55 days till justice league
55 days till justice league
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Is that from the video game?
Whether it's a legit masterpiece or a masterpiece of a trainwreck, I'm hype for either.
I hope Snyder's vision isn't fucked beyond recognition. ;_;
Every DCEU movie was better than all MCU movies except Suicide Squad, which was worse than all MCU movies
Wonder Woman is in the bottom tier of Marvel. Iron Man and Guardians of The Galaxy are better than every DCEU movie
I thought that cyber man was just a joke and he couldn't possibly look this bad so I looked up the official trailer on youtube and he looks so awful. Didn't anyone notice how bad this looks?
Amen, brother.
>Wonder Woman is in the bottom tier of Marvel
>Iron Man and Guardians of The Galaxy are better than every DCEU movie
Iron Man maybe, GotG is shit and worse than all DCEU movies except SS
*sigh* No thanks. I'll wait for the bluray edition with added in scenes.
This desu
You seriously thought Suicide Squad was worse than Thor 2? Seems that you saw a different Suicide Squad than me.
What's bad about the first Guardians? Try to keep the buzzwords to a minimum
The first half of SS is a fun and dumb movie, but the rest is utter shit.
Suicide Squad was worse than a lot of things user, I'm as DChad as every other white straight christian man but Suicide Squad was a piece a piece of shit
is it too late for them to re-edit Henrys mustache back in and also delete ps2 era black robocop from the movie?
>What's bad about the first Guardians? Try to keep the buzzwords to a minimum
Reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit. Reddit reddit reddit. Reddit, reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit! Reddit.
I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.
>80s pandering
>forced humor
>forced emotional scenes
>worst villain in a franchise famous for its shit villains
I like Pratt as a guy but not even him can save this fucking two hour long toy commercial. The pop OST in capeshit was done before by Snyder in Watchmen and that's the best thing of that piece of crap
There you go, not a single buzzword
This is going to be so bad.
Teens aren't even hyped for this.
>no Zack "The kinomaker" Snyder doing final cut
>no Hans Zimmer/Junkie XL
>no Nolan producing
>no Terrio dialogue - replaced with Whedon's quips instead
>no Larry Fong cinematography
>Lex is cut
>Superman's rebirth reshot even though Snyder himself had built towards it since MoS
We lost. (((They)))) won. This is the price we must suffer. The price of a thousand screeching liberals on Rotten Tomatoes, dogs of the social media machine.
Snyder shot 90 percent of the movie r-right?
>teens aren't even hyped for this
The JL teaser trailer has like as many views as that new Star Wars movie, MCUck.
Don't be spouting lies around here.
You mean it has views on a site that can be easily manipulated with bots?
Yeah and Thors trailer has more views than Justice League, kek
Yes we all know that's what Disney's been doing since forever but you can clearly see this isn't even WB's channel but a third-party one.
I don't think he's counting FB views so no
>Not a single buzzword
I wonder why...
Nobody even watched the Wonder Woman trailers but still beat GoTG2/Civil War in home turf
He did. But will any of it make it to the final cut? Will we atleast get a Snyder cut a few months down the line? I doubt it. Snyder sounded like he was pretty much done after his latest interview with Wired. Very tragic. Man deserves better. He's had a shit year.
>quips is a buzzword
Shill harder
Why do you have screencaps of Reddit
To fight fire with fire.
>Marvel has banners on reddit
You can NOT make this shit up
Snyder is a fucking hack. His slut daughter dying was the best thing that could have happened to this movie.
It's still gonna suck but not as bad I bet
Jesus calm your horses you edgelord fuck.
No I won't
Fuck Snyder and fuck niggers
Its nice to see my thread took off I'll be doing a count down every day till it comes out
Im hype for cyborg since ive been playing injustice 2
Suicide Squad is one of the worst blockbusters to come out in the past few years.
Thor 2 is a 5/10
You know you don't have to watch the film.
More importantly there are 222 days until Avengers: Infinity War.
actually it's a toy from your mom's bedroom. Your dad obviously couldn't compete.
Now who will play death?
Wonder Woman is basically an amalgamation of the Thor and First Avenger scripts with worse effects and far worse acting. The only reason it got so much hype is because a) it has a female director and lead and b) it's the first passable DCEU movie.
A Snyder movieproduction copying someone else's imagery? Woah.
See but nobody cares about that movie
Eva Green was the rumour. I'm a bit worried they might just skip the Death stuff though. Then again the Russos did say that Thanos was basically the main character of the movie, so who knows...
First Avenger was fucking awful though. It bombed for good reason.
Why is this so bad, oh my god someone else tell me they see it too.
Pretty much. I'm actually looking forward to this and Ragnarok
First Avenger was a good flick you cunt
It's Joss Whedon's Marvel-tier lightning.
I don't get it. How is War Machine in Justice League?
And the CG is atrocious
It was cheesy. Everything about it was B-movie tier.
More like JUSTice League
This is going to be quipkino
How is that any different to Wonder Woman? At least Chris Evans can act.
>snyder vision
Is this real? this is great.
And? Is this somehow indifferent when it comes to Capeshit? Raimi's spider man trilogy was extremely cheesy but it was still great
He's still fucked more girls than you have virgin
Unironically looking forward to this.
Yes I'm sure your father told you that.
>Justice League is good
>Justice League is bad
It was his wife's daughter.
Well yeah. If it comes up decent it'll mean Joss managed to salvage it.
According to Sup Forums it'll be:
>Justice League is good
>Justice League is bad
What if it's good but quippy and light? Will DCucks praise Snyder or pretend it's terrible?
>When the fan made posters look better than the official ones your shitty studio dares to put out
>they changed the GOAT costume
>“The verdict from someone who was there. ‘Ehhhh… it’s…fine?’
This looks better than everything we've seen so far for Justice League
It then went on to win an Oscar
Your point being?
see pic related
The CGI is undeniably worse than anything to come from DC, the camera work looks like something out of an Assassin's Creed cutscene
DC just needs to stop with the cinematic universe thing and just make good movies. Its causing oversaturation.
> It then went on to win an Oscar
Your point being?
WB had to pay for a oscar campaign for Suicide Squad. lol
>tfw I cant tell if you guys are complaining because hes black or because the CGI is bad
No they didn't.
Why the fuck would they pay for an Oscar campaign on Suicide Squad instead of Batman v FUCKING Superman
>implying it wasnt a great movie
That's even worst.
>Being this much of a shill
>Actually using tweets calling a movie 'epic' as an argument
>It then went on to win an Oscar
for makeup. Has literally nothing to do with the quality of the movie
>The CGI is undeniably worse than anything to come from DC, the camera work looks like something out of an Assassin's Creed cutscene
Lmao. Show me one thing from Justice League that we've seen so far that actually looks good. I'll wait
That's a website promotional poster, all of them look like shit because they're quickly assembled.
t. oscarlet
It wasnt either of thems blood child idiot she was adopted
It was one of the worst movies of last year, easily
I liked it
And also one of the most talked about movie of last year. So that's good i guess.