Time for a Saturday morning comfy LOTR thread.
Do we all agree the Battle of Helm's Deep is the GOAT siege scene in movie history?
Time for a Saturday morning comfy LOTR thread.
Do we all agree the Battle of Helm's Deep is the GOAT siege scene in movie history?
So how much of the Silmarillion is actually fact and how much of it is just bullshit and 'legend'?
Did Morgoth actually look like this ?
You know, Tolkien wrote a lot of books set in this fantasy world. I wonder if we will ever get to see movies of them. Children of Hurin comes to mind.
It's "fact" in the sense that it's a real part of Tolkien's Legendarium. The entire world is intended to be like a legend/mythology so everything in the Silmarillion is real within the universe that Tolkien created.
How new are you?
Tolkien is not Rothfuss.
His in-world mythology is not conveyed by undependable narrators, each having a different version of the past.
Everything happened as Tolkien wrote it.
You're explaing shit everyone already knows. Fucking newfag.
>everyone already knows
Oh you'd be shocked what most people don't know my basement dwelling friend.
I was answering a question directly, you fucking idiot, so clearly it isn't something everyone already knows. Did you even bother to read the five posts in the thread?
hope not
they would fill it with made up woman characters and niggers
Hey everybody look how gay this fag is.
go back to Sup Forums
As long as it's not done by Peter Jackson. LOTR was and still is phenomenal, while The Hobbit was a highly forgettable, reeking pile of glossy garbage.
anons know enough not to have to be lectured by reddit tourists.
Sounds right up ops ally.
lol stfu fag
Fall of Gondolin trilogy when?
>Film 1 - Tuor backstory, escape from Easterlings, meeting Ulmo, traveling to Gondolin
>Film 2 - Rising through the ranks, meeting new friends (Ecthelion, Glorfindel) and rivals (Maeglin), falling in love with elf princess, a threat looms
>Film 3 - Seige and Fall of Gondolin, heroic acts in a losing battle, escape and birth of Earendil. Tuor travels to the west, only to return in the great final battle
What was Aragorn's tax policy?
What is Daenarys tax policy?
I just watched FOTR for the first since I was like 8
Holy fuck lads
Pure kino
>boromirs death scene
>the flight the hobbits from the Nazgül
>Arwens scene of running from them
many more but i can't list them all
I'm actually watching Two Towers now
Fuck I wish I could forget these movies and watch them for the first time again. Mad jelly
I read the book first though, I'm onto Two Towers as well
>Mad jelly
Is this thread filled with teen niggers?
Sup Forums is literally the nigger board
this website
This is very lovecraftian
Did Gandalf become the White because he killed the Balrog or because Saruman betrayed the order?
What are Uruk-Hai a mix of?
Why wasn't Based Bombadil shown in the movies?
>Did Gandalf become the White because he killed the Balrog or because Saruman betrayed the order?
Because Saruman betrayed the order. He essentially became Saruman's replacement.
>What are Uruk-Hai a mix of?
Supposedly men and orcs, but it's never stated explicitly in the book.
>Why wasn't Based Bombadil shown in the movies?
Because they could only fit so much in the movies and ultimately Tom Bombadill has no bearing on the overall plot and would probably just confuse the general audience.
Gandalf became the white because he felt like it.
The first Uruk-Hai showed up in the second age. Sauron had been breeding them. Saruman's particular brand seemed to be some blend of orc and man.
>But there were some others that were horrible: man-high, but with goblin-faces, sallow, leering, squint-eyed. Do you know, they reminded me at once of that Southerner at Bree; only he was not so obviously orc-like as most of these were
Probably cut for time, and it might seem a bit silly.
Yeah i just read the books and it says "mixing of goblin-orc and men" but doesn't go into detail
And that's a shame. Bombadil was /ourguy/
hopefully never
there is not a single director or production company I would trust with it
Oh shit nigga I always assuned the Balrog killed him or he spent all his life force killing the Balrog he sorta rebirthed like a phoenix Timelord style to become the white.
This whole time he just filled in as Pope in place of Sauron?
The Balrog did destroy his body, but Gandalf spirit goes on. Gandalf the wizards, Sauron, and the Balrogs are all similar beings. Ainur. They choose the form they want. When Gandalf was killed he was told to go back and finish the fucking job he was given and he took the form Gandalf the White. Sauron was the most shape shifty of their kind. He took the form of a dark lord, a giant werewolf, a huge snake, a vampire bat, and Annatar lord of gifts.
What makes Tom and Radagast different then?
I mean Radagast is a lower their Maia judging by how Saruman regards him (IIRC) but what about Tom? He gives no fucks about the ring that terrified Gandalf and curropted Saruman. He couldn't even be trusted to hold the ring because of little care he has for it. He'd probably turn it into a dick ring
>Theodreds funeral scene
Tom is an unexplained being because everything should have mystery.
That or he's Eru/Father Earth/Ungoliant like alien but not evil
Radagast isn't different, he's just lower on the totem pole.
Tom is meme.
Ungoliant's an alien? Like, spider-Jenova or something?
best acting scene in the entire triology
Ungoliant is something that just was. Not something that Eru created.
What's Goldberry then?
Why is our world so boring
>no secret stairs
>no dead city
>even tales of ancient wars are just a bunch of guys murdering each other for land
>our dwarves are weak as fuck creatures with many diseases who couldn't hold an axe without breaking half their bones
Because it has you in it.
That didn't freak the big guy out? Stuff existing outside his purview?
And you
Can you imagine how good it would have been if Tolkien could actually write characters?
How the fuck a fat american that worked on Hollywood can write better characters than an englishman that was a literature professor at Oxford is beyond me
That's not Jacksons fault if you gave him the years of pre production he had on the lotr trilogy children of hurin would be kino
Seriously though. Imagine if that other world was real, if there were forbidden places on earth
It's true though
Mention one character in Tolkien's universe that is better written than Jaimie or Brienne, and why
>Did Morgoth actually look like this
No. Seems like the artist took some things too literally.