She was terrible in mother! and can't act out a scene. Come to think of it she's terrible in everything. So great job memeing her.
She was terrible in mother! and can't act out a scene. Come to think of it she's terrible in everything...
>She was terrible in mother!
no need to shout
She was alright in Winter's Bone because it was about a poor, white trash country bumpkin. So she really didn't have to act so much as just read the lines for it to play.
The movie overall was over bearing and difficult to watch; If anything, her performance really conveyed the entire message of the film. She was spectacular
Did she show her b-hole in it?
I feel like she could have acted only slightly more, but the film's vision and pacing wouldn't really allow for more emoting or lingering shots for really exaggerated reactions.
i doubt she knows why she was good
I bet she does.
maybe if darren told her why, but she really seems like a dim person
let's take bets!!
What is this movie even about bros
An artist struggles to produce his second work, while his wife tenderly renovates his destroyed childhood home. The man begins to invite people into their home that his wife does not welcome.
>mother! shill
fuck off JLaw
If j-law was supposed to be mother nature, why didn't she get raped by all those people?
I couldn't stand her before it was cool to desu.
She does though, those fuckers with the paint-rollers, the inconsiderate cunts at the sink, that dude who wanted her number?
It's a very, very, VERY (very) poorly executed """metaphore""" for genesis/the bible/earth etc..
the exclamation mark is in the title,look it up if you dont believe me
It's not "poorly executed", it's just not subtle.
Bardem is God, Lawrence is the spirit of nature/Mary, the house is God's creation/Earth/universe, Ed Harris is Adam, Pfeiffer is Eve, all the other people are humanity, the baby is Jesus. The plot of the movie is just a very blatant metaphor of "humanity ruined the Earth and God's creation"
I beg to differ.
Then you probably don't understand the meaning behind the words "poorly executed". The metaphor is there, it works, it's very clearly demonstrated... If it isn't a functional metaphor, then I don't understand everyone's complaints that it is so obvious and undisguised.
It's not all that deftly executed. For one thing, when your characters are literally the very things they're presented as stand-ins for, they stop being metaphors. There's still the angle of "God" being a stand-in for the author(Aronofsky) and "Mother" being a stand-in for his latest ingenue, but if that was his intention, it's still not all that well executed. For one thing, it makes the whole Christ child scene come off as even more self-important and internally inconsistent.
There were three things good about this movie - the cinematography, the sound design, and some of the acting, by which I mean that Michelle Pfeiffer and her 10 minutes of screentime absolutely buried Lawrence's lackluster performance.
>Michelle Pfeiffer and her 10 minutes of screentime absolutely buried Lawrence's lackluster performance
To make that even more crushing for Jenny, Michelle has been away from the job for... how many years? Way too many, glad to see her back in action.
The film is a metaphor, but the characters are analogues. They aren't complex renditions of biblical/spiritual entities, they ARE those things. The metaphor works, the characters are analogues. imo of course...
hahaha holy shit
If they *are* those things, then they aren't analogues. Like I said, it's clumsy and trips over its own metaphors. Badly. If you liked it, more power to you, but I didn't. If the takeaway was simply the environmental message, there was never any point in muddying the waters with all the Biblical allegory. If the takeaway was the "artist/creator as self-absorbed emotional vampire," then the environmental message stepped all over that, leaving it a confused hodgepodge of mixed metaphors.
I'm not compelled by your argument, but that's fine. I don't think it's a flawless movie or that it tries to say much, I think it's more an effort in visuals and pacing.
She killed her career by shitting all over Rebublicans/Trump supporters. You can't completely make enemies of half the movie-going audience and expect to remain on top.
>and yet she still gets roles, wins awards
Trump tards, everybody
I think her acting is fine, she conveyed an insecure wife that needs attention perfectly. I really liked the first half of the movie but second got too blatant with it's messages. Also because she was much more a metaphor/concept than a character I couldn't really emphasize with her all that much and as such movie didn't connect with me emotionally all that much.
>Trump supporters watch art flicks
*inhales* hahahaha
are you legitimately autistic?
>Thinking mother qualifies as a legitimate art film
t. confused and frightened trump supporter
If you think there was the slightest chance of Christians not getting buttblasted by seeing a literal representation of the eucharist you have some serious brain problems.
i swear this is the most retarded interpretation of the movie i've heard yet
i do tho :/ why are you so rude?
I just got back from it. I think she did a very good job and it is probably my favorite performance of hers besides Joy. I consider it a metaphor for creativity and how when you make something of artistic value, it no longer becomes "yours".
Potato cunt should just stop acting.