This one's for you

why did noone tell his this was a horrible idea?

Other urls found in this thread:

me in the back center

post pics of her scars

i'll bet those girls had a good laugh
but a good 2/3 wish it was happening to them and schlicked to the thought later

He's just a stupid kid but he has more balls than anyone on this board. He deserves respect.

>but a good 2/3 wish it was happening to them and schlicked to the thought later

lol you're too positive

he probably has two balls like the rest of us

He knows what he wants and goes for it. Considering he's like twelve years old in this video he was obviously a chad in the making

He was talking about figurative balls. It's just a metaphor for courage.

Not that they'd necessarily want to go out with him, but they'd want a public display that someone finds them attractive


>TFW she's living the dream with her quarterback chab boyfriend as they both attend an ivy league college and are likely guaranteed to be making 80,000 minimum each upon graduation
>the beta is probably browsing Sup Forums right now making minimum wage or unemployed and living off parents

>"user my scar itches, will you rub it?"

Imagine being Alexa in that moment and having to be all like "damn, Garrett, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your pubescent body and horrific androgynous baby face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another football player in her bedroom. Like seriously imagine having to be Alexa and not only sit in that chair while Garret flaunts his disgusting body in front of you, the favorable fedora barely concealing his beady eyes and dumbo ears, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate his weedy fucking visage but his dorky attitude as everyone in dance class tells him he's GOT IT and DAMN, GARRET DANCES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his dweeby fucking acne ridden face contort into types of goofy smiles you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Chads and Tyrone's and later alleged Football stars for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the middle class in America. You've never even seen anything this fucking pathetic before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his hairless upper lip as he finger points suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in his "very very very nervous (for that is what he calls himself)" dance, the dance he worked so hard for by himself in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Alexa. You're not going to lose your future Instagram followers over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

All women dream with a bunch of beta autists dreaming about them.

Thats why you never give them the satisfaction.

yeah i'll lick it, sure why not

Don't mistake stupidity and lack of awareness for balls.

jesus christ
that cum canal

let me bang

Normies are unbelievably cruel, they didn't tell him because they thought it was hilarious.

See is clearly on different level and social class than him. What a doofus.

It's not balls, it's being young and ignorant of the consequences. I did things that were equally cringey as a teen and don't look back on them with any sort of pride for how brave they were.

I'm glad I got all that out of the way before middle school, so I never did anything to impress girls

This is how a poster is made

Aging menopausal roasties think it's cute (in like a wants to pinch their cheeks kind of way) and whichever ones run this show probably encouraged him to do it.

Young roasties of breeding age still have an active reproductive system and therefore can instinctively interpret the improper sexual signals being sent to them by the fedora as repulsive. Roasties have no self-awareness, so she too will forget all about how she felt about these things when she was young after her reproductive organs become old and useless.


well thank goodness you're here, otherwise i wouldn't have known that

How's it she got those?


Not him, but you're welcome :)


every time i see this video i want to watch it but i just can't get more than half way through

This guy

>tfw almost did this to ask a girl out in high school

thank god i was too much of a beta to

picked up

>just b urself

some disease or cancer or something

It was a literal commercial. Shari probably put him up to it.

>tfw this triggers your PTSD about all the cringe shit you did in your childhood


She had cancer when she was a baby.

thats a pretty big scar

Well she was like, two years old when they cut into her.

Guys chances are he grew up spiteful of women after that so he's likely to be a regular at Sup Forums and has probably seen these threads. He might be here right now.

>start breathing heavily and have uncontrollable physical reactions like muscle twitches and audible groans whenever those memories come up

Should I see a shrink

>Delusion is """alpha"""

for you

Not really. For some time he had his Instagram open and he was posting photos with some girls. Nothing Alexa-tier of course, but it didn't seem like he would grow up being a Sup Forums autist.

>sit there and revel in his "very very very nervous (for that is what he calls himself)" dance

They'll become less severe with time.

no, he's actually one of those reddit numales now. some user posted a pic of him like 3 weeks ago and he at least gets uggo pussy, which I guess isn't that bad?

He's a wannabe-Chad, the worst type of them all.

i can't wait for the drunken, suicidal post from him detailing his thought process and the result across the following years

should be fun

This guy fucks

>go and yell at this guy for throwing rocks at the girl you've had your eye on for a week
>yeah sure, refer to her as "my girl", sounds tough, right
>naw, she totally felt bad for you getting beat up
>no, no, this won't ruin your reputation throughout elementary school at all when she goes around laughing with people about how you referred to her as yours
>it'll be fine

ha ha extra sleeping pills before bed tonight i guess

I just got a sympathy cringe.

anyone have recent pics of them? from what i recall she's a stacey and has a chad bf. and he's still in the friendzone with every girl he knows

This is so destructive to everyones self esteem everyone involved should be ashamed. The girl is being literally placed on a pedestal above all the other girls. The court jester then comes out and makes a feeble attempt to woo the heart of this young virgin maiden. Everyone laughs at him, and at the very end when he tries to kiss her she dodges the fuck out of it. She knew it was coming, she knew she had to shut this shit down after everyone had their laughs.

The fedora is prob a friendless basement dweller so who knows about him.


her boy friend literally plays football.

is this real life? all memes were true.

its like pottery

Don't it make you feel sick?

What you actually believed the lives fedoras and barbies will lead aren't predictable as fuck?

bitch was hiding Xenomorphs in her stomach


>generic stacy dating mystery meat chad
just like highschool

i need to watch him die, that's the only way the pain can be cleansed in my mind, and my body

>all these neckbeard nu-males pretending this kid is anything but an aspie with zero self-awareness
Kek, did you do dance numbers for the good-looking girls in your class too? Fucking spergs.

If I got a time machine it would be one of the first things I do. Go back to the past, right before garret says yes to these sharis berry's cunts and be like "DONT DO IT GARRET YOU LITTLE SHIT". Some things in the timeline weren't meant to happen, garrets dance is one.


>user gets a timemaschine
>saves Garret from embarrassing himself
>it starts a butterfly effect
>we live in a world where Hillary is the president and white males get round up and transported into FEMA camps

thanks user

It's incredible though. Whenever some numale or women tries to convince you that human society isn't still a massive fucking zoo, you can just think of this video and you'll know the it's all still happening. The courtship dances, the alpha female, the pathetic beta male, the glorious sexual free market still at work.

>being so butthurt that Stacy didn't gp to prom with you that you draw this autistic as all fuck comic.

>YFW in the behind the scenes interview she just called it a "random act of kindness"

This is why I hate humanity.
Robot uprising/ human genocide FUCKING WHEN?

Hi, India.

what you said isn't relevant to the comic

Motherfucker you JUST watched garrets video and now you're saying that comic is flawed in some way? wise up.

He's right though. He's part of the Untouchables caste equivalent in American society

I'm saying that you obviously need to have some deep psychological self-identity issues if you put that much time and effort complaining about boogeyman chads through a comic. It is literally seething with "well I'm an ironic nice guy, but I am so fucking mad" that you can feel his neck sweat.

Because the comic is pretty cringe.

not that guy but have you gone outside the house recently?

Literally anyone can get laid in America if you can use the internet you pathetic incel. This retard's Instagram proved he wasn't even a virgin.

I work all day outside.

open your eyes guys

>Implying social and financial class doesn't exist in the U.S.

Women will never date down unless there is something seriously defective with them.

Just looking at the way he behaves and dresses the fedora is clearly middle class and doesn't have an alpha in his life to guide him on the path of manliness.

Stacy and her Chad both clearly from to upper class homes - easily millionaires.

This phenomena isn't super obvious but it becomes more so as adulthood comes and keeps growing.

Billionaires aren't picking up single moms in grocery stores for a reason. They're bagging financially equal women or super models because they are the same echelon.

Rich actors and actresses aren't dating the average joe for the same reason.


>the cringe is so great I can't watch more than 2 seconds

Does that mean I'm just as awkward as him?



I can't remember the source but I read that men will pick up partners from lower class circles quite often. Made sense to me since men mostly care about looks/personality and nothing else

This is considerably less cringe with music.
The guy embarassed himself but he probably came out better than I.

the betas life sounds kinda satisfying here. Also after reading this I am certain the artists of these comics is disabled in some way, perhaps with the exact same things as "simon"

U.S. class is determined by value. Money is value and so is attractiveness.

Hence why a model ranks up in high society/upper class.

In a way the idea of personal value is the exact same as privilege only it's actually real even though we don't talk about it. It's a fact of life

An attractive person with the identical qualifications of an ugly person will always get hired over them because looks hold high worth in value.

So a rich man picking up a financially weak women is irrelevant if she has value in attractiveness in the same way an unattractive man with billions makes up for it.

i kinda agree, still thought it was funny

>Landing a job making 100,000+ or getting consistent sex.

As a teenager, I would have gone with sex any time. But at age 21-29 (now), I would take the job any day. Having sex is nice and so is companionship, but money is better than both. People who say money doesn't make you happy or you can't buy happiness are very wrong. Money is fucking fantastic.

Fucking never, robots are fucking dumb, what we need is to find and hire someone smart enough to convince humanity to stop reproducing, in 100 years all our problems will be solved.


Literally any woman or gay guy, maybe.

She's the jokah, baybee

>This is what happens when you are raised on Sup Forums and MRA forums
Jesus Christ, I forgot most of you are like this about women. You practically wrote a fucking novel here.