What food do you sneak into the theater, Sup Forums?
>its illegal to bring your own food into the theatre in america
Candy and stuff, I don't want to eat anything in the theatre that has any overt moisture like your pic. The thought disgusts me.
fat americans lol
>illegal to bring your own food into the theatre in america
it's not
Yep, you can order pizzas to theaters if you feel like it. Good way to roll.
Depends. I'll sneak a flask in if I think the movie might be bad. I'm pretty tight with the ticket girl and she'll let me get away with stuff.
I don't "sneak" food into the theater, kid. I TAKE it in. If anyone tries to stop me, a cold stare is usually enough to get them to back off. Sometimes I have to break a finger or two of theirs, but such is life.
sorry that we like to help out our theaters over here.
i order a nice deluxe meal, then when im finished i empty all my leftovers and drink onto the floor for someone else to clean. it helps promote job growth.
Oh yeah? I beg to differ
>fly to Utah to visit family
>first time in USA
>go to cinema to see TDKR
>bring roast boar and a bottle of cuckjuice as is customary in my nation
>as I enter the cinema gates I am immediatly seized by the guards
>sent into interrogation room and question if I am a terrorist
>think he said tourist and not terrorist so i said yes
>get immediatly shot and ground into beef patty and served at the cinema food stand
>my remians are not even sent back to Cuckia
My visit was not kino... I recommend to no one visit this unwelcomig country
There's a trick women use to sneak chocolate into the office. They hide it in their underwear. That way it just looks like a skidmark if they get caught.
I've snuck in
>Water, but I don't think they'd care
>Chicken Tenders and Fries
>Panini Sandwich and chips
Why are Americans such fat disgusting pigs? you can't sit 90 minutes without gorging on an entire chicken?
the thing i do is get drink mix packets, and bring a thermos and ask for water from the fountain , works great
as for food i eat before i arrive in theaters
glad to see another alpha male on this board
I do that shit too, last time I was walking in with 3 pizza boxes on my shoulder and the guy just puts his hand in front of me, I just snap his wrist
and then he starts crying because he can't move his fingers but I tell him I can rip my ticket by myself, didn't even tell his boss
I don't sneak in food on a regular basis;
but one time me and my friends were having a pre-party and we wanted to see a new movie, we smuggled beers into the theater and sat by the end of the row so nobody could hear or see us drinking.
Watch it kid, I am not the sort to be trifled with. I'm not some wet-behind-the-back redditor, I'm pure 4channarian.
Why would you need to sneak fucking chocolate into the office, do you have fucking guards checking your baggage at the entrance or what?
don't even risk sneaking shit in. i got caught once with a twinkie after a random anus inspection. had to spend a week in the popcorn mines.
*teleports behind you*
*unsheats a whole rotesserie chicken*
Welcome to America kid... nothing personnel..
>sees funny image
You do know how competitive and cruel office women are right? They compete to have the most healthy lunch with increasingly smaller salad portions. Then they secretly guzzle chocolate and wine in the bathrooms.
I live in South Korea, bringing in food is no big deal.
Though, I just bring in beer.
>funny image
So? they can just bring it in their bags instead of underwear. Am I being memed or something?
how the fuck do you expect them to sneak it through the xray machines in their bag dumbass?
They go through each others bags bro when they're not around. I've seen it happen. They take pics of the contents on their phones. And they compete to seduce the youngest guys in the office it's pathetic.
>didn't pull your your katana, sever all his nerves completely paralyzing him, fuck his gf then call in a team of black guys to "finish her off"
Look at this omega here.
>x-ray machines
>seducing young guys
>chocolate skid marks
Where the fuck do you work and how do I apply?
You know that in a developed country filled with well-nourished adults, a whole (omg!) chicken isn't exactly a lot of food, right?
The crab industry, where else?
Yeah I suppose that for a fat greasy blob weighing 600 kilo a whole chicken wouldn't be a lot of food
we're crab people now
Can't bring in outside food in Australia
You cant even bring outside food into Australia itself.
>associating pure protein chicken with obesity
lmao dyel
i sneak in skittles and a drink
the most ridiculous thing ive seen is a black family of like 8 come in with chinese food. idk HOW they snuck that in, but that shit stunk the place up.
>pass them egg rolls nigga
another time a black family brought micky ds
If it's being eaten in one sitting, especially if it includes sides and a large beverage, then yes - it's a lot of food
my dad snuck me in a happy meal when we went to see Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Favorite cinema experience.
Just go to nice theater and they will serve you while you enjoy your kino
Nigga, thats enough meat for two or three days.
You fat fucks clearly cannot control your portions.
Sure is unhealthy if you just eat chicken and exceed your daily energy requirements.
That tubby fuck isn't in good shape.
And I thought no singles policy was just a meme.
gotta eat big to get big dude
On my birthday two years ago I snuck in three Taco Bell burritos and two cans of pop
I saw some movie starring the rock it wasn't that good
Maybe San andres
that's how you put on 30 pounds too many when dirty bulking...you only need like a 200-300cal coloric surplus to gain consistent mass alongside excercising
>tfw crab leg shortage in Ukraine so you are provided with dried rations instead
Life can be hard over there
Plenty of room for you too buddy
Does the table detach so that you can fuck?
>having to get this dressed up simply to enjoy a movie
sometimes being a wage-slave that can blend into the background has its benefits
War is hell.
On the other hand all chads will kill each other, so there's gonna be tons of qts available.
cool, a place to put my helium tank
man i hate those packs at the theater. i know things are getting tough but why does the crab have to be alive in the bag? i don't wanna have to deal with the mess.
is that the special seat row for single americans
Reminder that Americans in this thread are not laughing at that picture because they honestly think that the guy is a normal weight
I am not kidding, every american in this thread looks at that photo and sees a NORMAL individual, in their eyes, that is why they don't understand non-american bashing of this disgraceful sloth
To Americans, an entire bird is a quick snack for them, hence they eat it in the movies
At least half of the americans in this thread will find him attractive because he has something resembling a jawline and at the least doesn't require 2 seats just to hold his weight
Americans are fucking disgusting pigs
>fucking Americans
Learn to distinguish between dinnertime and leisure time, you fat shits. It's like if you're not perpetually shovelling garbage down your gullet, are you really enjoying yourself? Not to mention that food in America is literally the equivalent of eating trash anywhere else, the standards of your food regulations are atrocious. Enjoy your chlorinated chicken, cancer-causing agents and bovine growth hormones you lardasses
>On the other hand all chads will kill each other
This happens and leaves all the weak scum to survive ensuring a failed stupid pathetic future society ripened for plunder.
Maybe in one of the premium pods
munchy box
what do you eat at the theater a salad and water pussy?
I have never eaten at a cinema, I reject all American bullshit
is that fucking raw onion?
>failed stupid pathetic future society
In other words Ukraine.
>Americans are this confused by the concept of raw vegetables
This thread makes me want movie-theater popcorn.
Nice. You guys can also walk around with a beer in public right?
I drink water because I'm not addicted to sugary drinks like most Americans, and maybe if I'm a little peckish I'll share a popcorn with my gf. Self-restraint is an attractive quality, deal with it fuckers
Indian's know what Scots want, and it's fucking pakora.
le obsessed
Yep, just straddle the table and enjoy some kino cuisine
Unironically this. Eating in theaters is the most pleb custom you can come up with.
Every word of this
Not so fast
What the fuck
God Anglos are so repulsive
how do you hear somebody drinking? can you not drink silently?
i nver know what americans mean by "beans" because they just use it for everything
who the fuck eats beans in the theater anyway?
so I'm curious, do Americans get around the "no singles" policy because they take up two seats anyways?
>work at theatre in Aus
>can bring in plates and beer from the bar next door
>can lay down on mattresses at the front
Pure comfykino desu
>Yep, you can order pizzas to theaters if you feel like it.
Hmmm I wonder if anybody has done this.
your are better off just bringing a couple of your gfs with you senpai
It's like how David Lynch thinks it's fucking ridiculous to say you've seen a film if you've watched it on your phone. How do you know if you're getting the full kino experience if your face is constantly buried in a trough filled with shit?
Britfag detected. Go get fucked by Mohammed you bum. Your food isn't any better.
>Yeah only one ticket, my friends are already inside
>wave at random Joe behind the counter
>Heeeyy I'll be right with you!
>No singles!!! OUT WITH YOU!
this is a nice option for that
Except it is, there's a debate going on right now in our parliament whether or not to take a deal with America that would supply us with your gross chicken that's been proven to be contaminated with ketamine, estrogen, feces and god knows what else. Plus bovine growth hormones have been banned in this country. Even halal meat is better than the shit you call "food"
>the chad and stacy breeding grounds .jpeg
luckily over here in america they've outlawed chad and stacy breeding grounds. now all we have left is the interracial breeding grounds
I don't get this
sure, popcorn is nice to have something to enjoy while watching the flick
why bring a fucking meal??
or is chicken considered a snack in America?
Sure it is pal. Sure. Anyway, keep choking on that halal meat.
>that close to the ground
I guess manlets would find this comfy, but this looks like a nightmare to me.
True, but they are more lax about it in some places
Yeah, leaning that far back looks like it could doom lanklets(knees bent feet on ground) and manlets(legs dangle). Maybe bring the kino ottoman