Say what you will about it, but this is the most original film in terms of concept and execution with a decent and visible production value to come out in the last ten years.
With Malick's Tree of Life as a strong second place.
Say what you will about it...
It's not original, it's a stolen idea that drags on for too fucking long.
It's all about sex anyways, like all other films by that argentinian retard
Total pleb
This. The first 15-20 minutes is genuinely interesting but I checked out halfway through the movie. Gaspar Noe is a hack pervert who knows how to make a good movie but simply refuses to remove his head from his own crotch.
Yeah, but it is still shit
I'm not a degenerate
1. It is visually as exceptional as it is original and
2. it's not all about sex.
But thanks for your input.
Also feel free to suggest another film you think that even comes close then in terms of well produced originality.
should have been one hour shorter
What a rediculous question. There's hundreds of thousands of movies. How naive/narrowminded do you have to be to think the most original movies ever made are from the last 5 years?
Go watch more films then come back and see if you feel the same way. If you're looking for something interesting and original but not bothered by a lack of narrative, check out Holy Mountain, or if you've already seen it, explore the rest of Jodorowskys catalog.
So you are incapable of reading then? I was explicitly talking about recent original films. Which doesn't mean that I would be a retard who's saying old movies are not original and visually compelling. Try reading a bit slower, friendo.
Not the OP, but I think that was the whole point: There's next to no movies with a high production value anymore today which are even remotely original in terms of concept. They're just not being produced any more.
Maybe that Villeneuve Sci-Fi one was a bit original in it's execution, but I think it was an adaptation of sorts
>I was explicitly talking about recent original films.
Spring Breakers, The Neon Demon, Holy Motors, Melancholia, Air Doll, Wild Tales, Ex_Machina.
I'm a big fan of Enter the Void too.
How was this original?
I thought it was. I'm happy to be corrected if you know better.
Thanks for this. I haven't seen Neon Demon yet since I'm not a fan of Refn at all apart from the stuff he did before Drive (Bronson and Pusher are amazing). Is it a turn away from what he does in Drive and the Viking one or is it going into the same way aesthetically?
It just didn't strike me as remarkable at all
It was fucking boring.
I think Noe liked the floating CGI camera shots from pic related a little too much
Have you not seen Irreversible?
I'm just shitposting because it's a ridiculous comparison but I actually forgot Panic Room and Irreversible were the same year.
It's not like Drive, but if you didn't like Drive you probably won't enjoy TND, although it is certainly striking and original. Do a bit of research but there should be something in the list you'll love - Spring Breakers and Holy Motors are especially brilliant.
doesn't Spring Breakers share the same cinematographer as Irreversible and Enter the Void?
I'll let you do the research on that one. It's very possible - and Harmony and Gaspar and friendly.
my biggest problem with the movie was the dreadful acting, especially the lead.
Thought the lead was a self insert the whole time desu.
Also, this actually made me NOT want to try Lsd