>Trump >spends his entire campaign repeatedly saying things like "SHE'S GOT BLOOD COMING OUT OF HER WHATEVER", "BUILD A WALL AND MAKE MEXICO PAY FOR IT", "BAN MUSLIMS FROM COMING INTO THE COUNTRY", "PUNISH WOMEN FOR HAVING ABORTIONS", "APPOINT SUPREME COURT JUDGES TO OVERTURN ROE V. WADE" >becomes Republican nominee and currently leading in national polls
>Johnson >simply asks "What is Aleppo?" >campaign apparently finished and done for just because of that one simple mistake
What the heck kind of world do we live in? How can Donald Trump get away with saying all of that offensive and discriminatory stuff, but Johnson asks one simple question that isn't even regarded as discriminatory and still gets knocked out of the election?
The two party system is trying to vomit him up right now. If it doesn't it will choke to death.
If we don't get it this election cycle we will eventually though. D's and R's are killing this country.
Joshua Cox
Johnson's still getting my vote. It's nice to vote for someone who's going to finally stand up for all those international pre-legal future builders.
Gabriel Reyes
>and still gets knocked out of the election >implying he's even in the election to begin with
Silly libertarians.
Daniel Brooks
Get out of my state, faggot
Julian Harris
He did the "what's that?" thing on his reddit AMA as well. Did not knew about gun control laws.
Nicholas Torres
>What is Aleppo Unlike Trump, Johnson is actually completely incompetent
Oliver Scott
>I am voting for him >Leaf Can't you foreigners stay out of our country and let us have our voting process in peace? It's already bad enough that we have dead people voting for democrats.
Ayden Hill
Trump ain't even republican or democrat.
He would have been an independent like Johnson or Stein, but he knows he would have had no chance at winning.
Trump is the TRUE independent candidate and he's taken an axe to the Republican and Democratic Parties. You can thank him by voting for him in November over a fucking nobody like Gary Johnson.
Caleb Parker
Take it from someone living in a country whose last election turnout was 30% -- they don't care if they lose votes, so long as either one wins.