What did you think of the most recent South Park episode?
What did you think of the most recent South Park episode?
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It was shit. They're trying way too hard.
Last season was surprisingly good
(as good as nu-southpark can be in comparison to the first 10 seasons) but I don't think they can pull it off again if they're relying on fidgit spinner jokes.
Haven't watched South Park since 2015; that screenshot alone is revolting.
>Last season was surprisingly good
The fuck is this, the zelda cycle or something? The last season was awful and it will stay awful forever.
What's the joke? Craig and Tweek actually became gay for each other or are they still putting it on for the benefit of the town even when nobody is watching?
it's just a chore to watch now
any creative talent trey had he spent on the first 10 seasons or so
it wouldn't surprise me if he just throws a dart at a newspaper and writes an episode on whatever it lands on
Didn't even know South park was on until I saw this thread
Craig was always gay.
They should rename it to "The Cartman Show", Stan, Kyle and Kenny are like background characters now, they barely did anything last season and we're already two episodes in and they only have like 2 or 3 lines through out the whole episode while Cartman takes up most of the screentime.
Cartman is the easiest to write. They're lazy
This became shut when they started taking themselves too seriously. Too much plot and way overused jokes.
last gold episode was the warcraft one
Eric don't do it
I am starting to come around to the idea that South Park has been shit for a while now, a long while
If it's triggering the alt-right it's a great show.
The alt-right is a great show, in general.
When I'm feeling down, I go to Sup Forums. It's like a petting zoo for retarded mammals.
>Saying last season was good
get a medication or something
South Park needs to be cancelled, it's been shit for about 3 years now
Tweek and Craig were cute.
The Trump parody tweets were funny.
The distracted driving bits were great.
The songs were good.
t. trumptard
it was 10/10 like always
been loving south park since I was 9 years old when the first season came out. They will always be the best. I don't know how Trey Parker and that kike does it. Blows my mind.
Ignore the nay says, all reddit-tier faggots who should be in GoT generals.
I know you're baiting for >muh Sup Forums hates diversity and womyn xDD responses but the problem with the first two episodes of this season had nothing to do with that. The problem is they had very few jokes and weren't funny. Both episodes were worse than every episode of the past two seasons.
The last episode had ZERO jokes in it outside of Garrison's tweets. The Cartman threatening suicide stuff was seriously out of touch and in poor taste. What even was the point of this Heidi arc?
The last episode should have been about Kim Jong Un being a Wile E. Coyote character who keeps trying to kill Tweek because of Garrison's tweets. An allegory for the danger Trump's funposting is putting America in. Instead we got nothing but Tweek being Tweek and Craig being...an armchair psychologist? There was really no story or moral at all.
Everything after season 17 is a complete shit.
>the zelda cycle
btfo with botw. 11/10 game
episode was shit
>tweak and craig shit is stupid and forced and needs to stop
>if i wanted to watch shit-tier jokes about trump i'd watch one of the 500 late night tv show hosts cry about it
>cartman x heidi is annoying af and stupid and should've been left in last years horrible season
they need to stop carrying over shit from previous seasons/episodes. it's funny for a 2 or 3 episode thing like the GoT parody or cartoon wars, but now it's just fucking gay and unfunny
i never thought i'd see the day where south park catered turned to complete shit, but here we are
The only good part was the cartman plot really but because it was the B story they couldn't devote any time to some sort of scheme
it's a little confusing-
In the commentaries about last season they said they were going to try to do less topical humor. They said they understand that 5 nights a week 100 shows are doing Trump jokes and there's no way they can deliver something edgy and interesting about Trump in a 30 min Wednesday night cartoon.
But it seems like they're still going with the topical humor, which is why I havent tuned in so far. is it really bad?
you are a gigantic faggot
Only funny bit.
They were shot by cupid cartman it was never pretend
Friendly reminder that South Park jumped the shark with the scientology episode.
I love SP and am very forgiving of it but the episodes felt hollow: the driving bits were just worse elderly driving and I don't want to dive into the insanity of trump humor. Still interested where they will take cartman's stuff, though most likely they will make him wrong about everything and the girl right about everything. Can't they make them both right about some thing and wrong about others?
turned it off after three minutes, it's a total cringe-fest
what can we expect though, the creators are literal cucks that literally have a "wife's son"
found the retarded mammal
they are still anti white
I'm not watching this season but has anything happened again between Gerald and the other trolls?
I dunno, I quit watching after the terrible previous season.
It was one of the better episode of the later seasons. It had more than a few jokes I liked. Though they did repeat them too much. It could do with a bit less Tweek screaming but the episode was about him freaking out.
And Tweek and Craig were cute I don't get the hate.
I'm guessing people who don't like new South Park never really got South Park to begin with, and it really was always just "LE POOP FART JOKES" to them.
I just want more Asspen or Krazy Kripples type episodes. Those were genius.
>let's cobble together references and attempts at "edgy" satire within a week, and if the end product is bad and viewership keeps declining, that's okay because production costs are rock bottom
Am I close? Stopped watching well-over a year ago.
Gerald hasn't even appeared, the only things they're keeping in this season from the previous ones are Cartman's and Heidi's relationship, Mr. Garrison being President, and PC Principle.
I enjoyed the episode, it was pretty funny
Way better than the last episode anyway which didn't get a laugh out of me
>two episodes in and Kenny hasn't made a sound, has only been mentioned once
he's turning into a background character
Cock Magic was the last truly great episode
They've wanted Kenny gone for over 15 years
The one about Tweek personally going to NK and raping everyone was my favorite.
Why doesn't Kenny just use his powers to go back in time via death and bet on Trump winning the election?
Tweek and craig stuff were great
Everything else was filler trash
It was only good because tweek and craig are cute!
t was ok
>Last season was surprisingly good
Tweek and Craig are perfect together
>kenny died off screen
probably the best background joke in a while
Remember when South Park actually had balls?
they took it too far with that "tweek honey" fag shit and not a single joke. that's it for me, fuck SP
>saying "nigger" is having balls
jesus fuck you burgercucks are emasculated beyond belief. No wonder you think some tits have to be rated R but brutal violence can be PG13
>tfw I just watched American Pie uncensored on tv this afternoon
>tfw it was rated +16
>tfw free-tv can air +18 programming starting at 10pm
>tfw the "land of the free" has the FCC censoring their media
absolutely pathetic
I admit you have a point but just look at PewDiePie. Unfortunately only ballsy people can get away with saying nigger without apologizing.
and yet you're a beta britbong who is sitting here on a saturday night. your women hate you because you're so feminine and refuse to make the first move. must be why the uk has the highest rate of interracial couples in the western world. sad!
noone in europe even cares. you people have serious issues seeing yourselves as the center of the world. jewish brainwashing to keep policing everyone in defense of israel.
fucking degenerate disgusting fags, that's what's wrong with the fucking world, stuffing that liberlal fag shit down everyone's throat. even in SP now.
we should hunt them the fuck down and kill each and everyone of them like they pretend the whole world is doing anyway.
The good episodes are the political ones. South park is the best political cartoon
will they sing in every episode now
>it's a Sup Forumsack forgets he's not in his safe space episode
i still enjoy it, but cartman is over saturated and every scene involving him is beating a dead horse or putting the joke right on the nose
most scenes that dont involve him are good and the show is still better than any other comedies right now
someone's touchy
am not, just hate fags
are you that ugly?
hot to spot the alt right kike
>south park
>trying too hard
How is that even a thing? They literally had a talking piece of shit and a giant robot Streisand.
It was the best episode I've seen in the last decade. The elegant way they handled Tweak and Craig's newfound love, the romantic issues between Cartman and his hilarious girlfriend. And the political commentary too, it was outrageous! Having the balls to mock a country that can barely keep their citizens from starving to death, there's no doubt these guys are fearless. Hell, one of them even had the courage to marry a stripper with a child. That my friends, that takes a real man and I'm happy to report that this is the best season yet.
HOly shit you are wrong. Last season was fucking terrible.
Fuck you
You aren't making yourself look super macho right now. You know that right? I know people like you cant understand the concept but most of the time when people are SUPER vocal about how much they hate something it is because they themselves hate that they have elements of that thing in themselves. So please continue show the world how totally not gay you are. Faggot.
I'm gay, you're gay. Hell, we're all a little gay. Even the least gay person in the world is gay because he's so afraid of his gayness. My computer is gay by proxy. This trash can over here? Gay as fuck.
Why does it matter that one of them married a stripper with a kid?
>if i accuse them of calling everything gay then it will make me not gay
not how that works homo
Because too many asshole jerk off pricks on this website are eager to throw out the word cuck at anyone with the audacity to marry a woman that he loves, with or without a child. And guess what, I married my wife and she had THREE kids. You going to sit there and call me a cuck too? They are MY kids. I raise them, I'm a man. I'm a fucking man.
Because that makes him a living joke. He's a literal cuckold, and with a nigger kid on top of that
the other guy, a jew, married a negress
Barely made it through last week's, stopped this one after a few minutes. Holy shit this is not funny at all. What the fuck happened to them. Is this what happens when you get old?
How does marrying a stripper make you a cuck? I don't see a connection between "She strips for a living" and "He wants her to fuck other men and watch". I also don't see how this is connected to the show in any real way, especially not this most recent episode.
the jew married a negress, but Parker married a striper who had a black kid from previous relationship
The show is just not funny any more and they should end it.
Other definition of the word: In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.
If the kid was white, he could at least pretend it's his. But tht way it's obvious right away
Just for once I would like an episode about kids doing things that kids do.
I liked it. The ending song was abit forced though