>About to be raped and/or murdered
>Courtney Portnoy pulls out a gun
>Would-be attacker shits himself and quickly runs away
>"OMG, like, why do you even have a gun?"
Is Diane the most insufferable libshit since Lisa Simpson?
>About to be raped and/or murdered
>Courtney Portnoy pulls out a gun
>Would-be attacker shits himself and quickly runs away
>"OMG, like, why do you even have a gun?"
Is Diane the most insufferable libshit since Lisa Simpson?
>dark blue hair
Does the question even have to be asked?
Isn't that the point?
And then she got a gun.
She's as bad as Bojack. That's the joke.
>>dark blue hair
He hair is clearly meant to be read as black. Have you never watched a cartoon before?
Go to bed Refn
I see dark blue hair. Is this a cartoon thing?
You mean cartoons where black hair is literally black? Yes, I have.
But then she realized how useful the gun was and changed her opinion, what's your point?
TV pro tip. Despite appearing yellow, the Simpsons are Caucasian.
The point is she even still had that opinion right after the gun literally just saved her life.
Did you know some characters are meant to be portrayed as stupid?
Don't care, would totally bang
I'd say the same thing. If I'm around someone and they have a gun, I'd like to fucking know that before they pull it out no matter the fucking situation.
lol that's crazy - funny, but crazy
Simpsons showing the world that honkey is yellow(shook)
Tbh I'd be surprised as hell too if some skinny Cali chick I just had dinner with pulled out a firearm.
giv diane nugent gf
>lives in a shithole where people walk around armed all the time
so free... like somalia!
They were formerly white before the radiation deformed them.
we arent talking about europe
Oops, I'm sorry, Mexico.
>formerly white
I have a hard time watching Diane scenes because I imagine Alisson Brie always straining to act.
It happens sometimes with Will Arnett doing Bojack but not nearly enough as with Diane. I think maybe because he's a better actor or Bojack is just a better character?
She clearly didn't think she was going to be raped or murdered, she thought he was just a creep coming on too strong. Otherwise she wouldn't have just looked at him uneasily, she would have screamed or ran.
You're just autistic. Brie clearly doesn't try hard on this show.
>straining to act.
Like she's constipated or something?
Diane was a cunt this entire season (and every season)
Mr Peanut Butter deserves better
there's that word again.
Was it supposed to be a gag that she's pronounce it "Nu-wen"? I've known several Vietnamese folks with that name and they all pronounced it "wen"
I dunno, maybe she's like third generation Vietnamese expat and has no idea how to pronounce her own name.
It's the price we pay for freedom and inclusivity. Sometimes I envy the portion of eurofags that get to live in a racially homogeneous country. Then again I don't really want to fuck my sister so happy I was born in America.
>diane with her and mr peanutbutter's baby
>woman caught in the actual moment of turning from fuckable 20-something to hitting a wall
>fuckable 20 something
Hit this
She's worse, though. She keeps lying to herself and others. Bojack admits who he is.
underrated post
she's so slow
>goes out of his way to make her dreams come true
>she just shits all over him
Yeah she can go die.
>Vietnamese woman falls in love with a Dog
>tfw viet gf
This is the first season of Bojack Horseman that wasn't exclusively about how depressed Horsecock Man is and didn't end with Horsecock Man staring into the camera with a sad look on his face.
Honestly, I liked this season a lot more than the others. We get it, he's a depressed horse. If you aren't going to have any character development then cancel the show.
>liberal characters can't be stupid since the show is made by stupid liberals
Fuck off
S3 was the the climax of the "I'm depressed and horrible" line. He indirectly killed someone who was dependent on him. You can't go lower than that.
I loved that in S4 Bojack is finally doing good and feels good. It did come with the expense of having more screen time to the side characters, which ended up good (PC), okay-neutral(Todd) or bad (Diane).