Explain why
You have never watched Blade Runner
Is actually not that good of a movie. The themes are interesting, and so is the world. But Harrison Ford can´t act for shit in this movie, and the script is quite low tier overall, only saving grace is the fantastic atmosphere and the last scene. Like tears in rain really.
>Caring about plot
Its not out yet
read a book, watch a movie, fucking plotlets
>Watching movies
Everything is important, and Bladerunner had a great plot for it´s time.
I have, many times. I can never watch it with anyone else though, I stopped recommending it to people who like movies as well.
>watching a movie from 1982
lmao yeah I'll watch some black and white movies next. Fuck off grandpa.
I just didn't like the movie, I gave it a 6/10 purely out of consideration for all the fans who liked it
Because at this point, it's not going to be as good as people have hyped it up to be. It's made out to be a legendary cinematic masterpiece, unparalleled by anything else. If I watched it right now for the first time, I would inevitably be disappointed. Its reputation has ruined it.
In other words, the fans, like Sup Forums, ruined it.
>watching movies at all
>not exclusively immersing yourself with VR vidya
are there any more baby boomers on this board?
>Harrison Ford can´t act for shit in this movie
He did a good job trying to rape that chick
it's not rape if it's consensual and they're both replicants with implanted memories
I watched Blade Runner years ago, it's a good movie but I didn't love it like everyone else.
I mean okay we can all agree that's a good movie and all, but not at the point to see the movie being a fucking masterpiece/classic of the cinema...
I own it and have watched it 3 or 4 times, but I can't tell you a thing about it, utterly unmemorable
>believing his lies
Didn't George Lucas teach you fucking morons anything? NEVER listen to ham fisted retcon attempts by old men who got too much credit for accidental hits from 25 years ago.
It was totally a masterpiece of cinema but not in writing. Hauer, Young, and Sanderson (Larry). Fantastic performances out of fucking nowhere but it was really the setting design that made it amazing. Art deco dystopia.
I'm not sure, but I feel like the whole robots becoming human theme wasn't as overplayed back then.
>I've never read a book, the post
literally Current Year
unironically this basically
i just never got around to it.
I think that shows what type of replicant Ford plays.
I have and didn't really like it.
cause I don't watch completely terrible movies with no redeeming qualities.
not quite my tempo
What a coincidence, I just got done watching it. Still not sure about the ending. If Gaff was hinting that he knew about the unicorn dream that Deck had, surely he's a replicate too? Or am I looking too much into it?
He clearly asked the people who DIDN'T see the movie to explain why. No one want to hear your fat useless ass pontificate. No one asked for it, least of all OP. You're not special.
>people still believe Ridley Scott's shitty and pointless fan theory, even after Philip Dick, Harrison Ford, and even the new sequel blew it the fuck out
>NEVER listen to ham fisted retcon attempts by old men who got too much credit for accidental hits from 25 years ago.
Are you denying that The Final Cut is the definitive version of the film?
Nope you figured it out
The unicorn dream was added in after the fact. It wasn't in the original. The origami was originally just supposed to let Deckard know that Gaff had been there and he's letting them go.
>Judging by the "They were trying to hunt us down!" line from the 2049 trailer, Deckard is going to be a replicant in the new movie.
this work of art of a reply deserves recognition
when did we start considering 'acting like a retard' art?
Jay from Red Letter Media said it wasn't very good no seriously, this post is 100% true