ITT: Actors that most of Sup Forums like

ITT: Actors that most of Sup Forums like


Denzel Washington



Dont like them

John Goodman

Nic Cage for some inexplicable reason.


Classic Paul Dano


The midget from Game of Thrones.

>see thread
No Idris Elba


Because he's amazing when he actually puts in effort. Shame most of his roles in years have been obvious paychecks.


I liked him until I found out he promoted white genocide in England

I've only ever seen him mumbling or chewing the scenery. I can't say as I've ever seen him turn in a decent performance.

>unable to separate an artist from their art
Dumb nigger.

Not our fault, watch more movies.

>a literal cuck
>Sup Forumstards and Sup Forums love him

I can do this for pretty much everyone except Polanski, filthy bastard.

>watch more movies.
I will. Just not Nic Cage ones.

watch bad lieutenant port of call new orleans cuckboi
it's great

And if he'd said something "sexist" or promoted mass immigration into Africa, you'd be calling for his fucking head, so eat shit.

Nah. I can live without seeing another Nic Cage movie.

>a man who's slayed so much pussy it has lost all meaning is a "cuck" according to Reddit

>wife cucks him with a black guy
>but he is so based!

>that time Patrick Stewart directed an episode of TNG but he was so autistic that nobody was getting his "vision" for it correct that Data and Worf just fucked with him for the rest of the episode