Will we get an ending where Stannis is alive?
Will we get an ending where Stannis is alive?
>series ends with a clue "which one do YOU believe?" tier ending
That'd be fucking epic. Everyone would be stratified.
>"Don’t fight in the North or the South. Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once."
What the fuck did he mean by this
Was this his plan all along?
They don't have the budget to show a fucking wolf, do you think they're gonna shoot multiple endings? This is just to avoid the leakfest that was this season.
they'll make a poll where people vote for Jon or Dany
>bcuz were all too stupid to see tge telegraphed ending
sure sure
worst ratings of any season coming up. book it.
Buzzfeed would never lie user
Nope. They're gonna have Dany shit on him in front of all the Lords at Winterfell and then Davos laughing at it as a last farewell to that vile daughter burner and fire demon worshipper.
if one of them is the night king BTFOing everyone, and i get to see it over and over and over, then sweet
They're going to focus group the shit out of it and pick the one that gets the most interest
Dany has to die. It's the only arc that makes sense
>Jon or Dany
Who would Sup Forums vote for? (to win)
It's already known that Jon has to kill Dany
GRRM has already told them how it ends
Dany will live and become the Yass Queen. Hillary must be avenged.
Don't most movies shoot alternate endings though? Then they pick the one they like best and the others become blu-ray bonus material.
I still think Littlefinger could win, he probably thought 8 steps ahead and cloned himself with magic.
Would D&D sacrifice critical acclaim further just to satisfy the fanboys?
This is going to be the biggest thing they ever create, they want to look back in 20 years and be proud of their work
Never even hinted at in the show and unlikely even in the books. Same deal with faggots screaming they were taking the Mad Queen route before being utterly BTFO.
It's an obvious theory like r+l equals j
>Would D&D sacrifice critical acclaim further just to satisfy the fanboys?
The whole point of this show is to satisfy fanboys. Remember they banned rape because of Sansa.
>They're going to focus group the shit out of it and pick the one that gets the most interest
Uhm... sweetie, you say that like its a bad thing.
>It's an obvious theory
Along with a dozen others for that same prophecy every time the topic is brought up.
How do you not understand what he meant by this?
You're so fucking stupid.
They are butthurt so much that they are doing this?!
It just means the hackers have won.
HBO btfo!
>shooting multiple endings
confident, assured writing.
Not an argument.
>takes prophecies at face value
>calling anyone stupid
Comedy gold.
This guy should have been Azor Ahai tbqh
only thing that can save the show now
>multiple endings
LYL so which is it, they're assblasted GRRM can't write the story for them or they've been backstabbed by he h4xx0rs holding their plots ransom.. or they're responding to the fans saying their writing is SHIT?
>put fake endings on HBO's dropbox
>let it get hacked and leaked
>trick to goyim with fake endings
>cause massive publicity storm
He subscribes to the many-worlds interpretation.
>tfw his OM is now focused on the world where he wrested the dagger from Arya, slew everyone and escaped