Who is the whitest film director?
For me, it's Wes Anderson. His films are the whitest films ever to exist. I literally can't even imagine a brown person watching one of them, any one.
Curious if anyone here can outdo this pick.
Who is the whitest film director?
For me, it's Wes Anderson. His films are the whitest films ever to exist. I literally can't even imagine a brown person watching one of them, any one.
Curious if anyone here can outdo this pick.
Other urls found in this thread:
i can absolutely imagine uppity mullato college students having seen his entire filmography
von trier is whiter
zak snyder
>Who is the whitest film director
The fuck does this even mean? What would classify a black film director, the people behind shooting the BLACKED movies? What's even the point of calling them "white" or "black", is it because a majority of retarded film-study students are white? I'm not getting where you're coming from OP.
the owner of blacked.com is a dude whiter than anderson and only white people are into that shit
>tfw black and Wes Anderson is one of my favourite directors
Kaufman is a kike but he's ash so he's genetically white.
lol only took 3 posts for triggered Sup Forumschildren to show up
He's a jew though.
No, they're very colorful.
What are you even asking, you fucking basketcase.
Fuck off nigger. No one wants you around.
makes movies about "white people" problems
mixed black/indian/white user here, i love von trier
you're going to have to come harder than that
>I literally can't even imagine a brown person watching one of them, any one.
What exactly makes you say that? The subject matter he explores in his films isn't something exclusively "white". Dysfunctional and broken middle class families are something people of all cultural backgrounds can relate to.
Your nigger IQ is showing m8.
God you're disgusting. Have you ever watched Bergman? Be honest nigger (if you can be).
>What exactly makes you say that?
Anderson's aesthetic is quintessentially WASP.
I've seen seventh seal and persona, quite enjoyed them both.
How am I disgusting lol
Whatever you do don't google "Wes Anderson black people" or "Wes Anderson white people". It's problematic
Correction: no poor person has ever watched a Wes Anderson film. Theres plenty of upper class niggers who watch that kinda shit
>Uses the word "white" in a derogatory way
>Wonders why whites respond in a negative way
So edgy
Saying that certain filmmakers traffic in subject matter than only whites/people familiar with white culture will enjoy =/= referring to whites in a derogatory manner, i wouldn't expect Sup Forumslacks to understand that though.
I'm a poo in loo and I fucking love wes
It's true nigger.
(nice trips)
(nice dubs)
>Nice replies user's.
>Very astute, if not rather Kafkaesque observations.
>I for one prefer a more vaudevillian take on this classic genre but I have a bit more of a classic taste in schlock.
>I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was archived for being such an up and comer stand-out that will surely echo throughout the halls of cinema for generations to come.
this is such a weak meme
Charlie Kaufman is one of us 2bh
This. Came here to post von trier
And it took only one reply for you to bring up Sup Forums for no reason.
Well put.
Also consider, even the ONLY film of his (Darjeeling Limited) to take place in a country populated in the majority by people of color, it stars THREE WHITE MEN. The people and culture of India are reduced to props and plot devices for rich white men to play around with.
>I literally can't even imagine a brown person watching one of them
That's because of the caricature you've constructed yourself around skin color. You're a delusional cunt living in a fantasy trailer.
>no reason
just because you're too new to know that Sup Forums is the local hub of white people with persecution complexes doesn't make it any less true
>"white people" problems
Royal Tenenbaums is about a father who was never around to ever support his children. That sounds like a """black people""" problem if you ask me.
>Assuming people having different skin colors and cultures means they don't/can't enjoy media "made for" other races/cultures
Err... Shitlord much?? We're all human beings you fucking bigot.
Harmony Korine.
I know this is extremely mediocre bait, but i'm not sure what type of retard you're pretending to be
Woody Allen would be up there, even though he's obviously not white.
Honestly his films have an imperial feeling to them more than an American feeling
what color is he?
Every single reply you bring up a completely different subject. Just answer the initial question you retard: What classify's a movie as "white"?
if your reply even mentions Sup Forums your mom dies in her sleep
How is it bait? Respond to my counterargument or don't reply you little runt.
how come?
Colour of money
Sup Forums
Ingmar Bergman, obviously.
Wes Anderon's style is influenced by indian and japanese cinema and he's married to an arab woman
I'm fairly sure there are whiter filmmakers out there
Only Darjeeling and Budapest have a hint of that but Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Tenenbaums and Moonrise are all pointedly American.
The vast majority of normies don’t like to be pushed outside of their comfort zones when consuming entertainment. So non-whites, particularly non-whites with little to no knowledge of white culture, will gravitate towards movies/music etc. that deals with themes they can relate to. Likewise, whites, regardless of whether or not they’re racist, will generally gravitate towards media that they can relate to (unless they feel the desire to live vicariously through the media, which is why so many suburban whites are obsessed with rap music made by blacks).
Even if this were theoretically true there is no denying that the subject matter caters exclusively to a white, mainly upper-class audience.
David Lynch films are white af
Alright that's adequate, thought I was dealing with a braindead far-left type so I started replying to you like one. You seem level-headed enough though, have a good one x
This tbqh.
American, yes, but that sort of earlier America which was a lot more in line with Britain than its own special thing.
>some swarthy fucking kike being white at all, let alone whiter than wes anderson
coastal over educated elitist audiences for sure. I guess asians in that class will also like Wes Anderson films.
I would say Clint Eastwood is also a very white filmmaker however his style and values and choice of subject more focused on middle and working class whites.
And despite that Clint's films are (mostly) critically acclaimed. Quite remarkable.
Ive thought long and hard on this question. And the answer is Ron Howard. Think about it.
Neither of those are at all Sup Forums-tier responses. Now, me calling you a fucking nation-wrecking kike, that's some Sup Forums shit.
Why the fuck does it even matter
No, Wes is thoroughly Yankee.
>gets completely blown the fuck out because obviously wrong
>attempts to split hairs to appear less wrong while also conceding that he's completely wrong
Cut off your own head, fag.
lol it's like you all still think it's 2006 and people still find you shocking
Black user here, I've enjoyed at least one film from every director posted in this thread
the only correct answer is dw griffith
>hasn't seen Intolerance
Silly moon cricket
So are you conceding that the entire concept of narrative film is inherently "white?"
Not at all, I just can't picture a person of color enjoying one of his films, due to their blatantly racist overtones
I literally don't at all. It's obviously the current year, and you're just dumb.
David Lynch really doesn't give a shit about black people
Not even for their extreme cultural significance? DW Griffith, racist piece of shit that he may have been, was also a brilliant innovator who changed the medium of film forever. Do your homework fampai
Leni Riefenstahl
>expects a nigger to think
there are prominent jews who love the writing of celine, who hated on (((them))) openly in his innovative novels. if there are blacks out there who truely appreciate film they will like DW Griffith despite the anti-black elements.
You don't know anything about griffith or his films. You just know he made some long ass movie about the ku klux klan and they be raycist and shiiit. Youre just an idiot.
I don't expect D.W Griffith or Riefenstahl can be impartially enjoyed by non-whites
Enjoy =/= appreciate. I'm well aware of how important his work was to the evolution of the medium, I appreciate his contributions to art of filmmaking. I just don't enjoy watching them because of their repugnant themes.
Extremely white, a brown person can barely locate japan on a map, let alone be influenced by their movies and india
Basil Dearden, so white he had to use white characters in black face to play black characters
>Critic Armond White considers Intolerance the greatest film ever made, writing, "A century later we are as close to its subject as we are distant from its art."
Armond White is literally the biggest Uncle Tom in the business. This is common knowledge
david lynch
werner herzog
darkies don't do weird
darkies dont do slow. darkies dont do introspection.
>doesn't have a victim mentally = uncle tom
Nah fat fuck
social distortion is a cool band though
based herzog
ITT: people list indie / arthouse directors.
Judd Appatow
A lot of beaners and pajeets like all the directors you mentioned, also yes shitskins like le mainstream surfac level surrealism and le entry level slow cinema.
satan pls
>I literally can't even imagine a brown person watching one of them
Bad news, every single pretentious little shit here in Mexico ADORE his stupid ass movies.
POC - people of cash
and their devotion is being noticed
>whitest film director
>cast a guatemalian to fuck prime Saroise
fuck you
he wasn't a "piece of shit" jesus christ
kanye is prolly the most atypical darkie anyone can think of other than the dude from death grips..
try again.
You sound like you've never interacted with a college educated black person before, mc ride and kanye are not anomalies, they're fairly typical middle class well educated blacks.