>ITT : Reddit-Core
ITT : Reddit-Core
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums is being le edgy contrarian
dude science xD
What's a genuinely good movie that isn't Reddit?
the scenes were the guy was alone in mars improvising shit were very kinoe, to be honest with you my fellow 4channer
Anything accessible is 'reddit'.
ironic reddit-posting is still reddit-posting
Rick and Morty
I go on tinder and so many bitches have rick and morty in their fucking bio. Like its not that fucking great that you should put it in your bio on a hook up app.
It appeals to the reddit atheism "dude science" "I fucking love science" normies without STEM degrees.
I ironically fucked your mom
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with Reddit?
Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where they could say nigger, smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Sup Forums is for memes and memes only. Sup Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Reddit is where stupid people go to act smart.
Sup Forums is where smart people go to act stupid.
This thread doesn't do any of those things
>can't even do inspect element
Why can't the nu-right into high quality memes?
cringey statement but kinda true
Yeah like several years ago and not Sup Forums
Sup Forums was invaded by actual retards ages ago. How else do you think literally every board turned into shitposting central?
Not even /ck/ is safe from these baboons.
I'd be more inclined to believe this if there was any intelligent discussion on Sup Forums whatsoever, but they're isn't. Opinions come down to 'I liked It' or 'It's shit', and 90% of topics have to do with memes or underaged girls.
You should've been around before there was a capcha. You don't know real shitposting.
Also, if you weren't here before Chanology, you don't belong here.
Is this the most
moment in cinema?
It's not exactly reddit tier since it has redeeming qualities like very well directed action scenes and charismatic villains.
It was just a little overhyped and it's still inferior to the Road Warrior.
I was around before captcha. Those were just single autists with bots. Nowadays you have several people spamming the same threads every day MANUALLY.
(very nice trips)
(nice dubs)
>Nice replies user's.
>Very astute, if not rather Kafkaesque observations.
>I for one prefer a more vaudevillian take on this classic genre but I have a bit more of a classic taste in schlock.
>I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was archived for being such an up and comer stand-out that will surely echo throughout the halls of cinema for generations to come.
>liking things
neck yourself
>everyone likes it so we must hate it!
that's not what OP is saying
It's because people think everyone else here is a shill for some given show or that site we don't name. Like just you bring it up makes me think you're a fucking shill for that site and the OP is clearly a shill for posting about it in the first place. It's like we are down to only a small percent here that even watch tv shows or movies in the first place. Anyways, watch Riverdale on The CW when Riverdale moves to Wednesday night, fans can expect Season 2 to drop on Wednesday, October 11 in the show’s new 8 p.m. ET time slot.
True enough. People with passes can still post quick enough they might as well be bots too.
>Scott pilgrim
>Cabin in the woods
>Evil dead remake
>Green room
>Cornetto trilogy
>Ready player one
Fuck you Sup Forums! Fuck you to the gates of hell!
I listened to you saying how this movie sucked and it turns out it was one of the best movies of the 2010's. Now I will never, ever get to see that shit on the big screen.
>Nowadays you have several people spamming the same threads every day MANUALLY.
That shit needs man hours so always suspect there is someone paying for that. For instance right now WB is ahead of Disney in market share, so whenever you see a "IT? More like shIT!" or "hey fellow 4channers do you remember how bad wonder womyn is?", it's almost guaranteed it's a disney shill. Same goes for whatever movie WB is releasing including Blade Runner and Ready Player One that tomb raider flick looks like absolute shit though, that is genuine
But user, Green Room is actually good
giv poots gf
> one of the best movies of the 2010's
>best action movie of the decade is reddit-core
FUCK, what are some good Sup Forums core movies to compete with these guys???
Road Warrior is the Sup Forums version
>FUCK, what are some good Sup Forums core movies to compete with these guys???
blue ruin was great but i will pass