Fat, white basement-dwellers of Sup Forums have their fragile masculinity exposed and are BTFO.
Fat, white basement-dwellers of Sup Forums have their fragile masculinity exposed and are BTFO
Reminder Dan Harmon unironically beat his ex-wife
People who are fans of Rick and Morty are indeed fat basement dwellers.
Harmon is right.
If I ever end up looking like this please shoot me in my fucking face
>literally too stupid to edit the html
I don't see how not thinking women are funny means you have fragile masculinity
Its like saying, you know whats really masculine? Making women do everything for you
I hate all of these Nazi's in OUR country, am I right ladies?
You can tell Justin is /our guy/, he can't stand Harmon's bitch fits
> Transcript took out all the fake stutters he thinks are funny.
I don't watch this show but having "gennder balanced" writers is BS. When women dominate a field, there is never any attempt to balance it. Contrarily, they will brag about it.
Stop believing in god
Whats the over/under on how long until this fat creep gets outed as a serial harasser like all the other loud male feminists?
explain pls
*zooms in as sound of silence plays*
oh wow lol what a sad rebuttal to the original
ok Dan get the gun
There was a scene in his documentary Harmontown where its all but said that he hit her during arguments, he blamed it on the fact his father beat his mother
totally, it's JUST like that
which fields are those?
He takes criticism worse than Kevin Smith. Now he's going to be talking about it in every Harmon Town episode for the next month.
Don't forget Dan is burning up inside after being cucked and divorced by his young wife.
No wonder he's mad.
At least he got a fair few slugs in at her while he had the chance
how do you beat your wife ironically?
Wear a John Lennon costume while you do it
You hit her then joke about it
>lol why am I hitting my own wife! That's like smashing up your own car, lol
*punches her again*
>lol whoops
publishing, nursing
s&m is nothing but ironic
Imagine being so upperclass you can spend most of your life pitching the same concept until it gets made into a cartoon
Elementary and middle school teachers are largely dominated by women. Who knows the impact on young boys? Why nobody ever talks about having more men in this field??
Human resources managers, what is the impact on the recruitment process and discrimination? Why isn't there a campaign to balance things?
Left is his ex-wife and right is his current girlfriend. He'll manage I think.
thats how it usually works retard
So they caved in and hired a couple women so they could deflect all that criticism away from themselves, and onto their viewers?
1-They get accused of being sexist for not having female writers on staff
2-they immediately hire females
3-they get accused of hiring females simply to avoid further criticism
4-"no, that's not the case, you're just a sexist. Women are funny, get over it."
Yeah fuck this guy.
I listen to Harmontown and maybe he's mentioned it like once or twice. Kevin's a little worse and repeats himself alot since he does so many podcasts, he probably have no idea what he's talked about or not while I think Dan doesn't really like to repeat himself too much.
End result of polarizing your audience is lower ratings and eventually cancellation regardless if they're right or not.
You'd think a man with one cancelled series already under his belt he'd learn.
But Dan's other show Community had a pretty evenly split writing staff genderwise and most people here seem to love that show
the shows writing is going to get even worse
Good for him he scored a milf brie
Yeah Kevin pulls out that 'Bruce Willis hates me' card every change he gets it seems like. Harmon is almost a glutton for punishment though he can't pull himself away from online comments.
Wow Rick and Morty fans are fucking horrible sexist pigs. Good thing no one on Sup Forums watches it, those Redditors are scum.
Learn what? Community didn't get cancelled for hiring female writers, in fact they already had a bunch of female writers.
We should ban Rick and Morty threads because of the show's toxic fandom.
A+ post
He got himself kicked off his own show due to his refusal to broaden it's appeal. I just mean you'd think he'd learn not to invite controversy so willingly.
Why are you guys so triggered about this, I don't get it.
OP's pic is yet another proof that leftism in men is literally a hormonal imbalance problem.
and this is why we separate the art from the artist
You make of it an ideological matter, entangled with nihilism and social classes divisions in a neolibral society, you beat the fuck out of her.
Because I'm one of those sexist viewers and this fat nu-male fucker is looking down on me
I'd rather trade my plumbing job over teaching little kindergarten kids
Have you tried not being insecure then
But what are you even arguing here? Do you enjoy season 4? If anything he proved that he was right ultimately. They fucking rehired his ass which is something I don't think any studio would ever do under any other circumstances
Rick and Morty's fans bigotry is what triggers me.
They give Sup Forums a bad name.
Ban Rick and Morty.
Have you tried sucking nigger cocks?
He was definitely in the right but his own stubborness and compulsiveness is his own worst enemy here. Why stir the pot at all? He knows full well in this day and age he can't win everyone over.
We can't tolerate an intolerant fandom, when theres a ton of garbage attracting flies you take care of the garbage first.
Ban rick and morty and bash the fash
No, why
Do you recommend it?
I'm pretty sure most of Sup Forums is of the opinion Community was good for the first two seasons and went to shit in season 3 when they started pandering to Reddit.
Meanwhile, Reddit insists the show went bad in season 4 and will downvote you if you point out season 3 was shit.
>in fact they already had a bunch of female writers.
Exactly. wasn't saying females writers are inherently bad, but that hiring females simply because they are female immediately after getting accused of being sexist- is transparent as hell and that Dan is a shallow fuck.
I don't really think he was looking to stir up anything with hiring women, he barely every mentioned it on Harmontown until people lost their shit over it.
Yeah I think you'll really enjoy it
Does the word insecure means something to you anymore? Maybe you use it like I use the word cuck, thats it right?
Was Season 3 the one Pierce turned into literally Hitler
Wow, insecure much?
Oh boy here we go. I've been browsing Sup Forums for over ten years and I think 1-3 are all great, 4's a bit worse and 5-6 is somewhere inbetween. I guess I should be going back even though I was never there to begin with, huh?
>Maybe you use it like I use the word cuck
What's with the cuck obsession, user?
in this context it means not giving a shit about things other people say about you, like what you're doing right now.
>Hire women writers
>Season 3 immediately goes to shit with Summerwank, Rickwank and haha dude everyone has issues dude therapy lmao am i right
>barely has any justification to have "And Morty" in the title anymore
Someone make an edit pls
They made him increasingly racist as the show went on. Thing is they turned up all the characters' traits over time, the show overall became alot more cartoony. Obviously Chevy didn't want to seem like a bad guy while he actually is in real life, but I don't really get why so many here think his character shouldn't be racist as a joke
Therapy is the worst part, Rick was meant to be above normie value systems. Suddenly the cunts come in and he needs to work through his problems and learn to be a good nu-male
He's stirring the pot with a public lashing out. Probably exaggerated though being in a Sup Forums bubble. Average person probably doesn't give a fuck and I really don't either but I do think the writing has gotten worse. He'd never own up to it anyways.
Harassment is never justified
The therapy is a result of Harmon's own experience with it during his marriage and divorce.
>Rick was meant to be above normie value systems
wicked nihilistic lmao
It's like ... you can't just say the writers suck by name?
>wicked nihilistic lmao
Yeah thats the fucking point of the character and the show
But no one said anything about me, i'm trying to deconstruct the ussge of that term.
You are assuming a defensive position over this matter, and in fact you sound insecure
He hates them, but he'll gladly take their views.
Those fucking inbreeds alt righters are posting weaponized frogs right now
Memes aren't harassment, but unwanted snail mail and phone calls is definitely harassment
It's worth remembering that people outside of Sup Forums aren't used to receiving abuse all day
>all the episodes written by women are shit
>hurr durr youre sexist for pointing that out
Numales are an evolutionary dead-end and they were a mistake.
I should raise my loli daughter on Sup Forums then
> shrieking in terror because you saw a cartoon frog
Fragile femininity has no place in the work office.
When liberals go insane due to a cartoon frog, it's not the memers posting said frog who start to look bad.
Looks like Devin Faraci.
lol is that what they did? that's pretty hilarious. How can anyone not find the idea of some smug bitch writer having to sift through dozens of meme frogs every time she gets her mail
Human resources was literally created to employ cunts and freaks
Did she recive any rara pepe? An unique one perhaps?
you're the worst type of user...you actually believe memes unironically live by it. you pathetic buffoon. the point of the show is rick is wicked nihilistic you absolute spack.
I loathe all the viewers
seriously, what is it with fat neckbeards being such cucks?
The show is still good but it's a definite drop from the previous season. I feel like these people just do things like "MUH ALL FEMALE WRITERS!" to shield them from criticism so they can bitch about misogyny when they fuck up.
Same thing with the new Ghostbusters. It sucked. It didn't suck because there were women in it, it would have sucked with men too. But by using women, they can cry about sexism instead of owning that it sucked
so all this bullshit virtue signalling is just overcompensating for being a literal wifebeater?
Women have wrecked Western education, which they dominate in the classroom and the boardroom. We used to give our kids a classical education, now it's all Cultural Marxist bullshit so we literally have 17 year olds in college who have the numeracy and literacy skills of an infant and don't know how to wipe their own arse or interact socially like a normal human being. Nu males and women are also shitting all over Hollywood and other media now they're being shunted into roles because of "diversity". If people were judged solely on merit most industries in the West would be naturally dominated by white men, which is how we came to have the greatest civilization the world has ever seen, until you "liberal" cunts decided we fall into the gutter to be equal in all areas with Pakistan, Somalia, India, China, Nigeria etc. Well done you globalist tools, well done.
Can either of those two see their own dicks?
>glances at the creators and their fat little arms and hunched troll bodies
Wow, what paragons.
>so all this bullshit virtue signalling is just overcompensating for being a literal wifebeater?
Yep, dude is out of control
>tfw AVGN survived the SJW onslaught and came out the other end stronger
how did he fucking do it?
He just ignored them