What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


The jews destroyed the UK in less than 2 generations


At least post the Armond White review


The subtext could not be more obvious lmao
Just look at the positions of their bodies



> Britain exploits, humiliaties and abuses India for 300 years.

> One movie where the Indians finally get a voice and Sup Forums gets triggered

So what else is new?

Why on Earth would we care what the Indians want? Most of them will fucking loathe this anyway by the way.

There is a constant stream of colonial guilt movies coming out which portray white men as evil bigots and white women falling in love with foreigners. It's not just about giving minorities a voice, it is very deliberate symbolism and suggestion.

The UK right now is wracked with ethnic tension and the threat of terrorism due to multicultural policies so they bring these movies out every year to try and brainwash people into thinking in a certain way to try and discourage thoughts that are harmful to 'social cohesion'. The UK is a dystopian 1984 society now.

>Britain brings civilization to savages, uplifting them from the squalor of their own existence
>Poos think they have any right to complain

But this isn't a love story, it is, among other things, about the very real contributions Indians made to the COMMONwealth, which, as the name indicates, was a cooperative effort.

I don't see how reflecting the role Indians played in that can possibly offend you.

Besides, if you fuckheads didn't want Indians to invade your country, maybe you shouldn't have invaded theirs in the first place?

> civilization
> Christianity and famine

Sure thing senpai

>>Britain brings civilization to savages
In what way?

>Frears was brought up Anglican, and did not find out that his mother was Jewish until he was in his late 20s.

What my ancestors did doesn't affect how I feel now about constant terrorism. Your guilt and shaming argument won't work on me. No sane country would agree to being punished for events in its past, to lay down and die for them. Every country has done something in its past that it could be punished for. When is Turkey going to have mass immigration in revenge for the Ottomon Empire?

Funny how all the poos come out of the woodworks every time this is brought up.

I don't make moral judgements, I'm simply explaining to you that when you go to a third world country and use the fact that your own homeland is paradise on earth as justification for subjugating the people there, you shouldn't be surprised when they show up at your doorstep later on.

> Turkey
Turkey has more refugees within their borders than any other country in the world right now, you uneducated fuck.

>Since the end of the Stuarts, English Monarchy are a bunch of race traitor working for Rotschilds.

Common law, massive infrastructure projects, scientific and technological advancement, truer appreciation of White Excellence etc.

>Common law
Thanks god the US went for a written Constution.

> common law
Which they could only enforce in the city centers they controlled
> infrastructure
Which was almost only constructed and used for transporting cash crops of little benefits to the people
> Scientific and technological advancements
Which the Indians could have acquired on their own through trade, had they been afforded the opportunity.

Let me ask you a question. Judging from Brexit, you Brits seem to value sovereignty pretty highly. Where is your respect for Indian sovereignty?

but thats not what happened. Hotel Rwanda happend

Racial superiority in all forms is stupid.
Angry white nationalists who think they need an ethnostate are stupid, black racists who blame whitey for everything are stupid, Muslims who go to another country and demand the host culture change their customs to accommodate them are stupid, (((those))) who push for social change through propaganda and subliminal messages rather than letting it occur (or not occur) naturally are evil

Victoria wasn't in love with him
she saw him as a bff

Internet. Therefore Sneedposting.


>you Brits seem to value sovereignty pretty highly. Where is your respect for Indian sovereignty?

"sovereignty" is a concept for fully modern humans, not low IQ primitives like the Australoid/Negrito mixes found in "India"

>common law
They already had that
>massive infrastructure projects
They been doing that since they're civilization started
> Scientific and technological advancements
look up the stuff they created before anglos came
>truer appreciation of White Excellence
Yes im sure they appreciate white people for causing artificial famines, shooting peaceful protesters that wanted tax to be lowered and literally making the country poor

you know why brits called india the jewel of the British empire is because they would be nothing without it

This movie is implying it was more than friendship

Haven't even heard of this film. Didn't get any coverage here in the UK. OP's film has had a bit of coverage but nothing major.


Turkey can get raped. It's an occupied country.