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how do i escape from the poo in the loos
What is it about this show that triggers the delicate alt-right kids so hard?
i dont know. Im right leaning and i find this show overrated. Its not bad, but its not as good as people say it is.
>cucchristians desmise every god of every religion ever
>they get mad when athechads desmises just one more god than they do
>alt right
You can stop now
all of these people were sexually abused as children and splintered off into different groups like altright, antifa, sjw.. any extreme rouge group of millennial idiots you can think of.
christfags can't really argue for their position, because how would you, so they get hypersensitive when they feel the slightest hint of attack.
>inb4 fedora
exactly what i mean. weak defense mechanism.
math and science hard
it's because most don't even actually believe it themselves, they are just so resentful of atheists because of their own intellectual insecurities
im like you brother, we just want to see the world burn too.. hahahah.. whats your screen name on reddit?
wtf im a triggered nazi
When they stop I'll stop
Nothing, the alt right gets triggered over literally anything and everything. They are the biggest safe space crybaby retards around. One of my 'friends' is alt right and me and others take great joy recommending him stuff with women or blacks in leading roles.
Hearing his 'review' afterwards is always funny, literally REEEEEEing over it. Like almost all alt-rights he has been rejected by women (So he hates them, all bitches are whores) and despite growing up in an area without many blacks or any immigration problem, he hates both.
And like the rest of the alt-right, he lies about himself online. "I'm black but.." "I'm a liberal but even.." "Now I don't hate women but."
It's actually a right-wing thing in America to use false equivalencies like a truck stop condom dispenser. It's not even a conservative or a republican thing; it comes from people who define themselves in opposition to a leftist strawman they experience through Fox News and talk radio. Virtually every right-wing Fox viewer you meet will easily admit that Fox is right-leaning; "but," they add, "all the other media outlets are left-leaning, so it needs to be." This is intellectual infancy, the tribal need to have two teams and to feel that one of them is openly biased toward your point of view because you believe the other one is secretly biased.
>Its an Ann Coulter reminding people she exists tweet
Imagine being such a demonspawn that Hellboy has to come out of retirement to destroy you on Twitter
>Hearing his 'review' afterwards is always funny
>not dropping it the second you see interracial shit before the episode ends
>only protestant capitalism can save the world
yeah, nah
not an argument.
Ooo, I get that reference.
My issue is that the media is so left leaning, but everyone that isn't left leaning is either killed or shunned.
The "alt-right" exists because we live in a day and age where it's only acceptable to be a liberal transnigger lgbtq dog-kin. If there was right wing movies and left wing movies, or tv shows that lean left and lean right, I feel like this wouldn't be such an issue. It would mean that each side of the political spectrum is being catered to. If you don't like one program, there's a program on the other side for the other person.
Unfortunately, that's not how it works. Liberalism is "progressive" and we all know "progressive" is the way of the (((future))). When having a right wing opinion gets you called racist, sexist, and all these other things, people are going to get pissed. It's discounting their views not because of their views, but because its not politically correct.
It's a 90/10 split, and that ten percent can't do shit because (((they))) are against anyone that speaks out. This isn't an opinion, it's a fact. If you're a liberal and you have left leaning values, then I disagree with it, but if you're not shunning people for having different views I have no reason to see an issue with said views.
Like any reasonable right wing person can say, fox news is right wing, but any left wing person should be able to say there's clearly a majority bias in favor of liberal and left wing ideals in media and western culture as a whole.
>Summer, put your burqa on!
>That burqa is a human rights violation, and I spent a lot on this top.
>The least you could do is be ashamed of your gender.
How did they get away with this? I thought this was a liberal show
I wasn't sexually abused as a child and i would vote for next hitler if there was such a canditate. We need drastic changes if we are to reinstallate tradionalism into western civilization, and traditionalism is needed for western civilization to survive.
You need to get offline and stop basing what people think on what you read on the web.
What do they think, user? Not mocking you, I'm genuinely curious what you're getting at.
>Smartest man in the universe
>Believes the pay gap is real
But what would be the "right-wing" movies about? Heavily biased 1950s semi-propaganda? Or what? The heavy-hitting right-wing thinkers would laugh at the idea that their works inspired people like Milo, Spencer or any other alt-right paragon. Also stop with the ((())), it's Varg Vikernes tier brainletism.
>we live in a day and age where it's only acceptable to be a liberal transnigger lgbtq dog-kin
This is the kind of horseshit that you only hear from someone who gets their opinions on how the world works based on far left and far right leaning hate boxes online.
A right wing movie could just be a regular show except it doesnt shoehorn interracial couples, gays, trans people, hating on christianity, random segments where they talk about how refugees and muslims are oppressed and we need to give them everything etc
This guy is a great example of exactly what I'm talking about.
Do people who aren't left leaning literally get "killed or shunned", or is that a persecution complex you inherited from watching Fox tell you about it happening?
Do you think it's only acceptable to be a "liberal transnigger lgtbq dog-kin", or do you think maybe it's become more expected that people tolerate or ignore other people doing whatever they want with their lives? Have you personally ever been told to check your privilege, avoid misgendering someone, or stop talking because you're a white/male/christian? Has anyone else in your entire upbringing in, oh, I'm going to guess, Tennessee, ever experienced any of this?
I am a white male with a Judeo/Christian heritage and I grew up in the fucking liberal ass Northeast and went to a college with a liberal ass campus and no one ever did any of those things to me. There is a vocal minority of people with radical ideas about identity, sexuality, and society, but people tolerate them because they're largely harmless. The Antifa problem is a group of fringe people that should rightly be classified as domestic terrorists, but to say they stand for the whole group of liberal people, or that the majority of liberal people tacitly endorses their methods as a means to establishing control of the mainstream, is about as retarded as assuming the people in Charlottesville accurately stand for the whole alt-right movement.
You have virtually no experiences with people of different groups than yourself except through the lens of TV articles and videos written by culture warriors who barely get pageclicks from their own base. Literally meet a Jewish person, hang out with a black person, or talk to a fucking girl for once and then come whine to me about your emasculated worldview.
Why is so hard for lefties to have self deprecating fun?
That's subjective, actually. Unless the character is poorly written, I don't see how it's shoehorning. Hell, Trailer Park Boys had a lot of bisexual characters and it never felt forced. And that was almost two decades ago and still going.
>hating on Christianity
It's not like the Church has a great track record recently, user.
Well, the refugees from war-torn countries are opressed by definition (not opportunist economic migrants), the question is whether the current influx is sustainable and to what extent. It's not like the West had no hand in the current state of the Middle-East.
Why do numillenials love this show so much? I couldn't even finish the first season out of disinterest.
cause you're a contrarian fuck
I bet you watch seasonal anime
Allah is literally the same entity as the Christian God (it's literally the same word).
Saying "God's not real" is also going against Islam.
Because it's at least a bit relevant in its mediocrity, unlike muh nostalgia shows.
all the worst people on this site btfo
>lol I guess youre the REAL snowflake because you mock a cartoon I, an adult, love watching!
See, you're so sure of your superiority that the only response one can expect from you is a fucking meme.
>avoid misgendering someone
Can't speak for who you're directing shit at but I know three trannies. One is ftm and laughs it off, saying its okay and she knows she still looks and sounds pretty girlish. Another is mtf and gets incredibly triggered, another is mtf and doesn't give a shit.
In the real world not every tranny is trigger crazy anger fuel, though even if they are it costs nothing to respect their weird choice to be called him/her or whatever the fuck. I guess respecting others is a pretty libcuckreddit thing to do though according to the right.
Christfags were the original sjws
>enjoy cartoon
>also enjoy variety of things
>see miserable young people arguing about nothing
>feel sorry for them
>see your post
>stop feeling sorry for them
lol is there any more obvious pseudo-mature posturing than this "cartoons are for CHILDREN!" meme? there have been adult cartoons longer than you've been alive, i'd put money on it
>I am a white male with a Judeo/Christian heritage and I grew up in the fucking liberal ass Northeast and went to a college with a liberal ass campus and no one ever did any of those things to me. There is a vocal minority of people with radical ideas about identity, sexuality, and society, but people tolerate them because they're largely harmless. The Antifa problem is a group of fringe people that should rightly be classified as domestic terrorists, but to say they stand for the whole group of liberal people, or that the majority of liberal people tacitly endorses their methods as a means to establishing control of the mainstream, is about as retarded as assuming the people in Charlottesville accurately stand for the whole alt-right movement.
Kino post my man.
>Try to dismiss a show as an attack on traditional values by a cadre of atheist feminist SJWs run by Soros and the global jewish conspiracy
>Get told you're a scaremongering dweeb who gets triggered easily
>"Lol it's just harmless banter guise! Cartoons r the reel problem, im not even trying to do all the things I was clearly doing"
Because Rick said the magic sky wizard isn't real or something like once so they all throw their fedoras at this show like a bunch of triggered muslims.
If I can write fanboyish essays on Mishima and D'Annunzio at my liberal university and wear a rune pin on my jacket without triggering anyone, then maybe it's just about not acting like a fucking jackass no matter your worldview.
>Heavily biased 1950s semi-propaganda
You mean like how 95 percent of modern movies are CURRENT YEAR obvious propaganda? A right wing movie wouldn't have a status quo that has to be edgy and progressive and have a gay character, everyone from each race, or forced dialect. Why do you think movies from the 80s and before were so good? The film directors didn't have a fucking check list of things that they had to do to please the (((executives :^)))), they did what they wanted. This can be argued, but I think it's fair to at least consider.
Yeah, in retrospect that is kind of ridiculous and more of just an online thing. I however do feel there is certain environments, like colleges, where this really does apply. But for the most part, that is pretty silly.
>Do people who aren't left leaning literally get "killed or shunned"
>Have you personally ever been told to check your privilege, avoid misgendering someone, or stop talking because you're a white male
I do have experience with many different people, and my views aren't all garnered from online. I will say it influences it, but I still realize there are good people from most groups. Like I said, there is a certain mentality and hostility towards one side of the political spectrum. In my one year of college (where I was told to check my privilege and such) if you were right wing, oh man, you better have kept your mouth shut. But parading around campus about how whites are evil is a-okay.
>That's subjective
Nigger come on, you and I both fucking know that non whites are shoehorned just because they need to fit the checklist. See: The dark tower. They literally swapped the bad guy from black to white, and good guy from white to black. That's so blatant stevie wonder can see that shit
>It's not like the church has a great track record recently
Neither do muslims, but we gotta fit those guys in, right?
>Muzzies dindu nuffin
Cmon man.
>call others triggered
>get triggered because no one likes a gay cartoon you, as an adult, watch and like so much that you get literally angry when strangers on the internet mock it
please do not let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
This is the level we're reaching here, can't even tell if it's irony or not.
>lazy as fuck "NO U" reply
They are people invading this board, that feel the MORAL OBLIGATION to defend a cartoon from the evil nazi frogposters
>Why do you think movies from the 80s and before were so good? The film directors didn't have a fucking check list of things that they had to do to please the (((executives :^)))), they did what they wanted. This can be argued, but I think it's fair to at least consider.
If you watched only popcorn-tier trash, then sure, 100% family-friendly hetero. But the majority of relevant 80s movies dealt with either Reagan era politics, war on drugs, homosexuality and AIDS, etc. 80s weren't only meme vaporwave material, user.
>I do have experience with many different people, and my views aren't all garnered from online. I will say it influences it, but I still realize there are good people from most groups. Like I said, there is a certain mentality and hostility towards one side of the political spectrum. In my one year of college (where I was told to check my privilege and such) if you were right wing, oh man, you better have kept your mouth shut. But parading around campus about how whites are evil is a-okay.
Hostility from the extreme authoritarian campus left is a reality, but it's not a representative or emblematic one at all. The reality is that everyone understands those people will either sell out or burn out by the time they're 22. The college I went to had a decent number of college Marxists/jihad left/problem hair types, but again, no one ever attacked me personally, and I was honest about things if I disagreed with the campus mainstream. Everyone who isn't in that group realizes that studying genderqueer studies without any other skills is a fast track to working in a coffeeshop or hastily taking some night business classes at community college afterwards, and many of them hit that "wall" when their first/second unpaid internship made them reevaluate their lives. I promise you there is nothing more satisfying than meeting a raging culture warrior from your freshman year as a senior and seeing them try to wear a suit/use corporate jargon and talk about their receptionist job. Sell out or burn out. There's a reason this is a "campus" problem, it doesn't survive outside the incubator.
Aren't the jews really strict about gender? How can you be a jewish tranny? What side of the curtain would you sit on? This bitch wouldn't even be allowed inside.
you're the only one who has brought up nazis in this thread because you want everybody to be one of the big ball of stereotypes you've lumped together for your own convenience
don't you mean oy vey, schlomo?
>Nigger come on, you and I both fucking know that non whites are shoehorned just because they need to fit the checklist. See: The dark tower. They literally swapped the bad guy from black to white, and good guy from white to black. That's so blatant stevie wonder can see that shit
Kek, free market economics are bad when they don't fit your worldview? There's money in that (even if it's a long term investment in a new target demographic) and you can literally choose to not watch the movie.
>Neither do muslims, but we gotta fit those guys in, right?
Literally ignored my argument. "Kill all muslims" powertrips are not a solution that's going to happen and you know it.
>Muzzies dindu nuffin
Again, not all muslims are refugees and I'm not a fan of religion as a concept. You just made a strawman out of my original argument. Look up how Kissinger fucked over Assad's father several decades ago.
>family guy that pretends to be smart
Doesn't that kind of imply that being Jewish isn't synonymous with pushing a Marxist agenda?
Not every Jew is orthodox, like not every Christian is a bible-thumping inbred mong.
Why would i be ironic?
Alt right=nazis
Not liking rick and morty=alt right
Are you implying that Rick & Morty staff are using real formulas like Futurama did?
no, reddit and memey isn't for REAL intellectuals like us futurama fans
>I can be a jewish tranny if I cheat
>I can just ignore bits of the bible I don't like
Religion sure is something.
why would someone make that
talk about mental gymnastics
based fucking perlman
You know, for a board that hates even the mention of the show they SURE AS FUCK CANT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT
Literally every protestant denomination is "I'll make my own religion with hookers and blackjack".
One disclaimer from not that user, but one of the big narratives on Sup Forums right now is that Ghostbusters, the Dark Tower, and other demoswapping reboots failed commercially because they actually aren't representative of free market demand. All the slightly irrelevant posts about how Rey/Finn dolls aren't selling while Kylo Ren is are, too. It's part and parcel with the "muh real America heartland versus them coastal elites" that shitty snake oil politicians campaign on so often. The counterargument is obviously that movies with a variety of casting choices do well or poorly based on whether they were good at doing what they set out to do. TFA did *really* well commercially, and it isn't all because of Kylo Ren, that's not very likely at all. Fant4stic didn't bomb because of Michael B. Jordan, it bombed because it was a flaming turd of a movie that no one wanted and the director got menopause during the latter half of shooting.
Are shitty shoehorned diversity movies shitty? Yes, but so is God's Not Dead 2, and that doesn't mean Christianity is shitty.
Reminder of the cancer that killed this site
Literally nobody ITT said anything remotely similar to this.
If it was't for redditor white knights this threads would be one liners, copypastas and twitter captions
To be honest, most threads in this board are made by people butthurt about the subject they are posting
If it wasn't for an "us vs them" mentality, this website could serve as a field for actual discussion. How's that for a reply? The few moments of genuine intellectual connection I've ever felt in my life were on Sup Forums, when people decided that there's a topic worth discussing without delving into political rants and sophistry, and nobody was burdened by his affiliations, race or worldview.
Nobody gives a shit, fag this thread is blatant off topic shitposting and you fucking know it, having a flimsy ''''excuse''''for doing it means litteraly nil
I'm a literal nazi and I love the show, the ones being triggered are american evangelical retards
Most of them were not even religious before it was trendy and cool to larp as a christian in Sup Forums
>tfw arrived circa 2011
>tfw don't contribute to any of the BLACKEDposting, angry politics, or other toxic memes
feels bad to have the other newbies make me look like an autist
Dude i'm the most normal guy you could think off. I've had gfs, i have lots of friends and i love to drink and party. And i can say there is a very heavy bias for modern liberalism in western mainstream media. It just simple sees liberalism as something great and tradition and tradionalism as something not desirable. Not only that, but european population is dropping while muslim population of europe is ever rising, and even after generations they can't adopt to western way of life and instead develop shadow societies. This is because islam as a religion is too different from western traditions that have their root in christianity, and also everything points to the fact that they just aren't biologically capable of intergrating into western civilization.
All this i can say as the most normie person you could see because you can just look the facts up.
>Redditors come to Sup Forums to have a patrician discussion about Rick & Morty
kek at this timeline
Sup Forums spread their ass to redditors during the 2016 election, and since that, the site is long dead
The cancer that is Sup Forums finally killed this place
Literally the same could be said of left when it comes to respecting christians, immigration skeptics ect.
>the redditor deflects
>tradition and tradionalism as something not desirable
Can you even properly define tradition and traditionalism? The only intellectually relevant mention of traditionalism recently is in the works of people such as Taleb and even then it's just as means of utilitarian damage prevention.
do people not realise this thread is a shitposting thread
why are you arguing over politics when there's a containment board.