>five dollahs goy!
Five dollahs goy!
Samael "Auschwitz" Hydenberg shows his true colouers
hey OP nice pic :^). you should tune into my topical MDE podcast 2nite
pit >>> MDE
i'm so glad i got banned
It's hard to imagine even twenty people doing it
why are you refusing to shave sam come on
>Sup Forumstards will defend this shit
>inb4 le 2017 man
Holy shit fuck off you literal reddit-browsing Sup Forumscucks this has nothing to do with Sup Forums
>makes tens of thousands from national TV program
>makes tens of thousands selling his book
>allegedly makes tens of thousands betting on Trump's win
>$1700 a month in free patreon money (not including Hatreon money)
Yes goys-uh i mean guys, i need mo money for dem youtube vlogs
never forget
Thread isn't about the show and the show has been off the air and canceled for years, fuck off Reddit
2017.... i am.. forgotten.....
It's barely been a year.
>implying hydewars isn't an internet-based show
i bet you don't think we should talk about anything on netflix either
>if you're a true fan you will pay me $5 a month, otherwise you are a leech and probably the reason I don't have a show and health insurance.
Is sam Hyde losing touch
why is he in a neck brace now?
his shit got fucked up
he's falling apart. embarassing post.
Your reddit e-celeb's youtube videos have nothing to do with this board. This faggot literally has nothing to do with television or film and luckily he was blacklisted for being a racist faggot so he won't ever have a reason to be posted here again.
He acts like something is legitimately wrong with him, approaching the point that he's hardly recognizable as Sam Hyde. Is he OK? I know he goes deep in character, but even still.
>"pay up"
how much patreonbux do you think he will lose over this fiasco?
Lmao I'm going to post him just for you buddy.
you got pubes on your face
got his ass beat
lol stay mad faggot
True colouers? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.
Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?
And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as an outlet to deal with his gay demons?
If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.
Haha it's ok to shill because he's doing it ironically, you see?
got beat up by a black guy
>when you're fixated on the jews so long that you become a miserly jew
makes you ponder
Instead of bouncing back with great content he let that cuck tim destroy him. Sad.
I liked WP. I never found it funny but it was something diffrent. And the music segmants were great. Shame that this setback comepletely destroyed them. Sam should have brushed that shit off, started an inde go go and made a lower budget WP online. Instead he went full JUST
It's very Kaufmanesque
Imagine being so threatened by Sam that you feel the need to create this b.s. and spam it in every thread.
Interesting that this is the kind of people who are first to call others cucks...
Sam shitting up Sup Forums with his spam is almost as bad as all the Sneed posts. White knighting for him is even more pathetic, the guy's not your friend, he just wants your money and for you to fuck off.
boohoo I make $1700 a month to do nothing
Can't watch this thirty minute video, what's going on? I thought people said he was rich with bitcoins or something
He's desperate
It's far more entertaining than sneed, sweetie.
this is in the description
The (((important people))) are the ones who watch me for hours on end even though they claim not to like me or think I'm funny, have very strong and refined opinions (that my baby brain can't handle) (that would honestly make them millions if they'd only implement them in the fast-paced world of online comedy), and refuse to shell out $5 a month just on principle (because toys and games are free). Most people would consider cocksucking acid cancer leeches like this to be pure human shit and not even worth kicking in the head if you were dying and raped in an alleyway, but I actually think YOU GUYS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT FANS!!!!!!
I thought it was just satire at first. Does he really think people are watching him for hours a week? He doesn't produce enough content for that to even be possible.
>starts getting passive aggressive and getting butthurt about people watching his videos but not paying him money
holy shit what an entitled faggot
remember when he made fun of all the people trying to make a living off of youtube? or maybe that was charls
I have no idea about his financial situation, but I can understand his point of wanting payment for product, even if it isn't for the actual dollar amount, but more based on the whole principle of "I make content, so if you really like it, you should sacrifice something (money) in order to consume it." If he were one of the huge YouTubers who made decent money by way of video views/subscribers/whatevers, this feeling would probably be diminished since, as far as I know, simply having video views means decent money so watching is contributing, in a sense. Most content creators legitimately don't care at all about faceless fans who contribute nothing, at least Sam is being upfront about it... Well, upfront in the ironic, bitter, 'saying the opposite of what I mean' way.
fresh OC
heeeeey thats pretty gud
I like how the nose actually fits sam
thx lad
unlike sam hyde i share my OC freely
based sam inspiring the masses
Holy fuck is he mad.
damn, sam looked like THAT?
how much soy has this lad had?
>you guys watch my content for hours a week
Yeah your old content from 8 fucking years ago and your standup which you haven't worked on in 3 years. Nothing you've done now is worth a damn thing. And why are you acting like working shitty job is pitiful/pathetic? I thought you were above that? Is it because you should have been advancing yourself for the last 10 years but now you're 32 and are back where you started? You couldn't keep your head out of the shallow, topical political bait and said some stupid shit to the wrong person? Don't blame the fans. This video was disrespectful. I guess it was my fault for looking up to you in a way. Goodbye