Can't think of any faults.
Is this a 10/10 show, or am I blind?
Can't think of any faults.
Is this a 10/10 show, or am I blind?
its just okay, why do you think its a 10?
my ten is twin peaks but I am probably blind too
seasons 1-3 were 10/10. This one was phoning it in.
The first three seasons didn't have any progression at all, bojack was just a piece of shit in all of them. But he's getting more mature in a way now while others characters are being developed.
Some shit feels too unreal though, like bojack trying to fuck that teenager or Todd being asexual. Not badly written, just too unlikely to happen
it's essential reddit
I just dont like certain characters or plot arcs that were overall sort of just a waste of time.
That whole "other show" thing was literally used as a season cliffhanger which didnt lead to anything.
Also that Bill Cosby-type character they had which was only really used to give Diane some kind of B-plot every now and then
And in this most recent season theres Mr.PB running for governor which they dropped by midseason.
Idk. I like the show and find the wordplay and anthropomorphic humor funny, but each season ends the same way(with bojack pretty much at his lowest with the vague promise of positive change for next season) and then the next season just had a whole new issue for him to get over. Rinse and repeat.
I like the show but every time they get "real" and start waxing about their feelings it's pretty cringy. Sometimes it works but most of the time its just forced exposition.
Todd should been killed off this season. He's a dead asexual waste of time.
imagine spending 10 minutes with the kind of person who thinks bojack is a '10/10' show
Season 4 was so fucking boring, he cured his depression in a single episode. the rest is political droning, I dropped it on the 6th episode.
which episode, lul
LOL cartoon animals talking about sad stuff? but thats not the norm lol!!! XD
I believe it was one of the first episodes
the one where he squatted in some guy's house and then just magically felt like himself after ruining the other guy? It wasn't a single episode but it just felt rushed and poorly written.
Latest series feels like they changed a lot of the writing staff and the new ones didn't like first three series. Overall maybe a 7/10, this season was about a 4.
Yeah, I thought something like this too
It feels less sincere
Diane is my asian Daria waifu
>He cured his depression in an episode
>several episodes later we have an episode dedicated to him calling himself a piece of shit in his head over and over again
Do you fucking retards even watch the show or what?
You know when Peter on family guy said he didn't like the Godfather? Bojack horseman insists upon itself.
it would be preferable to spending even a minute with your sorry self
Its a show that privileged whiney emo cucks relate to
"Omg like I titally have ptsd im like scarred for life."
It's worse than rick and morty by far
Oh god this was so bad. What happened to this show? It used to be about depression and wanting to change. You know things that were universal and most people could relate to. Now the show has totally shifted focus to women's issues and pandering to the mainstream liberal agenda. There were always traces of it but it never got in the way of the show's central themes. All the things that originally made this show good have taken a backseat to make way for very blunt and easily digestible political pandering. There's no bite to this show anymore. No brutally honest portrayal of depression or aimlessly meandering through life. Just low hanging political hot button issues. Take that shit to the daily show or last week tonight, shows that were designed to tackle those issues every week and leave it out of Bojack Horseman. Overall 5/10 season really wanted to love it but the show has changed.
Embarrassing post, have you actually seen other Diane episodes in previous seasons or did you just watch a 2 minute summary on youtube and make this retarded shit up?
Bojack horseman is for fags and redditors
Imagine being this desperate to fit in on an anonymous image board.
honestly this show is more reddit than rick & morty. not sure what you fags see in it.
Go back to cuckedit you butthurt shill. I agree with him
I've tried to like it, watched 5 or 6 episodes and concluded it just isn't for me. People I speak to who enjoy the show all have different reasons and I don't really agree with any of them. For instance, some find it funny (an example that I remember coming up a few times is that there's a character called Sextina Aquafina) while others watch it for the depressing moments, but the episodes I watched never made me feel anything, neither sad nor amused. Also, I really dislike the art style and voice acting. So yeah, hugely overrated in my opinion.
They're shills
it has been boring since season 2.
less humour and more and more depression masterbating
I dropped it after episode 6, he went straight back to normal, had a mexican daughter and Diane was rampaging about guns. I wanted no part in that.
Any show on Netflix is normalfag trash. Watch something with meaning like Xavier: Renegade Angel
>if you take a stance against something it's only to fit in
lel, usually I think "redditors" gets thrown around a lot without much weight but in this case it's 100% accurate. I really can't think of a show that embodies reddit more than Bojack.
>streaming show that is readily binge watched so people don't even have time to digest what they just watched (which works to the shows advantage because it's completely hollow)
>boring art style that is only barely passable gets undue praise simply because it's not completely terrible
>writing that tries to be "deep" and "meaningful" (read: melodrama) instead of just trying to tell a story or achieve a specific tone
>liberal propoganda thrown in just to cover all the useless redditors bases (xD abortions are not only acceptable, they're GOOD! etc.)
>"it sucks for the first 2 hours of the show but THEN it gets way better", it actually doesn't
I really enjoyed seasons 1-3, but the only good episode this season was "stupid piece of shit". None of the rest really challenged or surprised me. It just felt really predictable.
>he went straight back to normal,
None of what you posted is true, you may be mentally ill
This one ended differently
Much more bittersweet this time
He ended up creaing a positive relationship with his sister and when his mom briefly became lucid he didn't lash out as planned but comforted her instead
its really sad it took you four seasons to realize the show is predictable.
Are you 17 or something?