Appart from all the edgyness, can we take a minute to talk about how incredible the camera work in this movie is?
I just rewatched this and I'm just blown away by it.
Appart from all the edgyness, can we take a minute to talk about how incredible the camera work in this movie is?
Yeah he nailed it in terms of camera in this one. Went over board in his next one though
>Two thumbs up
More like 'Two thumbs up your bum', amirite
I agree. Enter the Void is ambitious, but it's just not quite as mesmerizing as Irreversible.
Also calling this film "edgy" is lame. It's not a celebration of violence.
first 30 minutes or so up until rape scene was really great. still good movie though but after rape scene not much that happens.
One of the best films of all time
the sound use in the first 20 mins is also genius, low freq sounds similar to the frequency of earthquakes was used as it causes nausea and feelings of being unsettled etc. I stand alone is still my fav noe overall though.
It hammers home the impact of the rape, but yeah, it's not exactly engaging.
>It hammers home the impact of the rape
"If you get raped, you're gonna have a bad time". Thanks movie.
fun fact, that extra who walks in during the middle of it only to step away was actually an accident. Some assistant or tech person had no idea they were filming and walked into the shot, but the director loved it, adding that it made the scene more realistic
hop on over to /r9k/ and see how difficult that concept can be to grasp.
>It's not a celebration of violence.
Yeah that fire extinguisher bit was definitely necessary and totally not an edgy shock bit, user. Noe is near the definition of a cinematographer-edgelord
You missed the point of that scene completely, it was meant to show how revenge is fucking brutal and often rewardless, hence the cut to the rapists smiling face after the guy gets turned into a floor sticker
who's a good feminist
It was absolutely unneccessarily explicit.
As a French, I prefered "Seul contre tous" from the same director. Much more depressing.
Real life is explicit. You can't censor someone's face getting caved in.
This was great but enter the void was a masterpiece
How does he do those spinning-flipping camera movements?
This is such a retarded point user. And by your logic you were forced to look everytime ugly shit happens, in reality you have a choice not to look, just as in filmmaking you have the choice to insinuate instead of full on displaying something.
Wasn't it mainly hand-held cam? I remember being surprised when I found out about that.
You literally can, faggot. By averting your eyes or closing them
do you guys think she looked like she liked it during the rape scene?
It isn't a matter of "just close your eyes lol". There is no subjectivity to the actual life-altering violence and brutality of the act and the camera exists to capture this.