>1,182 days until Avatar 2
1,182 days until Avatar 2
gib avatar
>tfw Weta Digital started early work on Avatar 2 in July and filming begins in 2 days
can't wait bros
How furious will reddit be when Avatar becomes the most successful film franchise of all time?
They'll either have forgotten that they started to hate the movie for little reason, or they'll sperg so hard it'll be glorious to watch
>15 years until Avatar 17
you won't keep this up, you can't
I am actually very excited for this
keep fighting the good fight
I thought you were dead bro.
I don't even care about the film itself, I just want to see based Jim return
I found Avatar boring.
Pretty graphics just aren't doing it for me.
Also best character dying.
>tfw you will never be Ikran Makto
he didn't die he'ill return for the sequels
get hype bro
That's great, movie was a snoozefest when he wasn't on screen.
I guess a thing I really miss from some of my favorite Cameron movies is Ahnold.
I hate these stupid space Smurfs!
Fuck off sky people scum
I want the humans to win.