Not quite my tempo.
Not quite my tempo
Other urls found in this thread:
>How can we make a movie about jazz music appealing to the masses, team?
>That's a tough one Damien.
>Oh no, that's easy. You just take the plot of a sports movie and change all the references to sport to references to jazz music, but you keep the general fratboy attitude towards the culture and the ridiculous training montages and so. And then we'll get say... yeah we'll get JK Simmons, and just get him to do his best impersonation of the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket, and we're golden.
>Wow thanks Jim, have a promotion.
and it worked
It's very Chazellean
no can do
Why does a conducter need to be really muscular and walk around in tight ass tshirts?
But was it rushing or was it dragging?
>those arms
it was a different tempo
>may i fuck my wife sir?
>a movie about jazz music
It is not a movie about jazz music. The movie is like any sci-fi. It manipulates with reality to evoke some emotions and ideas in audience.
of course it's not about jazz music, but it is, ostensibly, about jazz music
that was sort of my point
Like that user said, it’s just a sports movie but with drumming instead of football or whatever. Not saying that’s a bad thing.
Was the movie RUSHING, or was it DRAGGING?
what sports movie is about a toxic mentor mentee relationship where the athlete is driven to near suicide for obsession about being the best?
Like he said, that part of the movie is from Full Metal Jacket. Can you not read?
Trolls 2
I don't know.
R Lee Ermey wasnt a mentor figure in any way shape or form
can't believe some roastie made me watch this flick with her. so stupid.
well it was american music so it couldn't have been rushin
10/10 post
I don't care what your contrarian ass has to say, but this one was a good movie
A jazz drummer would never start bleeding tbqh
jazz is the go-to niche topic to discuss for pretending to be middle class / upper class white people
But I actually am a middle class white person
What did he mean by this?
in the US perhaps, in Europe it's just a bunch of entitled niggers
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
the same people that hate jazz fusion because it's "low brow", bunch of pretentious pussies like ken burns that only listen to pre ww2 crap.
this really upped my thinking gears
most my friends are middle class and i fucking hate the way they laud their expensive bourgioise musical educations over me and talk about jazz all the time
one of them whenever i'd try to talk to him he'd go on about snarky puppy and how great it is
Perhaps you should make brainlet friends so you can talk about buttrock with them.
> "haha i could have come up with it if i wanted i just didn't ok"
Has there ever been a less useful statement as that.
why did you post this?
Full Metal Jacket's first half wasn't about an all-consuming desire for greatness, it was about men being broken down in bootcamp and one person's mental degradation as a result. You are taking one or two similar elements and calling it a day. Just stop.
why did you post that?
why did you post this?
I want to lick her legs
btw she's well behind in Caravan
yeah well 'perhaps' you should shut your pie hole
The only good jazz I ever heard that the Cowboy Bebop OST
Why didn't he actually kick the out of tune player out of his band though and just kind of joked around with him? Even if he was rusing to get the fat kid out, the other kid was still out of tune. Was he just softer on the brass section than percussion?
That's because you're a pleb brainlet
I can tell you he wasn't softer on the ASS section.
That's because you're a dumb weeb.
keep telling yourselves that
Yeah you're right dude. Jazz is shit and people are just pretending to like it
t. brainlet
dumb weeb