I dont get it. Why cant White europeans just have more kids...

I dont get it. Why cant White europeans just have more kids. Are you going to tell me the jews are going to stop you from fucking?

We don't need more children. Our populations are high enough as it is.

The problem is darkies don't understand that and keep polluting our communities with their shitspawn.

yes you do apparently. You need to have a younger economy to support your economy.

*younger population to support your economy

sorry. honestly though. white people stop having kids and then we act surprised when the world is running out of white people.

Because niggers and shitskins breed without any care or concern, while european whites realize raising kids, especially more than 1, is extremely expensive as fuck

>without care or concern

so whats stopping us?

They can't afford to have children. All of their income is taxed repeatedly and those taxes go to paying for the shit skins to have more children. Then since they are white they don't qualify for any government money and can't afford to feed, cloth or house white children.

we act like caring for a child is such a goddamn cross to bear. People have been shitting out kids since the dawn of time.

kids are expensive and time consuming

i would gladly contribute my dna to produce a kid but i don't want to spend my time raising him/her.

i have more important things to do.

>white people dont qualify for government money

where the fuck is that written?

right because you're time is more valuable than the thousands of generations that produced you. And people wonder why we're losing.

no you don't. why do you think japan is working so hard on building robots? if the west had spent all it's money on robots instead of diversity we'd probably have reached the singularity by now.

The entire reason for all the immigration is that western society has never had to deal with declining population and they are pissing themselves in fear.

Everything is to grow the economy and your declining pop is causing this shit.

Because white people are smart enough to understand to not live outside their means and can't afford huge families

Because in order to raise kids, the white parent has to spend shitload of money for like 20 years of his life to cover the needs of his kids.

Mostly WHITE PEOPLE care to actually build a good future for their children, by sending them to the best schools, universities etc, which is very costly

Gypsies have atleast 4 kids per family, but shit their kids don't even wear shoes

Not from fucking, but the media and the kikes are telling women they have to be strong and independent, go to work and stuff... so that the kikes get more money

also it was the jews who propagandised against having familes, made promiscuity fashionable for men and women, encouraged women to enter the work force and care about their career instead of having kids etc. why do you think christians in the usa have a much higher birthrate then other whites? low birth rates are the result of jewish degeneracy.


(((economists))) have been wrong about literally everything in the last 30 years. they all deserve rope.

i like to think so.

plus i'm not sure if my genes are the most optimal. i am in good health. have advanced degrees from ivy league schools. but it would be better if we had a real eugenics program. if we did, i would contribute my seed/dna to be screened for possible inclusion in a future human.

nah we're just greedy as fuck. We had huge familys when we lived in dirt shacks on the fronteir and collected cow patties to burn for warmth. Now that we have air conditioning, cable and government cheese we cant afford to fill a tiny belly? give me a break. White people are lazy and fucking greedy and thats why they dont want kids.

>"i have more important things to do.", he unironically posted on Sup Forums

checked and true.

this is why trump destroying the Rs is a good thing. Look at what Peter Thiel is doing to the R party right now. He has the right idea. We need to kick out all the Glen Becks and social conservatives and go full steam ahead into the singularity. we either reach it or we all die a slow death this century.

down time when some code runs right now. this board makes me laugh.

Because the nogs that have 15 kids are on welfare, and nanny sam won't give welfare to whites

sometimes I wonder if the money my parents spent raising me was wasted. I doubt I want to pay this much myself.

yea. it's a lot to properly grow and raise a human nowadays, which is why so many of them turn out shit. quality control is way down.

More kike lies also pic related.

>Are you going to tell me the jews are going to stop you from fucking?
No but the Jews are taking more of my money, making it alot harder to raise not shit children.

Whites actually plan ahead and understand consequences

Go try to apply for welfare and see if you get more than $200/month

Because mature civilisations naturally stabilise.

The problem is the jew bankers have set the economy up as a ponzi scheme so they need an ever increasing number of new entrants into the system so they can kick the debt ball further down the line. This is why migrants are being pushed so hard. They need primitives that will breed enough suckers to buy into their scheme.

If only I could find some woman desperate enough to let me fuck her, I'd impregnate her and raise kids.


>the world is running out of white people.
Isn't this a complete myth though? In sheer numbers there's more white people today than ever. There's just more of everything else too, that's all.

just don corleone one, mafia friend

The sad truth.
>b-but I need muh new iphone, 300,000$ house with a room for everyone, also 2 vacations overseas every year
>if I can't get these things with a family I guess fuck the children amirite?
>every one of my kids needs to have a 50k college degree even if they got 0 scholarships
Lower population >>>>>>>>> losing your country.
Retards just chant "dah economy", who gives a shit about your numbers if they belong to an entirely different group?
The "economy" works itself out without immigrants. Japan is surviving fine, in fact real estate is getting cheaper and people are starting to have children again, thanks to not being retarded with immigration policy.

Nigger detected

I would if any female would care about me.

Problem of women these days is that they still believe in the prince charming

What needs to be done to improve things is to make women to understand that the prince charming is like Santa Claus it is something that does not exist for real

That would be a good start

Having kids is easy.

Taking care of them. Now that's a whole other story.

The higher IQ gets the less children the people tend to have, because they have the deferred gratification and thinking for the future genes that make them consider whether they'll have the money to adequately feed, clothe, educate, and generally give the child a good life and upbringing. Meanwhile, their money is being taken away by the government to distribute to low IQ populations so they can have more kids since they don't have those concerns and also haven't been sold the "overpopulation" meme.

Shut up dad.

Quality > quantity.

When you reproduce excessively, you have little time and resources to adequately raise children and to adequately nurture the development of positive character traits, so you end up with white trash scum and whiggers who give the white race a bad image. This is the situation in many culturally negrified and low-income areas of the Southern United States.

No lies detected.
Two kids is good these days, senpai.
People having more than that are niggers, spics and trash.

Not the dreaded "white trash" that's pushed so hard by media.
Whites in the 40s had tons of children and they worked hard and advanced the world so far in science and industry.
Just deal with it, you're autistic and those mormons with 8 kids will beat you in both quantity and quality.

>I have more important things to do

shitposting on Sup Forums is not an important activity

White burgers arent breeding either. Whites are fucked, globally

the reason is that feminism has inflated our expectations towards women. they ought to have (and they very much desire) a "career" AND a family, which is not really possible to have at the same time.

so they spend their prime age on getting an education and slaving their lives away and then pop out a single child when they are 30.

Then they usually end up working part time so they can do the household stuff on the side, which is very demanding


Its probably the men's fault for not wanting to settle with 37 year-old Stacy, who had an "alive" past you shitlord.

i can't make every girl pregnant.

this is also important. a lot of peope seem to think that children are expensive, which is just not true. especially in a first world coutry like Germany

Literally no one is too poor to have kids here. yet especially the wealthier individuals don't reproduce

trips detected

Our societies discourage having kids.

>any girl

White people don't have kids they can't afford,
shitskins don't think ahead like that,
therefor by fucking up personal incomes you crush white reproduction whilst having minimal to no effect on shitskins of all flavors.

>White people don't have kids they can't afford,

Alabama begs to differ.

This has to do with education you retard.

Because children are a multimillion dollar investment that most likely won't give you returns. You basically stop using your money for yourself.

I'm a virgin bro, aint my fault ask women why they don't want to reproduce ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>White people don't have kids they can't afford

Yes...upper middle class white people are a certain population size, and feel no need to grow. I suppose they could all have 8 kids if they wanted. But why? If each couple has an average if 2.2 kids, then that is enough.

>Alabama begs to differ.
>Comparing one state to a continent with over 1 billion people
Austrian education everybody. Only good thing to ever come from Austria was Hitler

>White people don't have kids they can't afford
oh a lot of childless whites could easily afford five children. they just don't do it

Why would you stop at 2 kids though?
What's the point?
You're already taking care of kids, it's not like the difference in spending will be huge.
Give your son some brothers, or your daughter a few sisters.
This obsession with small families is so stupid.
Large families >>>>>> Small families.
>a lot of childless whites could easily afford five children
This, the financial excuse is so weak, it's sad. Buying your kids nicer shit won't make them happier.
Good family>Good community>>>>>>>>>>Nice things

UK already has some of the smallest houses in the western world, if not _the_ smallest.

Our cities and roads are crowded.

The cost of raising a family without state aid is huge. 50 or 60 years ago even a lowly blue-collar worker could support a wife at home and 2 kids, and maintain a property.

Today 2 middle class skilled workers have to work full-time to support even 1 child properly.

Meanwhile, in the UK there are no school places, doctors surgery places, dentist places, or a load of other stuff.

We are the last ones.
Within 20 years we will be a dead race, the ripping point is already passed, just do the math.

The year 2000 generation of immigrants are now reaching birthing age and have 4 or 5 kids each.

Because da jewz control da $monez$.

Be me, late 30's married w/ 1 kid. We both work and make ~$150k, combined annual pay including bonuses usually between $325-350k. Live in upper middle class suburb, be fiscially responsible by saving and investing wisely. Bought home at 25 and am

You need a bigger house and 2 cars for more kids
Education, food and clothing dont come cheap

We have to actually raise and pay for them.

Jew promote things that lower birth rates, but only in white countries, like birth control, abortion, anti family messages, small family images ect.

White countries economy starts to struggle. It goes into debt to the same Jews.

Jews then promote non-white immigration into your country because "we need more workers" and "the birth rate is below 2.1 or replacement level.

If you refuse your economy and banks go belly up.

If you say yes, then your economy barely goes because they are low IQ plebs and then the Jews promote race mixing and teach those non whites to hate you though the media they own.

If you try to stop it that same media calls you a nazi and then accelerates the non white immigration.

So basically Jews OP.

>Comparing one state to a continent with over 1 billion people

You mean the continent half of brown people?


Nothing good has ever come out of your shitty island.

Whites know that the future is fucked, so they would rather enjoy what little life has to offer rather than create children that will know only suffering.

Niggers are too dumb to realize that the Earth is going to be one big brown hell in a matter of decades.

Whites are too smart for their own good. They only breed when they have successful, stable situations and can care for their kids. And even then they usually have 1-2 at most. They prefer quality over quantity and give their all to ensure that their few children are exceptional and will succeed.

Nigs and sandniggers aren't like this. They don't plan ahead, they are dumber and more impulsive. Instead of being settled they simply jump straight to fucking anyone they can, squirting out a ton of kids. They don't invest heavily in these kids either. Because they don't have to, if you pop out 8 kids at least a few of them will breed.

No incentive.
Women don't want kids because muh career and economic strain.
Meanwhile arabs get 2x minimum wage for just having 2 kids and living in their free house.

Jesus what a document.

Women call the shots when it comes to reproduction and they have more tools, both medical and ideological, to shun motherhood than ever before.

with both taxes, and media

Education is almost free if your kids actually do well in schools.
If not send them to community college or trade school, where it's still almost free.

Food and clothing are not that expensive for kids.
>be fiscally responsible
>make 300k$+
>can't afford another kid
Absolute horseshit.
Don't buy a 600k$ house in an upper class suburb if you CAN NOT FUCKING AFFORD IT.
Kids cost 10k a year max, 5k if you are resourceful. And you get tax breaks for having them so that should decrease.

Tired of retards pretending this is a virtue. It's a failing.
Whites are inferior in this regard to niggers.
Whites are good because of the successful societies, great science art and not killing each other.
Stop trying to take any white trait and then justifying how it's a good thing, because it simply isn't.

I dont get it. Why cant White americans just have more kids. Are you going to tell me the jews are going to stop you from fucking?


because whites actually work

whites are the only people that care about the environment and other people

when was the last time you saw a rich Chinese person in African just doing charity work.

Fuck no, they are over their exploiting them because they don't have white skin so can't be called racist.

>Don't buy a 600k$ house in an upper class suburb if you CAN NOT FUCKING AFFORD IT.

How else do I avoid living around niggers and spics user?

Americans have more kids than Europeans.
The problem is we are also targeted by an even larger and unrelenting stream of immigration from Latin America, and Asia for a longer period of time.

Biden even admitted that was planned. They planned to take down America via unrelenting immigration and identity divide. Now we are just living in the time where their success is being witnessed. Obama encourages the race baiting division on purpose. Its part of the globalist plot.

People forget 10% of our population is actually Asian now. And not Middle Eastern Asian, actually Asian. Mostly from Vietnam, China, Korea, and Philippines.


I make 2-3 children if I find the right girl

Yeah man. If you don't want to marry a woman with a slutty past who can just continue being a slut and dump you for the next guy while taking half your money and denying you any access to your children, there must be something wrong with you!

because they have all been cucked by brexit and hillary's emails (colostomy bag on the leg- check it out on youtube)

Where would you rather live?
>pic related
>a smog-choked city in China, where you wake every morning in a country that could not care less about your continued existence and happiness, choke down black coffe and instant noodles, and then join the literal legion of workers outs.
White people are responsible. blacks aren't, and Asians are basically Zerglings.

workers outside*
Sorry, I sneezed 10 times while writing this.

holy shit that brings back Counter strike memories

>he doesn't realize most of the blacks are concentrated in the South.

It's not Alabama whites.

Because with marriages in the way they are, you get married, fuck, have a kid, marriage will probably split up leaving someone with the kids and people don't wanna be raising a child on their own.

Ok, I've posted an image of this town several times on several different boards, and you know what? Someone says the same goddamn thing every time (usually referencing a wide variety of fps's. One guys said TF2).
What the fuck is it about this image that reminds you of CS?

Does look like the CT area of italy to be fair

10/10 comfy.

Yeah, people like you are why whites are dying out globally.

I cannot understand how can you even think to struggle popping out 1 or 2 kids more with 300k yearly. I mean, is there really this much of a difference between Europe and USA?

We actually give a shit about our kids.

Our young people flee to UK and Germany. People who stay in here usually don't have enough money to keep more than 1 kid alive.

Stop punishing parents for accidentally killing their own children and you will see more children in white homes.

Why did they have so much kids in the past then?