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tfw this mark autist includes your shitposts in his videos
Next is probably episode 3 of the Tub Boy saga.
shit sux not even waiting
Where is what?
Ahahaha I know where this is from
>expecting Jim to ever upload on time
Not until he gets arrested unless he does something even stupider
why do you care, all the old episodes have been shit.
I put in a Nintendo cartridge and the Nostalgia Critic and Peter Griffin glared at me
>tfw you made up the meme that Lindsay had an abortion on purpose for her doc but no one will ever believe you
who accidentally has an abortion?
they're nice to smoke weed to
The meme was that she got pregnant on purpose just so she could have an abortion. Lurk more.
Pretty much
>episode is shit
>d-don't worry guys the final video will be longer! a-and it'll include twice as much info as the other videos!
I just imagine the final video will be 1h long at most and he'll cut out the rest for a different time
My girlfriend when she fell down the stairs.
>i'm the shitposter the shitposter every autist should know
25 minutes of old shit we've heard thousands of times before, ending with "wow i thought it would be longer"
Did Latza ever repond of suffer any blowback?
Episode was a little weird
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
Today is a game dude Internet Insanity or a new type of video. Sept. 30th is the TGWTG episode Rumors of minor members. I am hoping he covers:
>Nash getting cucked homeless
>Jo sex change
>Luke Sex Change
>Todd getting Cucked
>Brad divorce/suicide attempt/getting cucked/screaming mattis saga/what the hell happened to Brad
>Gogles Cam whoring
>Lindsey's Intentional Abortion
>Doug, Brad, Film Brain, Ellis all stabbing James Rolfe in the Back over Ghostbusters 2016
>Film Brain's hair ?!?
>The fact that Film Brain threw up after watching porn
>Why the fuck is Ask Lovecraft a thing?
>Lord Kat rape accusation
>Elsa's Asexual lifestyle with her sex deprived husband
>Elsa's wine drinking habits while Paw has to raise their gender neutral son alone.
>Marzgirl's Unjusting and those fucking fine ass of hers.
>Jewario's poteial affir with Kitty Marie and the fact that his wife might have killed him over it, kinda odd how a devoted Jew request for a cremation even thought it's forbid in their rules, really makes you think.
>and many more...
You have to go back.
Meme? Lets be honest any women that associates with Anita is a blood hunger monster that will fuck over or desoty anyone or thing that prevents them from their goal of getting free money for little work. Ellis make over 6K a month for the cost of 2x15 min videos alone. She is a monster who will ruin lives to get her goal.
Where is what? You're the only retard here who watches this tripe.
Spoony pls
there is absolutely no way he is that lean and his chin is that defined. youtubers are utterly delusional when it comes to creating cartoon versions of themselves
I'd have a chin like that if I weren't such a fatass
isn't Jim a literal neckbeard with long hair?
His tone of voice is so practiced and singular in its pitch it's absolutely impossible to listen to. I cannot stand the fact he sounds like he is trying as hard as possible to sound sarcastic that it drips and dribbles off of every word he says. He's painful. He also finds a way to reiterate the same point multiple times with slightly different language, but still in the exact same tone of voice and enunciation with every single word. The only emotional states he switches from is pleading-to-the-object of his video as if he's talking with them in the room or as sardonic as possible.
How the fuck can anyone sit through his videos?
It's the scout from tf2 retard.
what did he do this time
i know youre in the fucking thread jim
>Marzgirl's Unjusting and those fucking fine ass of hers.
gonna need a source on that claim
>Brad divorce/suicide attempt/getting cucked/screaming mattis saga/what the hell happened to Brad
Jimbo confimred he isn't touching anything Cinema Snob related.
Glad he didn't go after The Rap Critic.
What has the Rap Critic done that is worth a dedicated video ?
Dunno, the stuff he did about Linkara kinda surprised me. Only weird thing I knew about him before the vid was him dating a tranny (Iron Liz).
What's his next video on, CinemaSnob? Brad Jones is so normie and bro tier that it'll be hard to find any dirt on him.
It will be about that sock puppet autist who got triggered over Jim using Autism as an insult and then tried to sya it was just a prank, bro.
Hmm. It would be interesting if there was something more to The Rap Critic below surface level but I doubt it. Linkara is a solid fucking autist so it wasn't particularly shocking to know he had some grade-a retardation in his history. The Rap Critic just seems like a guy with with a passion for hip hop. It'd be an interesting video none the less.
Brad Jones is probably the most dudebro name ever.
Bath tub boy is funny.
Fucking trying to kill himself drinking febreeze.
He also has pubic hairs under his nose.
>years later and people still think that or that other profile image is supposed to be him
Doesn't he have a girlfriend?
Why did he drop the Internet Aristocrat name?
Yeah, they've been going for years now. Thicc asian girl, pic related. Got wasted and fugged her on stream once. Good for him, I suppose, can't say I'm not jealous.
He said he didn't care for the 'internet fame', if I remember correctly.
Because reddit tried to make him /theirguy/, and he didn't want anything to do with them.
>>The fact that Film Brain threw up after watching porn
LOL. Source or links to the story?
His hair isn't too long, but that beard could be 'worked on' to say the least.
that's the scout from TF2 you utter newfag
He used to delete his channels every few years once they got too popular. That time it was because it got associated too heavily with Spergs and Sellouts. May seem ironic for some, given that he now has a Patreon, but at least he didn't change his content to pander the way his old contemporaries did.
He's had multiple channels other than Internet Aristocrat?
>>Film Brain's hair ?!?
As someone balding in a similar way, I'm baffled that he hasn't bit the bullet and gone bald.
Or even shaved the sides off, if he's too proud to go whole hog.
Isn't he only in his mid-late 20s? The hair makes him look elderly.
Yep. They've pretty much all been geared towards rooting out autists, poking them a bit and laughing at the ensuing sperg out. I think MM is his fourth, but I could be wrong.
It's why people who REEEE over him not being a Skepticâ„¢ "like he used to be" are so funny.
IIRC, he's 27
What even is he at this point?
He just makes fun of people these days.
Yeah, four so far, not counting literally who?-tier ones with nothing of importance connected to them. BrightsideBob is his current alt channel, and Jim81Jim is his first YouTube channel that he used for making fun of autists. Vintage laughs to be had.
Is Brighstidebob just for his streams or is there anything worth watching?
How can someone start balding that badly so early?
>He just makes fun of people these days.
That's all he's ever done.
Tubboy is pretty much an accelerated retelling of the Spax saga
Is Spax saga any fun and it's under jim81jim, right?
the TL;DR is that he was one of the very early YouTube gaming channels that was a raging plagiarist. Also blatantly autistic and went DMCA happy whenever someone made videos about him.
I'm almost glad people like Ross exist, because I thought the era of Spax types on YouTube was pretty much over.
there's a little bit, I think. Hard to tell, it's been a while.
he's very sick apparently, he can't even work a real job anymore. that's why went back on his word of never monetizing his videos and opened the patreon. he usually pretends he only coughs because of his cold, but he has cold on every stream he does, seems suspicious.
well he smokes like crazy, so that could be the cause. I see these illness rumours all the time but have never seen an actual substantiation to the claim.
he mentioned being sick on his channel discussion page a few months before he opened the patreon
I know he took some time off due to illness a while ago but are you sure that he's not just sticking to his usual semi-frequent video production? I imagine the whole Ross episode sidetracked his normal schedule since he put out a couple extra videos he hadn't planned for.
when your face does all the agework so you can have a 10/10 body
nostalgia creeeetic
I think his plan is just get at least one video out per week, and at least one of those be a TGWTG every month.
The schedule is there for if nothing else happens
>tfw me and my internet friends used to talk to bathtub boy around 2 years ago
I actually like Doug's performance when he's not trying to act like a tryhard intellectual or trying to make smart banter but actually doing the energetic slapstick/situation comedy. He's made me laugh out loud a lot of times during his early videos. But holy god shit like Demo Reel was a travesty, I can't believe someone can be so unfunny and cringeworthy while being watchable in his other show. It's like watching a movie with a friend who throws witty comments making fun of the film and you chuckle at them, but when he tries to be funny on its own it's just uncomfortable. And his taste in movies is awful and he tries to be way more insightful than he actually is. And besides a standup routine, he can't produce written comedy worth shit. Nowhere else is this better showcased than in Demo Reel and the distracting skits he does with Rachel/Tamara and Malcolm during the new NC seasons.
But the rest of the Channel Awesome... I dropped a NC episode whenever it was a cameo episode. They're all bad, unfunny, untalented people with no charisma to speak of. Doug is mostly a normie and a balanced person in a way despite being a dweeb, but you can see miles away the other people are just fucked up and have no social or performing skills. I have no trouble believing all this to be true. How do they even find these people? They're worse than an average vlogger with a subpar webcam.
He has a qt Asian gf he fingered on a stream
That's absolute disgusting, holy fuck
Why, does he like Brad?
holy fuck btfo'd
what's going on in this thread?
you're being forgotten Spoony.
only a few people still interested follow what you do, the younger generation are oblivious to you. even if you made a comeback now, it wouldn't work.
Here he is on his FB page saying he won't cover Brad (maybe we'll get something that rumor Video he said he's going to do?)
>Jewario's poteial affir with Kitty Marie and the fact that his wife might have killed him over it, kinda odd how a devoted Jew request for a cremation even thought it's forbid in their rules, really makes you think.
And here's the his schedule (it's the same announcement where he said that he scrapped his vid on Lindsey cause she wasn't that interesting)
Kind of sad how the Mad Jose video went, but he said he'll cover him again in the last 2 vids so we'll see. I think the reason the videos we have so far are so short is cause he really only wants to do verifiable facts, and leave rumors just for the last one (which is probably going to be so big he might have to split into parts). In another post he said there going to go out the last saturday of each month. So the 30th and then Halloween
That boy ain't right.
After this I kind of hope he makes a video (or series cause it might warrant it) about Something Awful and it's rise and downfall.
There's a lot but I think he can do it since he's a former goon himself that hates what SA has become (he was also apperantly friends with hbomberguy weirdly enough).
>thinking that Jim is Haberman
topest of kek
I can see that, do a episode separate episodes on Lowtax, Shmorky (surprised he hasn't covered his downfall yet on his channel), slowbeef, all the weird twitter guys that came from SA (can even show all the non-pc stuff they use to say on there), how SA influenced the internet and which memes came from it, the various admins and events that killed it, the front page writers (especially Zack Parson), the various influential boards, show which internet famous people use to be goons. It could be a big series.
who's HBomberGuy
This guy sucks, what a jackass.
He's a popular SJW Youtuber
cucked feminist britbong guy
It's a pity he's indoctrinated because he's witty and intelligent
All I remember is he threw a Chris-chan level autism fit over Sonic's voice.
look into the eyes of your filtered god.
Yeah it's weird, seems like there's a lot of popular upcoming British male SJW Youtubers. There's also Tim Blake (who I guess might be behind the Tom Bloke twitter account) and that ademotivater guy. There smart and are willing to talk to some anti-SJWs (hbomberguy has met shoe0nhead and Armoured Skeptic irl and apperantly was in the same room as Sargon for a few minutes).
He's basically what's become of your average SA goon, can be funny and smart guys but lotta of them became feminist for some reason (mostly likely to get laid).