*blocks your sword*
*blocks your sword*
>blocks a full swing from a long sword by a fairly large strong woman WITH A KNIFE
>what is a riposte I seriously don't know
*get kicked in chest and gets back up immediately*
>people defend this scene
what anime is this from?
*teleports in front of you then behind you*
pshhh ... nothing personnel, kiddo.
Gamu No Thronu Tenchi
None does
The only thing that is absent to make it full anime-tier is ridiculous amount of exposition, like Sandra narrating the whole battle.
*ruins what used to be your favorite show*
quickly striking after parrying
>/STR/fags eternally once and for all btfo
*posts your sneed*
Haha fuck you asshole making me laugh
She's the most coolest character in all of movies and series and proof that women are not only stronger than boys but also smarter. Keep hating on this masterpiece of a story, darling.
'Sandra' made me laugh too. It goes with this face perfectly.
its a good scene and choreographed well
and yes, you dumb faggots, fencing was a thing, and was meta of sword fighting after the dark ages and high royalty and royal guards would be fencers because it was god tier
and yall niggers going "HOL UP" and pretending like its not viable because MUH BIG STRUNG WOMYN and MUH BIG SWORD totally is ? large swords like that were rarely used in battle, and only royalty like knights would wear armor and women were never in battle, and pretending a woman has the strength of a man or even comparable strength is just feminist tier retardation, she's tall, she's not strong, she pretends to be imposing but has weak arms and weak physique a small girl with muscles could most definitely kill her in a matter of seconds, if trained well
and from what i gather arya was trained way more than any other person in the entire series, she got fencing lessons from royal fencer from bravos and trained by league of assassins that have magic tier abilities and even had like 2 seasons devoted to her being trained specifically in order to kill people and fight
fuck i see brienne do other than pretend to be a man
yeah, but no one ever taught arya how to fence like a badass. she was taught by the magical power of bad writing.
they dont fight like that though
I'm not an animefag, what does Nani mean?
in japlan!
Huh maybe because I am a n00b who just got into GoT but I think that is a pretty damn good fan edit/tribute
syrio forel taught her for a few episodes and the faceless man cunt beat her with a stick for a season - that was the extent of her training.
falseflag as fuck
the meta journey across the kingdom with the hound and arya was the peak of the series
series went downhill after that, she's the best character because she's the only character that seems to take the world for what it is, while sansa plays dress up and whatever, and everyone does posturing and leadership positions, she's the only one that actually takes action and goes after the people that wronged their family and actually lives in the world the characters have created.
B-but she spent a season getting beat with a stick so she's a good assassin now
Imagine a big, fat, stinking turd.
Now imagine someone making a professional video of it in 4k, perfect lights and camera angles, just kino as fuck overall.
But the shit is still shit. Which also makes the tribute shit.
you're an idiot, passage of time implies more than what you've seen literally on screen, you autistic little faggot
in what way? stabbing someone in the leg they've left vulnerable in a duel? yes, they do, thats literally all that fencing is,
pulling out a secondary weapon after youve lost your main weapon? all soldiers would do this
Imagine having sex with a girl... can you do that? What exp are you basing that off?
yeah but they dont do things like block big swords, they parry and thrust
found the dumb arya fan girl (boy)
Could this scene have been salvaged if she hasn't been so insufferably smug and treated it like an actual training exercise?
She's getting paid millions to do a school-play tier performance
She deserves to be smug
>holding the dagger by the blade
It's the little details...
>its a good scene and choreographed well
It's really not choreographed well
>was meta of sword fighting after the dark ages and high royalty and royal guards would be fencers because it was god tier
What the fuck are you even saying. Fencing is as old as swords are. The Romans had fencing instructors. It wasn't just for "high royalty and royal guards" whatever that's supposed to mean. Everyone who owned a sword would fence. That's kind of how you learn to use one.
>large swords like that were rarely used in battle
That's complete nonsense. It's not a "large sword", it's just a regular old longsword, probably the most common sword of the later middle ages. Arya, by comparison, is using a Smallsword. A longsword weighs about one and a half kilograms. A smallsword weighs about 300 grams. There's very little chance of someone with a smallsword beating someone with a longsword.
>only royalty like knights would wear armor
The vast majority of knights weren't royalty. And that's total bullshit as well. In the later middle ages fucking everyone on the battlefield would've been wearing armor. Coats of plates and gambesons and brigandines and chainmail weren't expensive and would've been easily available for common people to use.
Why would you talk with so much authority on a subject you know nothing about? Are you trying to deliberately mislead people?
Why was Little Finger giving Sansa that weaselly look while they were fighting?
Best swordshit there is.
she didnt block the sword at all in the entire fight, youre literally inventing shit to cry like a bitch about, if youre going to complain and spam threads everyday since the fucking episode aired, find some legitimate fucking complaints to chew on while your tears run down your crusty neckbeard face
Damn, I'd let her fuck my sister.
There is only one moment were the Arya sword would have been nreaked and its literally a moment before OP pic. Sword like Needle or even Katanas are not made to block attack but to deviate the trajectory. But a moment before OP pic Arya block a Brienne up-down swing that would have broke Needle in two (and give Arya a headache). Other part of that battle i found no other big flaws honestly.
>letting "facts" matter to you more than supporting media which integrates positive messages (like women being capable of doing anything even if bigots think they wouldn't be able to based on their physical appearance) into our national consciousness
fuck off white supremacist
youre an idiot, you dont even understand the basics of sword fighting, thats not blocking. thats deflecting
nobody blocks attacks with a katana, they dont block attacks with a fencing sword
you're literally retarded at this point and i cant waste my day arguing with a retard who doesnt understand the difference between deflect and block
I brought it up to a friend, how the physics of the situation just didn't make sense. She said "it does, it's Valyrian steel". I just nodded and changed the topic
>It's just like REAL fencing!!1!!!!!!1!!1
What a shitty sport
>good choreography
Lmao. Briennes first strike would have cleaved Arya in half if she didn't sanic speed dodged it. Brienne obviously didn't know Arya was a super ninja now, so if it's a 10/10 choreography then the only explanation is that Brienne was prepared to murder Arya, because there is no fucking way a small girl like that can block/deflect her strike with a smaller sword.
Thats excactly the same i've said. But if you watch the scene you will notice a moment before OP pic she's crouched and she block a Brienne up-down swing with Needle before twisting and hit her to the leg (OP pic).
Now that i've had to explain you the same thing two times people would easly underst who is the retard here.
*Saves main characters from death 6 times an episode.*
Sword fights are usually over in seconds, drawn out extensively choreographed duels are another Hollywood invention
needle isn't tho
why are the sabers so floppy? seems like it would make it difficult to be precise with. I know next to nothing about fencing
>defending this horseshit
The state of you, pinhead
no she didnt you fucking idiot
she fucking deflected, its the most basic move in sword fighting thats existed since fucking sword fighting existed
im not going to sit here and tell you the fucking definition of blocking when youre too incompetent to look at the action being displayed on screen and understand that it wasnt a block
yes, because a small fast fencing opponent totally wouldn't dodge attacks of a slow, large attacker using a very large heavy weapon
you're literally retarded, shut the fuck up
>muh 12 year olds commentating neckbeard convention
yall like millenials who havent seen a actual sword fight in the history of cinema pretending to be experts, fuck you guys are dumb, stick to 9gag/ reddit whereever you go inbetween shitposting here, youre clearly too fucking stupid to make a legitimate complaint about the show, the show where motherfuckers teleporting across the world in under 1 episode
>yall like millenials who havent seen a actual sword fight in the history of cinema pretending to be experts, fuck you guys are dumb, stick to 9gag/ reddit whereever you go inbetween shitposting here, youre clearly too fucking stupid to make a legitimate complaint about the show, the show where motherfuckers teleporting across the world in under 1 episode
I have literally no idea what you just said
This is true vid related is a more "realistic" movie sword fight
Yes, but only if Brienne was clearly better than her
Those are foils they are extra floppy so you don't end up skewering your opponent. Sabers are much more rigid and designed for actual combat, not sport. BUT all Euro swords have a flex to them. The flex is to prevent your sword from shattering during a thrust or parry or any other maneuver that would put stress on the blade.
>Jon and Dany romance criticized for being rushed and forced
>Ayra is meant to be a believable top 5 fighter in all of Westeros after 1 or 2 episodes of training with Syrio
>an episode of her being beat with a stick by the waif
>"b-but muh passage of time"
>Jon and Dany implied to be weeks together on Dragonstone
>"its not believable, it's rushed, REEEEEEEEE"
You cunts are top fucking pleb morons. No wonder the quality of the show has declined when they're catering to morons like youse.
I see
>floods your castle
pic related Arya Needle block a full up-down swing from Brienne. An estoc (Needle) cant block a long sword swing without break in two. Happy now?
As a woman, I watched this scene and actually wept. Before seeing this I thought all there was to life was being pretty, meeting a nice guy, and having a family. This scene opened my eyes and empowered me more than anything else in my life. The next day I shaved my head, stopped going to the gym, and decided to get my tubes tied. You "men" just don't understand the pressure society puts on us and to see these two symbols of female empowerment break from their chains in a patriarchal world and achieve levels of skill greater than any male in the series is one of the most magical experiences in television.
>be a woman
>cry from something as meaningless as a tv show
story checks out
Who the fuck are you addressing? You simultaneously made fun of both people who like and hate the show you fucking nigger.
>We Will Rock You at the Olympics
Heh, nice
Once infamous for its brutal, bleak realism GoT, is now harry potter tier
*blocks your cock*
Daily reminder that women have 40% less physical muscle strenght compared to a same height/body size male.
So the actual fight that would have empowered your gender (Brienne VS The Hound) would have ended with Sandor Clegane (malnourished and wounded) utterly and eternally BTFO Brienne of fucking Tart with a valyrian sword.
Really maeks you do the brain thing.
there are a lot of women who are your size who are much stronger than you
nah she was putting her weight into fighting against the blade, instead of trying to deflect it which is obviously bullshit if you look at their sizes
Normally I would agree with you but Brienne is a fucking anomaly of biology. On average of course women are weaker but Brienne is at least as strong as 95% of men.
I've done various martial arts in my life and
1) never met a 185 cm around 80 kg woman
2) first at "remember she is a womyn" are instructors and masters. Literally when talking about fighting women and childrens are the same.
>2) first at "remember she is a womyn" are instructors and masters. Literally when talking about fighting women and childrens are the same.
This is the true point of why this fight scene is quite ridicolous. You can fight with Arya style VS a long sword but you need the strenght to deflect opponent attacks. Strenght that Arya obviously lack compared to Brienne.
I dont think I've met a female as strong as me since I was a preteen.
holy shit she's ugly
It's a small sword with a triangular cross section, meaning it's more robust than the longsword. The issue is that aryas sword would flip out of her hand when struck. That is exactly what happened.
All women are beautiful user
How long til this picture is going to be used as a "How do you go from this"
Needle is not an estoc. Estocs are gigantic and heavy. Needle is a smallsword.
No the hilt is just shaped like that
It's a rapier, since it's Braavosi style weapon and Braavos is pretty much not!Spain
Rapiers were longer and heavier than longswords and they always had basket hilts.
It's a small sword.
I'll give you that Needle would not break due to Brienne using a training sword but this is what would have happened: Arya arm would have lower until Brienne sword hit her head or shoulder due to the fact Arya lack strenght to block or even deflect a Brienne swing of sword.
Here a more realistic scene involving Arya skills
Literally a small sized rapier. I've said an estoc before bc in italian they're called the same.
Every time.
Arya was disarmed because she wasn't strong enough to block or party a blow.
yeah but at the end of the fight not at the first time she tries.
The second time she tries. She mostly parries or moves out of the way.