Are we "hyped" for isle of dogs by wes anderson or will it just be shit like the last two he's put out??
Are we "hyped" for isle of dogs by wes anderson or will it just be shit like the last two he's put out??
People tend to care more about the torture of innocents than they'll care about shit that happens to sapient individuals who are to blame for their circumstances are even partially.
One is real, the other is not.
>people care more about something that is actually happening than something that's complete bullshit
To be fair, whenever i've seen some sort of animal torture shit posted it's always japanese or eastern european people. Arguably, the latter is white. If we combine that with furfags who are overwhelmingly white we get an idea that whites abuse animals more frequently than any other race
>being victims of genocide in the US
Also, dogs are better.
If that's true then why don't people care about factory farming?
It's just people "caring" about what they're told to. No one is out there advocating the gooks turn to free range dog meat or "humane" slaughter for the dogs.
>will it just be shit like the last two he's put out??
Are you retarded? The last two Wes films have been the best he's made so far. The dude is on a streak. Also dindus are not being "genocided." God they're so dumb sometimes.
>Furfags are like 0.000001% of the population
Nice deflection Abdul Chang.
*raises paw*
His last two were his best films though? He's matured a lot as a filmmaker.
black americans are worse than nazis
Anglo empathy power rankings:
1. Dogs
2. Cats
3. Power gap
4. Horses
5. Power gap
6. Niggers
>having empathy
t. Easily impressed video game plebs
How do they know the race of the people supporting either petition?
>Easily impressed video game plebs
I see you have no argument whatsoever. I'll be leaving now.
I've noticed white people have the larger share of sex weirdos and autists than other races. I think it's because of the whole "accept everyone" mentality pushed on middle class kids who are mostly white. I mean the most fucked up porn is all white people usually. I am not disparaging my own race, it's the best one, but there is some sort of deviant/autism problem
Back to Sup Forums I hope.
Is doggies get hurt, no watch.
Fucking brutal.
Couldn't have said it better myself daysu
Yes. Wes Anderson is pretty great honestly and a new movie in the same style of Fantastic Mr Fox sounds fun.
>Cats and Dogs above horses.
Horses are the equal of dogs, they're just not common any more.
Well part of my family came to the states in the late 1800's, another parts came over as indentured irish servants, and the rest were Mennonites.
SO yeah, I don't feel culturally responsible at all for paying reparations or acknowledging shit. We either weren't here, defacto slaves, or staunch abolitionists.
>petition against blacks killing each other in heavy numbers
whites tamed dogs much earlier than niggers so why it is so weird to you?
>genocide against african people in the usa
What the fuck are they talking about?
>Caring about animals being eaten
>In a place where you don't even live
Sound pretty SJW, but Sup Forums will defend this cause muh white ppl
>be african
>oh boy, fresh gibbs from the first world
>let's have 10 more childre-
life is sacred
>liberals say "hey you don't have to try, you can have all the welfare you want."
>liberals say "I totally understand if you want to impregnate a woman and leave her to go commit crimes because your upbringing was difficult"
>liberal MSM air "He was a good boy" on a 24 hour cycle whenever a black man is killed while in the process of committing crimes or fleeing from his crime scene.
>niggers being genocided in the United States
dogs are more human than niggers, and I don't even liek dogs