ITT: Subtle jokes in television you missed as a kid.
ITT: Subtle jokes in television you missed as a kid
Don't you FUCKING dare.
Rand's Wand and Brand
I don't get it.
Ayn Rand was Sneed's lover.
Kill yourself.
Ayn Rand's Seeds for Sneeds.
Formerly Chuck's.
Wouldn't is just be Rand's Seed and Feed?
reminder to report sneed posts. the hotpockets are actually deleting and banning the posters.
fuck off narc. forced meme shitposters are cancer buy they do less damage than the retarded janitors.
Fuck you faggot. Simpsons threads were nice until that sack of shit tried to fuck them up.
Don't you FEEDING dare.
lol this guy has been raging for almost 24 hours straight now over his shit meme getting canned
yeah they're overreacting. not a seed poster, but once, one and only time replied in that way, some fucker reported and got me a ban
Then you learned your lesson not to do it again.
Reminder, the comfy Simpsons poster is a Sup Forumseddit spambot shilling Frinkiac
The obvious solution then is to not post literal spam.
According to retards who think Sneed changed the entire buisness esablishment so he could use a dumb pun in its name, no, it wouldn't
Like 90% of your le comfy simpsons threads?
Dude your fake meme is dead. Stop throwing shit at the walls trying to make something stick. It's never gonna work, Simpsons is not going to move to Sup Forums, ever. It's a staple of Sup Forums and that's that.
Guys, can I be real with you for a second.
For about 2 years now I've been depressed.
I started sneedposting just 2 days ago and it genuinely makes me happy.
Like whenever I make sneed threads and see the replies rolling in I can't help but smile.
Who would have thought that sneedposting would cure my depression.
Hopefully it'll last, anons.
Hopefully it'll last...
All one angry redditor btw
Sneedposting is an amazing meme, don't let the reddit chucklefucks stop you. No one's out to get their bullshit picture spamming threads, we just want to have fun.
Just looking at Sneed makes me feel all warm and cozy. He's like Santa Claus.
Glad to know I'm not alone.
I'm not sure why but sneedposting has had a genuinely good impact on my wellbeing.
Godspeed anons, and never stop sneedposting