What is essential Godard?
What is essential Godard?
Other urls found in this thread:
Vivre sa vie
Contempt (personal favorite)
Every Man for Himself
>Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film.
Das Kapital
This one:
2 or 3 Thing I Know About Her
Can someone please tell me what's the difference between pre 68 and post 68 godard that I hear so much about? I am not that much into his pre 68 work so I was wondering if it's worth to check more of him out
>Can someone please tell me what's the difference between pre 68 and post 68 godard that I hear so much about?
He went full commie, see
Histoire(s) du cinema
Goodbye to Language
actually watch La Chinoise you absolute fucking idiot
>le satirical le making fun of le fellow socialists
Doesn't change anything. Marxist views of Godard isn't exaclty a big revelation .
For a board that has a shitload of mommyfags I'm surprised Hail Mary isn't on any essential Sup Forumscore lists
But then again this board only watches capeshit
-1967, don't bother with him after that year
Une Femme Coquette
bonjour réddit!!!
You keep embarrassing yourself more and more user, just kill yourself.
How about you actually try to make a point and not just make muffled noises from your ass?
socialist. if you think he went "full" anything you didn't actually watch that movie.
>maoism is marxism
is this a cringe thread?
>NOT REAL COMMUNISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>is this a cringe thread?
With you now it's apparently is.
are you aware what board you are currently browsing?
EVERY thread on Sup Forumseddit is a cringe thread
most of the scum that posts here cant even recognize the hackery of edgar wright and christopher nolan "films", therefore it's ludicrous to except them to understand godard
>Not watching Every Man for Himself
>Not Allemagne 90 neuf zéro
>Not Notre musique
lmao pleb
read some of his written criticism, where he can't hide behind image and narrative, if you want pure cringe kino. it's seriously like SomethingAwful or reddit posts circa the 1960s. he's such an eternal 15-year-old enamored by his own cleverness.
Le plus con des Suisses pro-chinois
la chinoise
le petit soldat
pierrot le fou
Everything after 68
he was fine as a critic but he was in his 20s. his films are his art. that's where he explores creation and form and ideology in one fell swoop.
read his explanations to his own films (especially the press releases from the 80s). they're more in-depth and considered than people give him credit for.
No one here even discusses him in earnest. Everyone's too busy talking in memes and dumb generalisations.