I girl from college I have been talking to has invited me to see It. But the problem is that I'm a big fucking pussy and I can't handle horror movies at all. I don't want to look unmanly around her because I want her ass in my face, so could you guys tell what the worse jumpscares are? So I can at least be somewhat prepared.
I girl from college I have been talking to has invited me to see It...
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haha bitch
First you need to get access to some chloroform and a rag, something that you can hold over her face without her struggling too much. It should take roughly 40-50 seconds for her to lose consciousness so ideally you could catch her off guard in an alley or behind a wall so that there's no chance of any witnesses.
IT doesn't really have too many jump out scares, most of the horror comes from building dread and mind games
Dude a girl invited you to see a movie and you're worried about not being prepared for jumpscares? Just go in blind. Who knows, she might be the screamer type
when she hits her father, when they are trying to kill it in the house, and whenver "it" sneaks around. youre welcome pussy
It's a shitty movie that's not scary at all. Although movies are inherently not scary so I don't know what your issue is.
What a tremendous faggot.
It's not much of a horror movie I guess the director realized no one is scared of movies anymore. It's a top tier coming of age + adventure flick
Its because I genuinely can't fucking handle horror movies, I hate them. I'm also scared of dying of a heart attack, so its not just to look good around her but for my own safety.
Getting scared by jumpscares doesn't put girls of. If anything she'll find it funny.
She will find out what a pussy you are eventually. Tell her the truth. It is just a movie.
Fuck off with your shitty videos
It's not scary
>115 suscribers
>has to shill his shitty objectively wrong videos on Sup Forums
Make that 116, great video dude
thanks man, much love :)
You'll be fine. All the jumpscares are obnoxiously frequent and extremely predictable. I'm a huge pussy and even I found them more funny than anything after a while.
But if you really want to prepare yourself, just watch a bunch of modern shitty jumpscare-fests (i.e. The Conjuring, Insidious, Ouija, etc) until your senses are completely dulled to them.
the jumpscares aren't really scary, also you can see them coming. just look elsewhere whenever you get the feeling IT's gonna jump
here are all the jumpscares, including the moment they happen and how scary they are (no video or pics, just explained in text)
Lose some weight you fattie.
I was very disappointed with this movie and it had to be one of the worst movie viewing experiences in my life. There was one of those overweight nigresses next to me commenting almost the entire movie along with her buddy; there was a group of teens a few rows down laughing and throwing popcorn around during tense moments. I waited one fucking week after release expecting all the retards would've watched it by then, but noooooo. It was completely impossible to be immersed in the experience.
As for the movie, it was disappointing, The CGI was atrocious, the projector scene was laughably bad, the rock fight montage was cringe and Pennywise was not scary at all. What the fuck, Sup Forums. You promised me an amazing performance by Skarsgard.
Also what was the name of the band the fat kid heard?
Also, only real jumpscare is the projector screen scene (pic related)
you'll be fine user
I found the scenes with the bully creepier than the ones with the magic clown
This better be a joke.
What a generation of pussies.
Do what I did as a kid.
When you feel like a jump scare is coming, look at the lower right corner of the screen.
dude you're gonna be fine. IT is a great movie, and it has a lot of jump scares, but none of them are really that startling.
Theres a great website called Wheresthejump that you can go to get exact times for when each jump will occur so you might want to check that out.
Anyway out of the 20 or so jump scares the only ones that actually startled me were these:
Stan (the jew) is walking upstairs and gets scared by a painting, he walks around the room for a bit until he hears a flute playing, then the distorted lady from the painting rushes at the screen. Then when they are all looking at the projector and Pennywise turns into a giant and attacks them, but this one is pretty heavily telegraphed so you wont jump out of your seat or anything. Then theres the one from the trailer where he jumps out from behind the box, this one is also pretty easy to see coming but its probably the jumpiest scene just because of how long the buildup is. Then theres when Beverley hits her dad in the bathroom and turns to leave and Pennywise is right there, and this is the only really startling jump scare in the whole movie.
Honestly in terms of jump scares it will probably be harder for you to get through the Insidious 4 trailer that i had to sit through than the actual movie.
I get the anxiety about jump scares so take it from me when I say you dont have much to worry about with IT.
have you ever watched Horror before? If so, have your fears of coming face to face with the monster afterwords ever come true? If not, what makes you think itll happen this time? Its not real bubba.
And there goes your entire opinion