EXCLUSIVE: Finn Wolfhard, who is riding with the recent blockbuster horror pic It, has set his next film project...

>EXCLUSIVE: Finn Wolfhard, who is riding with the recent blockbuster horror pic It, has set his next film project. The young actor has come aboard the Ken Marino-directed film Dog Days, from LD Entertainment. Written by Elissa Matsueda and Erica Oyama, the pic follows a group of interconnected humans brought together by their canine counterparts as each faces hardships in life with their trusty pets at their side.
>Wolfhard will play Tyler, an autistic and thoughtful pizza delivery boy.

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He was the only unauthentic sounding kid in IT. How is that even possible when you're literally still a kid?

>ooooooh look at me, I'm a huge faggot contrarian. I sound so smart on the internet.

I liked IT, genius.

He is going to look like such a fucking deformed monster freak once he hits puberty
that's the way these child actors go, they always search for kids who display characteristics that overemphasize normal childish traits and ramp it up to 11, then they never lose those traits when they age and they just look like freaks. Mccauly culkin, corey feldman, the list goes on

ken marino is hilarious. I still find it weird how he's launched a decently successful directing career.

Based Froggo

People have been saying that since ST came out but now he's the only good looking one left

Once again Sup Forums was wrong

Everything he's in is gold

Jokes aside he was the only one that sounds natural in the cast, the rest of them were basically reading lines