeing from how he panders to pepe loving autists with father issues
>Again he is getting 60,000 + a month to say nothing new. A glorified youtube tutorial
And yet you're so incredibly mad about it. That alone makes it worth it. Nothing funnier than a frustrated loser crying through his keyboard about people who are more capable and intelligent than him making money using their skills.
His critique on marxism and his focus on self improvement.
Again, there's more that he says that doesn't appeal to Sup Forums
Good case of resentment ;)
>Mocking someone is mad
lol boi u seethin over here
Watching him rip off autists is funny. He gets money I get to mock you right to your face
Do you actually think that's fooling anyone? We're not the ones throwing shrieking hissyfits in threads because we don't like the guy. Most of this thread is pretty neutral, it's just you who's losing his shit over it and making a laughably pathetic attempt to hide it.
>I get to mock you right to your face
>the bitter moron typed on his keyboard
nah you don't get a dozen 3 hour lectures on the bible or a clinician's insights in a philosophy course. why are you pretending? are you that upset that he makes more money than you that you lie or willfully ignore the facts?
>tfw you will never have a successful youtube channel on which you spout dumb shit that a couple of autists on a mongolian tapestry forum want to hear and nake thousands of dollars off their NEET bucks
If I were an average girl I'd fo exactly that. I mean it's easy money. The only downside is that once ykur social circle finds out you got a lot of explaining to do.
>a clinician's insights in a philosophy course.
You actually believe this
Ever since I watched him trash the Alt right I knew he was a cuck btw
So he is saying things that Sup Forums wants to hear.
>If I were an average girl I'd fo exactly that
this is r9k tier loserdom. that seems to be a common thread among JP haters.
Nope, he's anti identity politics
Sup Forums is all identity politics
>Sup Forums is all identity politics
Identity is all that matters cuck.
>le there is only one race
Please don't tell me you're actually giving him money
No one claimed we're all one race
how exactly is your post a response to mine? he's a clinician. he has a longstanding clinical practice. in your average philosophy course, let alone a 101 course, you don't read or hear about the experiences of clinicians.
rainfall projects
it's so comfy
i never have but ill donate 5 bucks this month just for you. i know that's a big deal for you, but some of us are a little less unfortunate.
Identity is insanely important and we should talk about it ALOT, the reason for 90% of the bad shit thats happening in the USA right now is because we stopped
good for him