Mediterraneans and Levantines are the true master race

They are the most accomplished group of people.

>first major empire and civilization. Levels of engineering that would not be surpassed for thousands of years(Egypt)
>invented modern alphabet system (Phoenicians)
>founded 3 of the worlds major and most influential religions
>creation of Philosophy and sciences(greeks, egyptians,persians)
>worlds greatest empires(romans, persians, ottomons)
>started the renaissance(Italians)

Nords, Anglos, and Aryans are degenerates. They were essentially nigger tier while the Mediterraneans were inventing and improving civilization. They are also the ones that keep destroying it. (see fall of rome and modern Europe).

I mean the only reason Northern Europe ever advanced is because of Jews. Who happen to be Mediterraneans.

Prove me wrong. You can't. Checked.

Other urls found in this thread:

Proud Mediterranean represent

fuck off you smelly brown manlet

Forgot to add.

>explore and mapped the true full world (Spanish and Portuguese)

>True shagging cuck is pissed
Hadrians wall should have been built further south to be honest senpai.

Phoenician/Illyrian reporting in.

Dont lump Europeans in with Semites

Meditterians include southern europeans, northern Africans, and levantines/semites. The true master races.

Tbqh Mediterraneans are the only ones who did great to humanity.
Especially jews

We're Atlantic, João. The 1997 Arnaiz-Villena et al. study concluded that the Portuguese and Basques were unique in Iberia due to their negligible Mediterranean admixture. We have no brothers, it's just us and the sea as ever.