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>other people are posting off topic shit so I can too!
That doesn't actually justify off topic shit
Lol this feels familiar
Actually it does and especially when posts in that same thread are being deleted
Can we go ahead and put him on the worst presidents of all time list now or do we have to wait until he dies of fatty fat disease?
He's better than Hillary because he got Gorsuch on the SC, but damn he is fucking stupid.
The Golden State Warriors won the NBA championship and are thus invited to visit the White House. One of their players, Stephen Curry, said he didn't plan to go. Trump after hearing this said he's not invited anymore. It's basically "you can't fire me, I quit" faggotry.
FYI this was prompted by Curry refusing the invitation last week.
Of all the cringy shit Trump does, attempting to save face like this after he gets BTFO because he knows his base will keep eating his dick no matter what is probably the most embarrassing.
How's that day 1 Obamacare repeal going again?
fucking this
Jesus he sounds like an angsty teen
That twitter feed will go down in history books. Most embarrassing chapter of American history ever.
lel. your Niggerking will be the worst president
>still lose
how shitty can hillary be?
But your side indulges obese women and calls them beautiful?
>Most embarrassing
I'd say the whole slavery thing was worse...
I agree, but the average user isn't too smart. If he sees an off-topic post that has gone under the mod radar, then he feels justified making his own off-topic thread. That's just the way it goes.
Even if you hate him why would you refuse to meet him.
I'd like to tell my grandkids that I met Nixon even though most people think hes awful
Too young to remember Bush Jr? It wa slike having a laughing oblivious special needs kid as a leader.
>your side
You tards think everyone is an alt right moron or an SJW, the truth is 80% of the country is neither and we think you're both fucking retarded.
>y-you can't break up withe me; I'll break up with you
POTUS and still an insecure beta faggot.
I don't think le 3 pt jungle jammer gives a shit about that.
I wouldn't say he's worse than Nixon, Bush Jr. or Reagan. He's just incompetent.
At least he's entertaining and had done little to no harm to the US. Can't say that about last few
Nixon probably didn't give a shit about the celebs he invited. Every celebrity Trump brings to the White House makes his head swell to twice its size and "validates" him.
>literally lied to get us into a war that got over 4,000 American soldiers killed and pissed away $1 trillion on Iraq
>literally no consequences
I still don't understand how he got away with it
any kino about a president betraying his supporters?
I'm not really sure what the defense of a Republican President with a Republican House and Senate who has yet to enact a single piece of major legislation or deliver on a major campaign promise is regardless of if you agree with his policies or not.
If it was anybody else the Trump base would be madder at his incompetence and flip-flopping than anybody but Trump's base is special.
>had done little to no harm to the US
Are you retarded?
and you know, caused the death of other non american people
Sure is ShareBlue in here
Wrong. Nixon was nuts for sports. He literally didn't have any other hobby.
Where does this tweet rank among the major accomplishments of the administration?
>I wouldn't say he's worse than Nixon, Bush Jr. or Reagan.
Well, he's only just started.
Nixon unironically would've been the best president we had. It's a shame Dems and their puppet media got him
Are you?
Better than making a fool of himself at the UN general assembly the other day
Concern trolling is so lame, dude.
The Roger Stone doc was nice. Trumps grandmaster is literally a cuck.
Just below this one
He is already the worst President of the modern era. IE post-WWII.
As far as worst Prez ever, that's a little harder to determine and kind of depends on where you fall on some gray issues throughout history
For instance, was Jackson justified in kicking the Indians out West? Even if you think not, a lot of the land that constitutes the US was gained by those actions. At the same time, a lot of Indians died on their way to Oklahoma.
But, yeah. Trump has yet to accomplish anything and I don't see that changing. All he does is whine about shit on Twitter. When Obama opened his term with both houses of Congress he revamped our entire health care infrastructure. Trump can't even go a week without shit talking his own party.
He is an awful politician, to say nothing of his character.
What an alpha.
Unless he openly supports ISIS he can't be worse than Ronald "I Vote For Genocide" Reagan.
>making the US look like retards and antagonizing an unhinged despot for kicks
>not detrimental
Congress hasn't passed a shit and his shitty ideas are being stuck down. Want to point out the things he done which doesn't involve muh feefees
>Nixon opened up China for American businesses resulting in the huge outsourcing of American jobs
>Nixon repealed the law that prevented healthcare companies from making a profit resulting in the wildly expensive healthcare costs we have today
>Nixon fucking tucked tail and ran from Vietnam
Nixon was shit.
He looks too dumb to have known what he was doing was wrong.
I got Corky from Life Goes On vibes out of Bush. Like he's not all there, if you know what I mean.
Trump's base is on death ground with immigration.
If you had Bernie Sanders promising to deport all 15 million illegals, he'd've won in a landslide.
>liberals are supporting kim now because they're still upset about the election
Jesus christ
what's wrong with anericlaps
Does selling weapons to Saudi Arabia count as openly supporting ISIS?
Ending the Vietnam conflict was the only intelligent thing he did. Unless the USA was prepared to burn down all of Vietnam, there was no point in staying.
>*thread justified by
lol you people are so sad, there will literally always be other off-topic posts, that doesn't mean your diarrhea belongs here
>please argue about my strawman pleeeeeease!
wtf Sup Forums I hate Trump now
haha good one!
I still am not sure if Trump tweets that stuff himself or if he hired a bunch of shitposters to do it for him.
Stephen curry is some nigger playing ape hoop I assume?
I should have clarified: Nixon was smart and stupid about Vietnam. Linebacker II (the carpet bombing of North Vietnam which the US did not do previously) forced them to the peace table. However, he left South Vietnam without the equipment and military force to defend themselves. In the end, nearly a decade of money and bloodshed was for nothing.
>"Do you want to come to my house"
>"Well I didn't want you anyway"
Kekistanis will defend this.
>implying any of this matters as long as he has the support of duck dynasty and it's hundreds of millions of fans
Enjoy the show, not going anywhere
>Ending the Vietnam conflict
Lol what? Nixon tanked the Vietnam peace talks to secure the 68 election. That's literally the reason Hoover didn't take care of Watergate for him.
Read a book.
don't forget install kissinger
that nigger is literally responsible for the middle east as it is now
Obama sold weapons to Mexican gangs and Isis though. Not to forget he killed American citizen with his drone strikes
Go to bed Australia
Both. He hired his carry, he's the guy posting and retweeting means. The retarded posts with limited vocabulary are Trumps.
And that fucker is still alive. There truly is no god.
Look up those "American citizens"
Pretend you support them and wish they were still alive, go ahead.
>Read a book.
Everything written by asshurt democrats and rhinos doesn't count as a source
*mulatto playing ape hoop
>little to no harm to the US.
USA is tanking internationally in polls. Don't expect Spain or Germany to support your next muh GMO hostile takeover.
Haha yes the Judeophile Neocon never did any wrong before! Praise Kek Shadilay my dude!
>tfw you will never be hired to shitpost on twitter
So you agree that president should have right to kill citizens with any due process? How progressive.
>the truth is 80% of the country is neither
>bullshit I pulled out of my ass
Pick both.
actually embarrassing desu he should stop posting this shit to twitter
I thought you guys were the masters of memes but you keep posting the same stuff forever?
Also you seem upset
None of these are me, I'm not American. Didn't the T_D Discord teach you how to spot ID?
Too lazy to lurk Sup Forums. Do they still worship Donald?
You're the one supporting Muslim terrorists buddy
I'm glad he blew those faggots up, fuck 'em
I guess I'm not a bleeding heart for Muslims like you are
Spotted the Democrat.
I can't fathom how you have Bush Jr. listed as one of the worst, but not Obama. Obama was even worse Dubya.
The NuRight can't meme
I'd never thought I'd live to see the day a president more repulsive than Nixon.
Master of memes is something only reddit would say. Please lurk some more before posting.
lol curry BTFO
>China pushed the global warming meme
I think the world has already run out of respect for the president
>How progressive.
Don't be such a crybaby
Nixon was based, you filthy commie.
At least that was hundreds of years ago and the rest of the world was doing that with us, Trump is an embarrassment to this great country
>thread justified by
Go back to Sup Forums you off topic bigger redditor
Pretty much, they yell down anyone who doesn't. It's basically a Republican shill board because everyone else bailed.
I love Trump tweets so much, I still can't believe he's president
>American deaths in the Iraq War totalled 104 when President Bush gave his Mission Accomplished speech. After that speech another 3,424 Americans were killed in the Iraq War
he just acts like this for the media attention, right? I can't believe a grown ass man can be this childish
>Apologize now!
Obama was mediocre, not worse than Bush for sure.
You're funny.