What's the chip butty of cinema?
What's the chip butty of cinema?
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>Burgers will never know the ecstasy of a properly made chip butty
Freedom Fries y'all
putting nothing but potatoes between two wedges of bread or eating potato chips with a sandwich is utter subhuman tier
you should kill yourself right now for ruining mine and everyone else's day
>tfw literally just finished eating a chip butty with curry sauce
Wait til you find out about toast sandwiches bro
What about eating potato chips IN a sandwhich.
Hot Fuzz?
I know about them and they popped up in my mind as well
you fucking subhuman I hate you
choke on it
It's buddy, you fucking hun.
We all did that in hs. Take a small pack of chips, crumble them all down and put them inside our sandwiches. Tasty.
Never had that but Taco Bell makes a potato taco with this hot sauce stuff on it that is outta this world
Crisp sandwiches are superior.
Cheese and onion crist butty GOAT
who /eating/ here?
What am I looking at
Here's a shameful admission. I used to add Piccalilli to that combo. So choice.
>tfw I've been eating my hot dogs like that since 1991 and I'm still as crazy about Frog Dogs as I was back then
>make hotpockets
>take knife
>make small oppening
>squirt some cold sweet relish into the oven hot hot pocket
This shit is delicious.
Baked beans sandwiches.
2 slices of bread. Butter the 2 slices. Put some molasses baked beans on a slice. Put other slice on top. Eat and go to heaven.
Fried Butter Sandwich
Fry a stick of butter in some batter, put on buttered bread, pour melted butter sauce on top and go to heaven.
>slice of bread
>butter the slice
>take some mashed potatoes and mix some green peas with them
>mix a little bit of brown sauce with the potatoes and peas, but the mashed must still hold and not be too soggy
>put some mashed potatoes on the slice
>pepper the potatoes like there's no tomorrow
>2nd bread slice
>brown sauce on it
>put slice on top
Oh god, I think I've just cum.
Police Academy
>Packet of Super Noodles
>Chop some Peperami into the pan as it cooks
>Serve wrapped in tortillas
breakfast of champions
national dish of Ireland. Using Tayto crisps.
easy. the dark knight trilogy.
> batman begins = bottom of barm. on its own, not great, but necessary ground work for the rest of the butty
> the dark knight = chips. warm, crispy, starchy potatoes goodness. the best bit of the butty. if you don't have time, you'd just eat the chips
> the dark knight rises = top barm. nice way to end the butty, tastier bit of the two bits of barm.
>he fell for the Touchbar (TM) meme
Your Wigan is showing.
Is this a meme?
I'm Catholic and always called it a chip butty
As a kid I got some of those communion wafters sheets, white ones and sugary pink ones.
I used them as the inside of my regular bread sandwich. It was pretty good.
Why do bongs have such horrible food
>sweet relish
Fucking fag
>The first picture on wiki is a chip butty with a side of chips
what the ever loving fuck is wrong with you Brits?
I had a pizzagetthi once. Not the kind with a serving of spagetthi on the side of a pizza, no... a pizza (with not toppings) STUFFED with meatsauce, spagetthi and the usual peppers/mushrooms/pepperoni.
It was so fucking good.
The chips don't all fit in the butty.
Incidentally that page references the scallop butty which is far superior and renders the lowly chip butty obsolete.