>I'm Dunn Hier
I'm Dunn Hier
Other urls found in this thread:
Who was Yofrenz Arded and why did the Bankman want him dead?
Surely you mean Ewan Yafrenzided
>What happened to Darez Tadaguise?
>I'm Mckenna with Draul here!
Why did they shout their names?
no need to get upset
>No, no, no I'm supposed to kill Tibus Drievr
Who was Tibus Drievr?
This, the bankman was shouting his own name
it was a trite hollywood trend at the time
Arrogance. They thought the masks made them invisible...
No, he said "Euwen, Yerfranz are dead!". Euwen got shocked on the roof and Yerfranz got shot by Huyeer Steelenfrum.
Why do they have such strange names? Are they meant to be foreigners, and Jhokar is exploiting their vulnerable status?
>That's Alotta Munny
How did he know the clerk's name?
>No, I kill Thebus Draiver
clearly they had people on the inside, just like with any proper robbery
Nice one
You've taken this too far.
Why does this make me giggle like a little girl?
who's Tufar and where did he take it?
>Is that a problem?
>No, I'm Dunnhier
A strange tale of hubris right at the beginning. Here we see a guy who's so full of himself he (perhaps constantly) boasts that he can work around any problem, because '[he's] Dunnhier', the legendary thief. However, almost immediately after his first appearance, he is nonchalantly shot in the back. It really delivers Nolan's message about escalation perfectly; the low-life criminals in Gotham have no respect, even for other criminals and their previous merits. Even Dunnhier, with all his skills, is expendable.
>He's Oute, right?
Did that goon recognize the bank manager or was he implying he was homosexual. Heists are weird.
Is Dunnhier related to Dunkirk?
>Oh, you think Dedark Ness is your ally, you merely adopted Dedark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was Ardi Amann; by then, it was nothing to me but blinding!
This is such a mysterious film.
Is this the single greatest opening sequence for a movie?
many are from Gotham's irish mob
Why was this movie so critically acclaimed again? Half the scenes in it like the bank robbery didn't even make any sense.
The bank robbery shows how well Joker manipulates people and sets the stage for his feud with Gotham's crime families.
Wait, so Batman is Bane's adoptive grandather? Was Batman, dare I say it, the biggest of those guys?
How was he able to time the bus driver crashing into the last robber? Why were there school buses going in a line with exact spacing between them for the Joker's bus to go between? How did they all time the school buses so that he could make it in just in time? Why does nobody notice a school bus backing out from a hole in the bank? Why would the robbers kill each other and assume they would be the ones spared?
how did this meem cum to be. its so randum
>How was he able to time the bus driver crashing into the last robber?
He told him exactly when to back in
>Why were there school buses going in a line with exact spacing between them for the Joker's bus to go between?
>How did they all time the school buses so that he could make it in just in time?
>Why does nobody notice a school bus backing out from a hole in the bank?
His goons are driving the other buses and they're faking a field trip or some shit
>Why would the robbers kill each other and assume they would be the ones spared?
They're dumb
>Where did you learn, Du Count?
I had no idea the ring leader was royalty
it's a live-action documentary about japanese cabaret you mong, what do you expect?
nobility != royalty
So did he plan on the bank manager shooting back? And for the second last robber to stand in the exact spot where the bus was going to crash, and also told the bus driver exactly where to crash?
Is the Bank Scene the thinking man's Plane Scene?
All nolan's moveis are like this: a bunch of flashy pretentious nonsense that looks cool and complicated.
>Is the Bank Scene the thinking man's Plane Scene?
For fucks sake, i spilled all my cereal
>I don't get it so it's bad
>His goons are driving the other buses and they're faking a field trip or some shit
Pretty sure you can hear childrens
>that's not tim
>that's more like it
>The Virgin Plane Scene
>The Chad Bank Joint
Was this a reference to It?
They're in on the heist too
What's there to get? All of hist movies are literally baby's first "clever" movie. I do like Memento and Prestige though, the rest are garbage. TDK is somewhat good, but not because of nolan's directing skills that's for sure.
>I know Y'thay Callum Th'jokar.
Who was this and why did the guy see fit to say he knows him?
>nolan's directing skills in TDK
someone posted a brief segment on things Nolan did wrong in the TDK, like awkward shots, etc.
It probably wasnt' all nolan but he is the fucking director. it was hilarious
Why was there a lack of blood in all 3 of these movies?
gotta get that PG-13
The alternate universe where Bankposting took off instead of BANE? is far superior to this one.
Dunn Hier, I'm CIA
>My dogs are Hong Ray!!
what breed is that?
Who was Mobb Ank and how does he tie into all of this?
I always figured Moab Ankh was an Egyptian sorcerer
I feel like he's the scammer that ripped Hugh Dozdiz
>You have any idea who you're stealin from?! Ewan Yafrenzided!
Robbing the Welsh-Iranians. Makes sense.
>This can't be happening! I'm supposed to be in charge here!
>Pity there's only JUAN OVYU!!
I like the continuity they kept between movies
Why does he seem to think of himself as the Mob boss George Hier?
I never understood why he shot him after he told him his name help?
Spawned by Baneposting. Watching the plane scene a lot, you kind of want to parallel it with Nolan's other Batman cold open. Mix in the odd "I'm CIA" claim and there you go.
>tonight you're going to have to break Euron Rhule
Why am I laughing so hard at this. It shouldn't be this funny yet it is. I hate you all.
Was Euron Rhule not Dent's former nickname?
How many fucking layers was Nolan on when he made this film?
Juan Ovyu is such an integral character that we never get to see
>For Juan Ovyu holds the detonator!!
>Gotham National Bank Manager: Do you have any idea who you are, Stea Lingfrom? You and your friends are dead!
Is this one of the most underrated reveal in film history? Nolan's love for twist reveals isn't just a gimmick like Shyamalan's use of them, but it's deeply tied to his recurring thematic obsessions, the cerebral labyrinths, the intellectual games around the mysteries of one's Identity and Memories, and the concept of Time. Stea's amnesia is a continuation of Guy Pearce's character in Memento. His wearing a mask is highly symbolic: he doesn't remember that he and his friends were dead all along (this denial of one's death and the traumatic grief/memory glitches that follows can be seen in Insomnia and Inception to some extent), he "hides" his true self. However when the bank manager reminds him of this essential truth, he manages to find Himself, he can now achieve psychological inner peace and gets Reborn. Stea's journey culminates in him finally removing the mask (his visage is abnormally pale, as a sign of his undead state), but if you remember correctly, indeed all his friends remain dead (they never take off the "masks", which "blinds" them, if you will), as they have not been able to triumph over their former traumas (I assume they all died in a bus accident, hence the subconcious re-playing of the trauma at the end) in order to regain their lost identity/memory. Much more subtle and thematically deep that Bruce Willis' realization at the end of The Sixth Sense imo, and also brilliantly subverted by having the reveal at the BEGINNING instead of the end, which btw is classic Nolan. His subversion of narrative structure is also part of the brilliance of Memento and Inception. His films are psychological, intellectual labyrinths.
Half Nord, half Imperial
damn, Nolan really doesn't pull punches, killing Juan just like that
Bravo Nolan.
>Spawned by Baneposting.
I actually don't think it was. Pretending not to understand what characters were saying was a meme before that.
He deserved it for standing by and doing nothing when the Big Guy killed his boss Inncharge "John" Daggett.
iom not wearen hawkhey pahgs!
Who's Wearon Hawkie Pahgs? Why was Batman mistaken for him?
because he wears the mask
deepest lore
what was Dunhere's tax policy?
Build the wall and make Men of the Mountains pay for it.
A man named Dunn Hier killed his parents. It was mentioned in a line that got cut from the script.
Dr. Pavel, I'm CPA.
These stupid fucking threads are fine, but a mod got pissy about Sneed threads? Fuck this shit.
t. sneed
kill yourself
Who was DaJhokah Baibi?
You have the need for Sneed, kidd?
I'm DaJhokah Baibi!! AMA
He wasn't a loan.
top kek
this whole thread is a bit too good for Sup Forums's usual level, as were the recent LOTR and SW tax/landlord posting threads. did some other board die and reignite creativity here?
This is why I keep coming here, kek
No it's Ewan Yufronz
It was a special breed, desu.
What a dbag, thinking he could namedrop a random person like that to give him status before a heist.
What I meant was, just because you have a few questions about how it worked doesn't mean it was necessarily bad
>That guy's not Gitinhup is he?
Did he even know who he was running over?
the speedrunning general has been dying on /vg/ for a long time, and a lot of us were a good bunch
that's funny, i used to go there 1-2 years ago.
>What happened to Duress Hoftaguise?
I feel like there was a subplot going on by the clowns and they gave each other new names
It's an old meme, sir, but it checks out.