Any movies about the hidden unfairness of 21rst century human society?

Any movies about the hidden unfairness of 21rst century human society?

It's been like that since forever. I know for a fact without this online shit I'd still be a virgin that's just facts I remember life before all of this shit.

literally just be yourself and the women will come to you


Any movies about me laughing at you raging faggots?

Grow up. My friend was an ugly 48 year old 5'2 Indian guy and he was having trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He improved himself and now he's a tall handsome 20 year old white guy and he can get any girl he wants.

>inb4 just be confident
personality traits are as much out of your control as your height and facial aesthetics



Guys just pick yourselves up by the fucking bootstraps, and if you're going bald? just shave it off. Alpha move, chicks love bald men.

Does a 12 year old draw these comics?

protip: save up some money and go to the Philippines or any other third world shithole where you can speak the language

third world girls will make you forget western women even exist


It's ok, I understand how scary it is to think things are out of your control when you have a good life

>want to live in a capitalist society
>can't keep up with a capitalist sexual market
back to the gulag


capitalist in the streets, communist in the sheets is the best system nigga


im not denying any of these comics arent 100% true but what the fuck is the point of posting this shit on Sup Forums

You don't know me. You'll blame everything on outside things your whole life and die angry. Now dance for me you monkey.

Laughing my ass off imagining the bitter virgin who drew these

These comics are fucking retarded user. It's ok to admit it

Because if they posted on /r9k/, it'd be the same conversation they've had 100 times a day everyday. So they post it here and hope to be patted on the back.

he has a wife

spreading awareness

>being straight
Why would anyone do that?


no they have a sprinkle of truth to them although i cant imagine the kind of artist who would choose to focus so heavily on this subject.

i think the most telling img itt is the tinder statistics

If you're so superior to women, why are you crying anonymously online about them


I posted this on /r9k/ a while ago but no one cared there.

I believed all this shit but then I just got the courage to ask a girl out on the street that I felt was attractive, it actually worked I got her number that one conversation and I've had a bunch of dates with her. I lost my virginity to her (at the tender age of 29) and she didn't even know I was a virgin and even complimented when I ate her out (I just read about it before I did it).

So yeah it turned out alright

I'm gay

I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse

I got a blowjob from a 6/10 tinder slut, and I'm a 5/10, not all hope is lost brothers

honestly i feel really bad for guys who are under 5'6. worse than being ugly most of the time

Is the author of these black? I though the was an angry hapa.

he's the leader of r/asianmasculinity and coordinates the blacked spam on Sup Forums

he despises white men and thinks all white men hate asians

Wait, is this Sup Forums or /r9k/?

We are invisible. If you say you are a socially unsuccessful male you will hear even the biggest Marxist turn in to an Objectivist who believes in a just world. Posted the below in other boards

>walking to my flat after an aimless day of walking around Central London with nothing to do
>only went outside to stop feeling pathetic and alone and hoping that I'll spontaneously feel like my youth was not wasted
>look inside the large window of a pub near where I live that is usually filled with young people in their 20s
>a man and woman in their early to mid 20s were sitting closely at a high table, looking and talking at each other, with the pub kind of dark
>a Hollywood director couldn't have set the scene more expertly to give me a mental slap in the face that reminds me that I'm ugly and have never had attention from women

Feels fucking awful. How the fuck can I not feel so fucking pathetic and like such a bitter outcast when I'm in my mid 20s and never done anything with women except for prostitutes? Never flirted, never had a sign of attraction from one. And this was all thorugh university and multiple jobs as well.

I guess I can safely say I don't really give a crap about the dying AIDs orphans or the terrorist victims or the live leak freak deaths but I think that's par for the course here.

it's just misdirected anger, it has no allegiance

i have been with literally dozens of women from bumble and the defining factor that got me to sleep with them was confidence and the ability to hold a conversation, literally thats it bros

I too have noticed that I have become uncaring and even callous to the suffering of others because I'm so focused on my own

Pretty much this, as long as you're not constantly punching above your weight.

>op saw this in Fedora thread, and decided to make a seperate thread
>both threads are not deleted, and the OPs still not banned

I hate this fucking place. You fucking retards deserve all the bullying from the "chads" and "stacies".


I'm the same guy who posted the same pic in this thread>go suck a cock i'm speaking truth here

This. A lot of guys think they're amazing conversationalists when they're not, though. It's easy to come off as deluded or irritating. Or even just saying shit that the woman can't respond to is very easy.

seriously?! not one movie? I seriously doubt not one director has directed a film on this subject matter

i was broke up with my thai fiancee because of r/hapas


pretty simple. she was 4'11 and i didnt want to risk creating an r/hapa poster

>I'm OP
>I hate women
>Women are inferior to men in every single possible way
>Women are more likely to cheat, cause violence, do everything negative while nothing postive
>I am going to post everything I got off r9k when someone disagrees with me
>Also beta, cuck, never had a girlfriend, ect ect ect

there, thread done