Libshits think Lauer was biased last night and should be barred from touching anything political in NBC for all...

>libshits think Lauer was biased last night and should be barred from touching anything political in NBC for all eternity after his performance as moderator

So did he actually do a bad job, or did Trump just clearly win?

Trump obviously came out on top

They'll say the same thing about the debate moderators if Trump does well in those too.

He did fine
If anything he tried to bait Trump into giving bad answers

pretty neutral to me. tried to be tough on both candidates.

I was surprised people are lashing out at him.

He was much harder on Trump than Hillary anyway. He interrupted Trump way more and kept trying to give him "gotcha" questions. He was about 10% as tough on Hllary as he was on Trump and then libshits started screaming "misogyny" because Hillary wasn't given a 100% free ride.

Lauer was a major Clinton foundation contributer

He came out on top because Hillary can't debate, that's why she doesn't want them. She's terrible without someone telling her what to say. Hence the earbud.

He was clearly biased, but against Trump.

He interrupted both of them several times, but in a very different manner and was more polite to Hillary to let her finish what she was saying (usually some hot-headed rant).

How are libshits saying he was biased?

It seemed to me like he was harsher on Trump. The questions he gave Hillary were far more open-ended and always had an easy answer.

Guy was prepared and made both of them work hard. The difference is that Clinton has been living in a bubble for the last 8 months. It's amazing to go back and look at the Democratic debates, when Bernie would just take everything off the table and refuse to fight back when she was painting him as a gun-loving maniac that reveled in the blood of slaughtered children.

He was definitely harder on Trump, even went as far as pushing the Russia=evil narrative even though US is responsible for Ukraine and mostly Syria. Besides that he did an OK job as far as Hillary shills go.

This, I wish Trump would have called Lauer out on his Russophobic lies.

>Lauer's father was of Romanian Jewish heritage, as seen on the Today Show's Finding Our Roots. Lauer said, "My dad was Jewish."

A Jew hates Russia, it's always the same old song

Trump was given twice as many questions as clinton in the same time. Trump talked about what is to come. Clinton had to cover her ass about the past most of the time.

Link to video?

Because he didn't call out Trumo for being A FUCKING WHITE MALE.

Drumpf's strategy is just to lie all the time and that way if the journalists try to challenge him they end up looking biased to the illiterate right wing retards that are watching.

I wouldn't necessarily blame Lauer, maybe he was just stupefied by the amount of shit that came out of his mouth and didn't know what to do.

>so did he actually do a bad job, or did Trump just clearly win?


He was actually pretty good at being a bit moderate, that said I thought they were trying to stump Trump

some a nigger smacks you in the mouth

Actually the main talking point I've seen (Vox has like 6 articles on this today, no joke) is that Trump "lied" about being against Iraq from the beginning, citing an appearance on the Howard Stern show in 2003 on the eve of the invasion where he said "I dunno I guess" when asked ifif he supported going to war with Iraq or not.

A little embarrassing, but literally nothing in the grand scheme of things. If that was his big gaffe of the night, he did really well. Especially by Trump stabdards.

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The lib's are wailing because Lauer didn't call him a meanie for saying mean things to all the peaceful, innocent "immigrants".

I hope Hillary wears her earpiece to the debates so Trump can call her on it, if she claims it is a hearing aid, he can comment on how she only wears it in one ear, and how abnormal that is for hearing impaired people.